View Full Version : Teacher Throws Fit Over Student's Linux CD

12-11-2008, 07:03 AM

WikipediaIn an age where Windows and OS X reign supreme, it's no wonder that a local AISD middle school teacher became enraged after discovering one of her students distributing what she believed to be bootlegged copies of an operating system in class.
While teacher "Karen" was clearly operating under the assumption that she'd scored a minor victory for the Microsofts and other downtrodden software giants of the world, the particular operating system that she ended up disciplining her student for was a freely distributable version of Linux.

To wit, the following is part of an email that the teacher sent to the person who originally provided said Linux to the student (bolding added by us for emphasis):


...observed one of my students with a group of other children gathered around his laptop. Upon looking at his computer, I saw he was giving a demonstration of some sort. The student was showing the ability of the laptop and handing out Linux disks. After confiscating the disks I called a confrence [sic] with the student and that is how I came to discover you and your organization.
Mr. Starks, I am sure you strongly believe in what you are doing but I cannot either support your efforts or allow them to happen in my classroom. At this point, I am not sure what you are doing is legal. No software is free and spreading that misconception is harmful.

These children look up to adults for guidance and discipline. I will research this as time allows and I want to assure you, if you are doing anything illegal, I will pursue charges as the law allows. Mr. Starks, I along with many others tried Linux during college and I assure you, the claims you make are grossly over-stated and hinge on falsehoods. I admire your attempts in getting computers in the hands of disadvantaged people but putting linux on these machines is holding our kids back.

This is a world where Windows runs on virtually every computer, and putting on a carnival show for an operating system is not helping these children at all.


What makes the story especially poignant, besides the teacher's disparagingly defeatist attitude, is that the copy of Linux was originally provided to this student courtesy of the Austin-based HeliOS Project, which builds and provides Linux computers to disadvantaged or "exceptionally promising" students. It seems that this kid was merely showing his friends, in an albeit super-nerdy fashion, that there existed an alternative to bloated and overpriced operating systems.

Starks responded on the HeliOS blog, saying:

And please...investigate to your heart's content. You are about to have your eyes opened, that is if you actually investigate anything at all. Linux is a free as-in-cost and free as-in-license operating system. It was designed specifically for those purposes. Linux is used to free people from Microsoft. The fact that you seem to believe that Microsoft is the end all and be-all is actually funny in a sad sort of way. Then again, being a good NEA member, you would spout the Union line. Microsoft has pumped tens of millions of dollars into your union. Of course you are going to "recommend" Microsoft Windows". To do otherwise would probably get you reprimanded at the least and fired at the worst. You are only doing what you've been instructed to do.
You've been trained well.


12-11-2008, 07:05 AM
What a dumb teach! :haha: And with an attitude, I might add.

12-11-2008, 07:11 AM

12-11-2008, 07:21 AM
She obviously needs a life and some relief. :haha:

12-11-2008, 07:22 AM
That is awesome!


12-11-2008, 07:36 AM
Nerdy, but funny as hell. :roflol:

hank moon
12-11-2008, 07:50 AM
Thank God for teachers like 'Karen' !

12-11-2008, 09:43 PM

TUX ftw!!! if linux could run half the crap i use then i would easily switch over. but when i get a server up and running i wouldn't use anything other then linux.

12-11-2008, 09:58 PM
I know nothing about operating systems, but I sure like the penguins! :haha:

05-17-2019, 07:20 AM
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05-17-2019, 08:19 AM
In fact, this is a very strange behavior for the teacher in the sense that the teacher’s actions were clearly aggressive. I understand the dissatisfaction when students search (sneaky spammy link) essay writing review[/FONT] right in front of the teacher's nose. Not to mention the question of the legality of action. In short, a funny strange story.
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05-17-2019, 12:14 PM
In fact, this is a very strange behavior for the teacher in the sense that the teacher’s actions were clearly aggressive. I understand the dissatisfaction when students search (sneaky spammy link) essay writing review[/FONT] right in front of the teacher's nose. Not to mention the question of the legality of action. In short, a funny strange story.