View Full Version : Florida Executes Man Who Raped, Killed Two Young Sisters

09-24-2008, 03:01 AM
Florida Executes Man Who Raped, Killed Two Young Sisters


09-24-2008, 06:57 AM
Another angel gets it's wings when a bastard like that dies. Although the method is way too humane.

09-24-2008, 08:59 AM
"He appeared to be shaking and having a hard time breathing after the lethal injection was administered, and stopped moving a minute later."

That's because one of the injections is a paralyzer. They say they still feel the nervous system burning and shutting down and you can't even force yourself to breathe. Still too humane for me.
I'm of the 'eye for an eye' opinion in these cases. So gag and tie the guy, find the biggest man in the prison system willing to rape and shoot him. You'd have lifers lined up for that job.

"There are 387 men and one woman on Florida's death row, and Crist has said he wants to begin executing those who committed the most heinous crimes after they complete their appeals."

You want to see the crime level drop, start executing 1 a day. You could do it for a year and not get through them all. Hell, put it on PPV.

09-24-2008, 09:41 AM
You want to see the crime level drop, start executing 1 a day. You could do it for a year and not get through them all. Hell, put it on PPV.