View Full Version : Oh those crazy PETA people

Last Child
09-24-2008, 06:45 AM
I just heard about this on the Bob & Tom show. Apparently PETA wants Ben and Jerry's to use human breast milk instead of cows milk to make their ice cream. This is so outlandish. I wonder what kind of dairy would be used for this. I can just envision driving by my local dairy at 5:00 am and seeing hundreds of ladies waiting in line instead of the usual cows.

Some of the suggested new flavors are:

Halle Berry, Carmel Electra, Nippleback, Hooters and the Blowfish, Lolly Parton, Nipple Ripple.

They would also come in new sizes such as A-cup, B-cup, etc. :haha:

Here is the story:

VERMONT -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sent a letter to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, cofounders of Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc., urging them to replace cow's milk they use in their ice cream products with human breast milk, according to a statement recently released by a PETA spokeswoman.

"PETA's request comes in the wake of news reports that a Swiss restaurant owner will begin purchasing breast milk from nursing mothers and substituting breast milk for 75 percent of the cow's milk in the food he serves," the statement says.

PETA officials say a move to human breast milk would lessen the suffering of dairy cows and their babies on factory farms and benefit human health.

"The fact that human adults consume huge quantities of dairy products made from milk that was meant for a baby cow just doesn't make sense," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "Everyone knows that 'the breast is best,' so Ben & Jerry's could do consumers and cows a big favor by making the switch to breast milk."

In a statement Ben and Jerry's said, "We applaud PETA's novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother's milk is best used for her child."

09-24-2008, 06:52 AM
I support protecting animals from all kinds of harm but that's too f-ing radical. Maybe if PETA folks went to a farm they would realize that milking of a cow is painless. What's more, the cow is thankful for being a milking cow because it saves her from the butcher, for a while at least. Also, unmilked cow with an excess of milk is in a lot of pain.

09-24-2008, 07:07 AM
I worked at a dairy in Idaho when I was a teenager. Not only is the milking process harmless but the cows would actually nearly beat the door down trying to get into the milking stalls. I think it had something to do with the grain that awaited them in the stall while being milked. It was like their treat for the day. The only time I saw pain was when I got tired of being whipped in the face by the tail of this one cow- and it was always the same cow day after day. So, one day I tied the cows tail to the railing but then forgot about it when I opened the stall chute. As the cow exited in a hurry the tail promptly broke off about half-way up! Poor thing, as it tried to swat the flies off it's back it just sprayed blood all over itself from the wound. I really did feel bad!

09-24-2008, 07:10 AM
That's an awful story, TallSteve :roll:

09-24-2008, 07:17 AM
Groups like PETA often get so wrapped up in being radical that they miss their own point. They say that cow's milk is for baby cows, and advocate using human breast milk instead. Guess what, PETA? Human milk is for babies, too. The truth is (IMHO) that milk isn't very good for adults no matter where you get it.

Last Child
09-24-2008, 07:37 AM
I just figured that it's been awhile since we heard anything about them so they needed to get their name in the news somehow. Kind of like media whores will do.

I don't know. Maybe I'm the only one. But I just found this so totally hilarious. But then again I can be very sophomoric. Maybe it was because of the context that I heard about it in and all the jokes being made with it.

Anyway, this is so far out there. So far.... :haha:

09-24-2008, 07:45 AM
didn't ben and jerry sell the company?

i think they're still involved somehow, but i wonder heavy their input weighs.

09-24-2008, 08:14 AM
I worked at a dairy in Idaho when I was a teenager. Not only is the milking process harmless but the cows would actually nearly beat the door down trying to get into the milking stalls. I think it had something to do with the grain that awaited them in the stall while being milked. It was like their treat for the day. The only time I saw pain was when I got tired of being whipped in the face by the tail of this one cow- and it was always the same cow day after day. So, one day I tied the cows tail to the railing but then forgot about it when I opened the stall chute. As the cow exited in a hurry the tail promptly broke off about half-way up! Poor thing, as it tried to swat the flies off it's back it just sprayed blood all over itself from the wound. I really did feel bad!

That's an awful story, TallSteve :roll:

That's a hilarious story, TallSteve :roflol:

09-24-2008, 08:29 AM
didn't ben and jerry sell the company?

i think they're still involved somehow, but i wonder heavy their input weighs.

I've heard this too about Ben and Jerry. Kind of like Horizon dairy. They sold the name and are now nowhere near as involved. Because of this sale, it's compromised the integrity of their product.

09-24-2008, 08:34 AM
Last Child- I don't know if those were your comments or if it was all the article, but I laughed really hard. I enjoyed this.

09-24-2008, 08:36 AM
Groups like PETA often get so wrapped up in being radical that they miss their own point. They say that cow's milk is for baby cows, and advocate using human breast milk instead. Guess what, PETA? Human milk is for babies, too. The truth is (IMHO) that milk isn't very good for adults no matter where you get it.

