View Full Version : Another Vehicle vs. Roadie News Story

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08-06-2008, 12:38 PM

Both of these guys are idiots.

Edit: Thought about this a bit more...maybe the guy on the bike was not hanging on to the mirror as being a smart ass as I originally thought. Maybe he was scared $^itless and was trying to keep the truck away as one might do in a panic situation.

I recant my idiocy.

08-06-2008, 03:26 PM
What an :asshat:

08-06-2008, 05:20 PM
Keep your hands to yourself :haha:

08-07-2008, 07:26 AM
I dunno. :ne_nau: I was driving down past all those bikers on Saturday and the road was very crowded for nearly the entire distance from near Bald Mountain pass down to the Beaver Creek. It was obvious to any driver that this was a large organized event. Many areas along that road there is no shoulder and there was a lot of vehicle traffic in both directions. Some bikers were riding two abreast (maybe just to pass?), and many drivers in wide vehicles just wouldn't slow down when conditions became especially dangerous.

If the guy really swerved at the bikers (and is appears he did) he deserves 10 good whacks with a frame pump. I've come close to being mirrored a number of times while minding my own business and trying to stay out of the way as much as possible and it's very disturbing. :eek2: :frustrated:

Many riders believe (and it seems to hold true) that if you try and stay close to the edge of the pavement, drivers will try to squeeze close by you, but if you give yourself plenty of room, they won't come so close. Again, it seems to be a correct observation.

Anyway, hanging on the mirror may well have saved the cyclist's life - nobody would do that unless there were no other option. :nono:

08-07-2008, 08:00 AM
After watching the completely one sided story and interview of the rider on the news last night I feel a little bad for the driver. The rider that was hit sounded like a total hothead and very likely did something to provoke the driver, who had probably been stuck behind a slow pack of riders for some time which would make any driver angry. None of it justifies the drivers action but I still feel bad for him.
Just because there is a 3 foot rule doesn't mean a biker is more deserving of the lane than the car, get over to the side and give faster traffic every opportunity to pass, it's just common sense.

08-07-2008, 08:06 AM
The rider that was hit sounded like a total hothead

I would think most of us would be a bit hot :angryfire: if somebody just tried to run us over and destroyed our $4000 bike. Just sayin'...

08-07-2008, 08:29 AM
if somebody just tried to run us over
I'm sure if he tried, he would have succeeded :mrgreen: Again, little slanted story.

08-07-2008, 08:35 AM
Well, he was arrested for Aggrevated Assault...

08-07-2008, 09:02 AM
Well, he was arrested for Aggrevated Assault...

And deservedly so.

And the rider will get tons of sympathy and get to cry to reporters and everyone will feel sorry for him and completely side with him... when very likely he did some provoking. It is a slanted story. I want to hear an honest statement from the driver, it will never happen so I'm making up my own :haha:

08-07-2008, 09:09 AM
Why do you think he provoked the driver? The report said he swerved at several riders before the "mirror hanging" occurred. Granted, news reports are often not very accurate, but what have I missed? :ne_nau: What provocation?

08-07-2008, 09:17 AM
I am going to side with fortycal on this. But the driver should never have gone as far as to try and run the guy over.

08-07-2008, 09:21 AM
Why do you think he provoked the driver?

Because his bike got ran over and it wasn't an accident.

Why do you think a driver would do such a thing without provocation?

08-07-2008, 09:30 AM
Why do you think a driver would do such a thing without provocation?

Because he was ticked off at having to share the road with over 1000 cyclists and they were slowing him down. I think he simply got mad and overreacted. JMO, just like your provocation theory is just your own opinion.

It would be interesting to read the actual police report. We can probably at least agree on that. :2thumbs:

I will say that I've had people swear, curse, and nearly mirror me simply because I was there riding a bike - totally unprovoked except for the fact that I was taking up a little room on the road shoulder. And they had additional lanes to move into. That was not the case on Hwy. 150 last Saturday, no extra lanes and often no shoulder. I didn't get that from a news report - I was there.

08-07-2008, 09:39 AM
Because he was ticked off at having to share the road with over 1000 cyclists and they were slowing him down.
Ohh, and the cyclist wasn't ticked off? Why is he hanging onto a vehicles mirror in the first place? Keep your toys in the playground :roflol:

I love how you said he was arrested :lol8: It's funny how the cops did the right thing when it proves ones point, yet the same ones will slam them at the drop of a hat :lol8:

08-07-2008, 09:43 AM
When did I ever slam the police at the drop of a hat or otherwise?

Keep your toys in the playground

A comment like that makes it seem you're just angry at having to share the road with cyclists too. Hmmmm.

08-07-2008, 09:49 AM
A comment like that makes it seem you're just angry at having to share the road with cyclists too. Hmmmm.
:roflol: Comments like yours proves your a kid in that playground :haha: And, mass and momentum wins :haha: If you're dumb enough to break the simple rules of the road, you will end up part of that road :haha: I have no problems sharing the road with anyone, I do have a problem with the snobby liberal Yuppies that are found on such toys in the middle of the street. Get a mountain bike and go where you won't have to worry about such vehicles :haha: :haha: :haha:

08-07-2008, 10:05 AM
It would be interesting to read the actual police report. We can probably at least agree on that.

