View Full Version : Snow in Vegas

12-17-2008, 03:01 PM
Here are a few pics looking here in front of my house in Henderson. It's been snowing pretty steady since about noon. Crazy. It just started sticking to the ground and plants. Maybe I'll have to call in sick tomorrow and hit the slopes.


12-17-2008, 03:48 PM
It's been snowing pretty steady since about noon. Crazy.
Same here in SoCal. The desert communities of Lancaster and Palmdale, just northeast of LA, are getting dumped on, with a predicted dumpage of 8"-16". Both of the northern passes headed into LA (Cajon and Tejon) are also closed because the plows can't keep up with the snow. And the local mountains have received over 3' of the white stuff since Monday.

Yes, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas - and local cheap skiing! :nod:

Global warming???? :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:

12-17-2008, 03:58 PM
How is this possible, I thought we had global warming?

12-17-2008, 04:24 PM
How is this possible, I thought we had global warming?

This is one of the symptoms of global warming. As the polar cap melts, it dumps fresh water into the ocean (in huge quantities), thereby causing the Ocean current to change; net result is flooding and bizarre weather patterns.

12-17-2008, 05:50 PM
supposed to be 3-6" by morning. i like it when it is a treat that comes and goes.

the spring mountains have looked awesome the last couple days w/ akll the snow on em, even tho they were more brown today. i'm gonna have to go drive the northshore road tomorrow and see what lake mead looks like.

12-17-2008, 05:59 PM
How is this possible, I thought we had global warming?

This is one of the symptoms of global warming. As the polar cap melts, it dumps fresh water into the ocean (in huge quantities), thereby causing the Ocean current to change; net result is flooding and bizarre weather patterns.
Ummm, but according to most of the "experts" and their global warming climate models, the Southwest (e.g. Vegas, LA) will get drier:

http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2007/04/06/global_warming_could_hit_southwest_hard/ (http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2007/04/06/global_warming_could_hit_southwest_hard/)

http://articles.latimes.com/2007/apr/06/science/sci-swdrought6 (http://articles.latimes.com/2007/apr/06/science/sci-swdrought6)

Global warming? :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :topes:

12-17-2008, 06:07 PM
Ummm, but according to most of the "experts" and their global warming climate models, the Southwest (e.g. Vegas, LA) will get drier:

It's all good. Utah will soon have Ocean front property, albeit at elevation. I'm sure I'll be laughing last! :naughty:

12-17-2008, 09:45 PM
How is this possible, I thought we had global warming?

This is one of the symptoms of global warming. As the polar cap melts, it dumps fresh water into the ocean (in huge quantities), thereby causing the Ocean current to change; net result is flooding and bizarre weather patterns.

Bzzt. Try again.


12-17-2008, 11:23 PM
How is this possible, I thought we had global warming?
Global Warming is so last year...it's global cooling now :haha: Who knows what it will be next year :roflol:

12-17-2008, 11:47 PM
How is this possible, I thought we had global warming?

This is one of the symptoms of global warming. As the polar cap melts, it dumps fresh water into the ocean (in huge quantities), thereby causing the Ocean current to change; net result is flooding and bizarre weather patterns.

Bzzt. Try again.


This is your source:

"The Competitive Enterprise Institute is a non-profit public policy organization dedicated to advancing the principles of free enterprise and limited government. We believe that individuals are best helped not by government intervention, but by making their own choices in a free marketplace. Since its founding in 1984, CEI has grown into a $5,000,000 institution with a team of over 30 policy experts and other staff. " http://cei.org/ (competitive enterprise institute).

12-18-2008, 07:44 PM
How is this possible, I thought we had global warming?

This is one of the symptoms of global warming. As the polar cap melts, it dumps fresh water into the ocean (in huge quantities), thereby causing the Ocean current to change; net result is flooding and bizarre weather patterns.

Bzzt. Try again.


This is your source:

"The Competitive Enterprise Institute is a non-profit public policy organization dedicated to advancing the principles of free enterprise and limited government. We believe that individuals are best helped not by government intervention, but by making their own choices in a free marketplace. Since its founding in 1984, CEI has grown into a $5,000,000 institution with a team of over 30 policy experts and other staff. " http://cei.org/ (competitive enterprise institute).

And your source is the UN Council on global warming. They refuse to share their computer models with real scientists because real scientists might disagree with them. Their computer models are so flawed that when actual recorded CO2 levels are put in they can't produce the observed temperatures at the time. Then, when they realize that their "facts" are being disproven wholesale, they change the name of the problem to keep their funding coming.

So what if my source is a $5M private research company? $5M is chump change compared to the over $1billion (yes, with a "b") that the US government spends on global warming research each year. If somebody waved $1billion in my face, and told me that if I found evidence of little green men there would be another $billion next year, I could come up with some pretty good evidence to prove they exist, "evidence" just short of an actual little green man. I wouldn't have to produce an actual little green man, in fact I wouldn't want to because then the study funding might dry up. If there is global warming is little more than the hot air coming from a bunch of well educated idiots who are willing to sell out scientific principles in an attempt to justify their jobs. Them and Al (I spend $4k/month to heat my house) Gore.

If anyone would like to read about some real, peer-reviewed science, open the attachment.