The only cow milk that is good for us, including adults is Raw. But unfortunately.....thanks to Louis Pasteur, we now have milk that contains nothing but additives. Every bit of good enzyme, probitotic, vitamin is removed in the pasteurization process. Then the key components are added back in. So it's pointless to drink it. Rice milk and Soy (in small doses) are better for us. I've ordered some fabulous raw milk products from http://organicpastures.com/
Check them out! It's still legal in Calif to sell raw dairy and this dairy is by far one of the most reputable. :2thumbs:

And yes breast milk is for babies. This topic is pretty far out and PETA is completely out of line on this one. And I do actually support some of their causes. :2thumbs:

09-24-2008, 08:38 AM
I've ordered some fabulous raw milk products from http://organicpastures.com/

They do shipping? Is it overnight? Won't the milk go bad after a few days in transit?

09-24-2008, 08:49 AM
I've ordered some fabulous raw milk products from http://organicpastures.com/

They do shipping? Is it overnight? Won't the milk go bad after a few days in transit?

2. Can I get OPDC products fresh and not frozen?
OPDC will ship fresh and unfrozen raw dairy products to anyone upon request. Remember that if the delivery is delayed and the product is left un-refrigerated, it will be protected for an extended period of perhaps an additional 24 hours if it is frozen. If fresh, the product may become warm if refrigeration is delayed upon delivery. Warm raw dairy products lose none of their nutritional value, but they begin the process of natural souring, which starts to change flavors (rapid increase beneficial bacteria). This is not a concern for food safety, but it does make the product into a naturally cultured dairy product much like Kefir. OPDC recommends that warmed raw milk be cultured and stored at 90 degrees for 24 hours. The resulting product is a delicious Clabbered Raw Milk. 90 percent of the people on planet earth drink their milk as a clabbered milk, not fresh. Cultures can be purchased at the health food store.

09-24-2008, 09:02 AM
Thanks Alison. I've often had clabbered milk as a child so fresh raw milk turning sour is not a loss at all. It's very good with any kind of potato recipe, plus good for hangovers. Of course it has to be chilled.

09-24-2008, 09:39 AM
PETA is a bit overboard on t heir views.

Here's the scoop :haha: on Ben & Jerry's:

Ben Cohen resigned as chief executive officer (CEO) in June of 1994, but remains chair of the board and invents new ice cream flavors. To replace him, Ben & Jerry's launched a well-publicized campaign called "Yo! I Want to be CEO!" The interested were invited to send a postcard telling why they would make an ideal executive leader of Ben & Jerry's Homemade. They eventually settled on a rather traditional corporate chief discovered through an executive-search firm.

Jerry Greenfield remains vice-chair of the board and director of mobile promotions. He and Cohen own 42 percent of the Ben & Jerry voting stock and devote much of their time to an organization called Businesses for Social Responsibility, of which Cohen is a founding member. "It's ironic that when we started, [naysayers] said all our social concerns would be our undoing," Greenfield told in USA Today's Neuborne. "Now everyone agrees it works, and we made the business work. Now they say it's just a way to hype ice cream. It's a journey."

Last Child
09-24-2008, 09:42 AM
Last Child- I don't know if those were your comments or if it was all the article, but I laughed really hard. I enjoyed this.

No those were ripped off from Bob and Tom and some of their listeners.
I'm still giggling.

Last Child
09-24-2008, 10:09 AM
Groups like PETA often get so wrapped up in being radical that they miss their own point. They say that cow's milk is for baby cows, and advocate using human breast milk instead. Guess what, PETA? Human milk is for babies, too. The truth is (IMHO) that milk isn't very good for adults no matter where you get it.

The only cow milk that is good for us, including adults is Raw. But unfortunately.....thanks to Louis Pasteur, we now have milk that contains nothing but additives. Every bit of good enzyme, probitotic, vitamin is removed in the pasteurization process. Then the key components are added back in. So it's pointless to drink it. Rice milk and Soy (in small doses) are better for us. I've ordered some fabulous raw milk products from http://organicpastures.com/
Check them out! It's still legal in Calif to sell raw dairy and this dairy is by far one of the most reputable. :2thumbs:

And yes breast milk is for babies. This topic is pretty far out and PETA is completely out of line on this one. And I do actually support some of their causes. :2thumbs:

I might add that cows are by far the stupidest animals on the planet and were put here for two purpose only. Food and food like substances and my Tony Lama boots or other leather products. That is why they are so tasty. :nod:

Raw milk is definitely the way to go for sure. Unfortunately for me milk and beef do not set well with me. Makes me oh so sleepy. Milk messes with my sinuses and I'm lactose intolerant and beef gives me a gut ache. So I no longer partake. Well very often that is. I give in on occasion. I so love a thick barbecued well done hamburger. MMMMM. Snowbasin makes a killer burger so usually once a year I'll break down and get one while skiing there. I love the hell out of it and then regret it for a couple of days.

