View Full Version : Bicycle Route Priority Town Hall Meeting - Sponsored by UDOT

10-01-2008, 01:46 PM
The meeting for Ogden is tonight at the Weber County offices. Salt Lake's meeting is a week from Monday. Sorry Happy Valley, your meeting was two weeks ago.

If you go to the SLC meeting bring up the following points:

-Hard shoulders for roads on the west side. Heck, shoulders period would be nice. SR 111 would be a great cyclist route if it had shoulders.
-The cleaning of shoulders so cyclists aren't out by the white line.
-Bicycle routes need to be built to the standards of state highways. Bicycle "paths" are unacceptable for cycling as they generally wind and curve too much.
-There needs to be a way to get from Bountiful to SLC that doesn't involve Victory Road or Redwood Road. Both of those roads move way too fast and have too many big trucks. Perhaps a bike road (not a path) that is separated from traffic by barricades and that's kept clear in the winter

Bicycle Priority Routes Project Meetings will be held in many cities throughout the state. You all may have an opinion on routes in your area

10-02-2008, 06:37 AM
I went to the Weber County meeting last night. I didn't quite know what to expect, and it turned out better than I could've imagined. I would guess that 50 to 75 people rolled through over the course of the night. The format was very informal, but very open to comment. UDOT put four big maps on tables and let people write comments on them. There were a lot of good comments, mostly about cleaning the shoulder and putting up signage.

Ogden Mayor Matt Godfrey was there, along with Charlie Trenelman from the Standard Exagerator. I got involved in an informal discussion with the mayor regarding cycling routes and motorist education for 20 to 30 minutes. From what I gathered he's a road cyclist and puts in quite a few miles.

If you missed the meeting and would still like to comment go to. http://www.udot.utah.gov/main/f?p=100:pg:1079652193202035:::1:T,V:2124,