Question? What is it about soy that you feel should be in small doses? Since I can't drink milk I drink the hell out of soy. I wonder, could this be the reason for "The Voices"? :haha:

09-24-2008, 10:15 AM
A little off topic but I just gotta know. Do soy bacon and soy franks really taste like the real stuff?

09-24-2008, 10:26 AM
Question? What is it about soy that you feel should be in small doses? Since I can't drink milk I drink the hell out of soy. I wonder, could this be the reason for "The Voices"? :haha:

Depends on where the "voices" come from. :ne_nau:

Last Child
09-24-2008, 11:06 AM
Depends on where the "voices" come from. :ne_nau:

I'm being told not to tell you. In fact, sounds like I might be in trouble for even mentioning them. Got to go! :nono:

09-24-2008, 11:29 AM
Question? What is it about soy that you feel should be in small doses? Since I can't drink milk I drink the hell out of soy. I wonder, could this be the reason for "The Voices"? :haha:

First of all pasteurized milk is the reason for lactose intolerance. :2thumbs: :2thumbs: Raw milk contains all those fabulous enzymes that your gut needs.

Because of the explosion with Soy products, we are over consuming them thinking it's a 'healthier' choice. When in fact, soy has been shown to alter hormone levels in women which for some is a GOOD thing and others a not so good thing. Also over consumption of soy has been linked to Thyroid malfunction, hypo/hyper. This is more of an issue for women as soy can mimic estrogen in our bodies, which once again- is good for some of us but not so good for those with breast cancer risks. :nod: A good naturopathic doctor will tell ya this. :mrgreen: Hope that helps.

Last Child
09-24-2008, 12:04 PM
Question? What is it about soy that you feel should be in small doses? Since I can't drink milk I drink the hell out of soy. I wonder, could this be the reason for "The Voices"? :haha:

First of all pasteurized milk is the reason for lactose intolerance. :2thumbs: :2thumbs: Raw milk contains all those fabulous enzymes that your gut needs.

Because of the explosion with Soy products, we are over consuming them thinking it's a 'healthier' choice. When in fact, soy has been shown to alter hormone levels in women which for some is a GOOD thing and others a not so good thing. Also over consumption of soy has been linked to Thyroid malfunction, hypo/hyper. This is more of an issue for women as soy can mimic estrogen in our bodies, which once again- is good for some of us but not so good for those with breast cancer risks. :nod: A good naturopathic doctor will tell ya this. :mrgreen: Hope that helps.

Thank you. Too bad all milk messes with my sinuses and make me oh so sleepy.

So maybe all the soy I drink has more to do with my man boobs than my...shhhh....imaginary friends? Whew, I was beginning to think I was crazy. :lol8:

09-24-2008, 12:06 PM
So maybe all the soy I drink has more to do with my man boobs than my...shhhh....imaginary friends? Whew, I was beginning to think I was crazy. :lol8:

:roflol: :roflol: I wish I had an explanation for the voices in my head. Oh wait! I do! It's called being an experimental teen. :lol8: :lol8: :haha:

09-24-2008, 12:18 PM
First of all pasteurized milk is the reason for lactose intolerance. :2thumbs: :2thumbs: Raw milk contains all those fabulous enzymes that your gut needs.

Because of the explosion with Soy products, we are over consuming them thinking it's a 'healthier' choice. When in fact, soy has been shown to alter hormone levels in women which for some is a GOOD thing and others a not so good thing. Also over consumption of soy has been linked to Thyroid malfunction, hypo/hyper. This is more of an issue for women as soy can mimic estrogen in our bodies, which once again- is good for some of us but not so good for those with breast cancer risks. :nod: A good naturopathic doctor will tell ya this. :mrgreen: Hope that helps.

Excellent explanation! :2thumbs:

No soy for me! :mrgreen:

09-24-2008, 12:22 PM
I love milk, I do like soy. Damn. Milk wins :haha:

09-24-2008, 01:20 PM
1. Soy bacon, sausage, etc. is pretty lame.

2. The basis of a healthy diet for an adult human shouldn't be based on diary OR soy, but on a huge variety of foods with emphasis on green vegetables and whole grains.

3. Look around you. Do these people look like they are eating healthy diets?

Last Child
09-24-2008, 01:49 PM
1. Soy bacon, sausage, etc. is pretty lame.

2. The basis of a healthy diet for an adult human shouldn't be based on diary OR soy, but on a huge variety of foods with emphasis on green vegetables and whole grains.

3. Look around you. Do these people look like they are eating healthy diets?

So true.

My wife read a book in which the guy stated "if it's not something that your grandma would recognize as food then don't eat it".