Yes for sure :2thumbs:

Don't get me wrong here, I like bikes. I don't have much use for skinny tires or wearing spandex :haha: but I have a smooth tire commuter bike and ride 12 miles round trip to work every once in a while. I have cars honk, people yell and especially great are the diesel trucks that think it's funny to smoke a rider. But I am irritated at the one sided news story and the fact that they pretty much told every driver that it is the law to surrender the road to bicycles.

08-07-2008, 10:05 AM
snobby liberal Yuppie Now I've been called a lot of things, but that's a first for any of those terms. :haha:

Get a mountain bike No road bike here! :nono:

Its interesting how one can presume much from behind a monitor, yet be so far off.

And yet another thread comes to a sorry demise with name calling. :blahblah: :roll: :popcorn:


08-07-2008, 10:11 AM
No road bike here! :nono:

Its interesting how one can presume much from behind a monitor, yet be so far off.

Yes it is but you did say you were there
I didn't get that from a news report - I was there

So are you the driver :ne_nau: :haha:

08-07-2008, 10:13 AM
But I am irritated at the one sided news story and the fact that they pretty much told every driver that it is the law to surrender the road to bicycles.
Agreed :2thumbs:

Now I've been called a lot of things, but that's a first for any of those terms. :haha:

Its interesting how one can presume much from behind a monitor, yet be so far off.

And yet another thread comes to a sorry demise with name calling.
You're welcome :haha:

:roflol: Ohh, it's interesting how one can presume much from a one-sided news story :haha:

And yet another thread :ne_nau: With 31 posts, you haven't seen anything yet :lol8: :lol8: :lol8:

08-07-2008, 10:19 AM
I ride a bike occasionally, and I once had a tractor-trailer swerve toward me when I was on the shoulder. Caused me to go in the ditch. On the other hand, I've been a driver behind an organized biking event and they mostly ignore cars they are holding up, like their event gives them the right to block the road. They will ride two or three abreast and make no effort to allow passing room. Not all of them, mind you, but many do. If this were he case, I'm sympathetic to the driver. Who says he swerved toward the biker? The biker who grabbed the mirror? Was the biker pissed that the driver tried to get around and interpreted it as a "swerve". True facts may never come out.

08-18-2008, 02:56 PM
A comment like that makes it seem you're just angry at having to share the road with cyclists too. Hmmmm.
:roflol: Comments like yours proves your a kid in that playground :haha: And, mass and momentum wins :haha: If you're dumb enough to break the simple rules of the road, you will end up part of that road :haha: I have no problems sharing the road with anyone, I do have a problem with the snobby liberal Yuppies that are found on such toys in the middle of the street. Get a mountain bike and go where you won't have to worry about such vehicles :haha: :haha: :haha:
It would seem that trail riding would be the obvious solution, but you do have to watch out for confused hippies that are protesting bikers.

It's easy to be a hypocrite when you are behind the wheel or in the saddle. I have found myself pissed off in both seats, and I have noticed a lot of idiots from both perspectives.

08-18-2008, 03:39 PM
It would seem that trail riding would be the obvious solution, but you do have to watch out for confused hippies that are protesting bikers.

and I have noticed a lot of idiots from both perspectives.
:roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:

And that is the exact point :2thumbs:

08-18-2008, 03:40 PM

When was the last time you grabbed a mirror of a moving vehicle?

Race organizers and local cops should be blamed for not communicating traffic conditions and failing to provide lane closures or detours.

If I see you riding a $4000 bicycle down the road I am going to automatically assume you are a Liberal Yuppie, unless you are passing my truck and are obviously fast enough to be sponsored.

They should take this guys truck from him and make him ride a bike to work.

Out of all those people why was this cyclist the only one hanging from a mirror? I have to assume this guy reacted to a comment or gesture from the driver.

I would advise roadies to keep their heads down and keep breathing through their nose... or stop, remove their seatposts and try to look as tough as possible (good luck in those unitards.)

08-19-2008, 09:48 PM
A comment like that makes it seem you're just angry at having to share the road with cyclists too. Hmmmm.
:roflol: Comments like yours proves your a kid in that playground :haha: And, mass and momentum wins :haha: If you're dumb enough to break the simple rules of the road, you will end up part of that road :haha: I have no problems sharing the road with anyone, I do have a problem with the snobby liberal Yuppies that are found on such toys in the middle of the street. Get a mountain bike and go where you won't have to worry about such vehicles :haha: :haha: :haha:

It's this simple, operating a motor vehicle is a priveledge, not a right. That priveledge is contingent upon an agreement to abide by the rules placed thereon. That's why motorists are issued a driver's license. Cyclists are not required to have a driver's license to use the road. If anything cyclists have more right to use the road than motorists because of that one simple fact.

JP, I've sided with you on the ATV issue many times. How do you feel about the Sierra Club and SUWA trying to push you off public lands so they can use a particular resource exclusively? That's right, you don't like it, yet you say "keep your toys in the playground." That's exactly like the Sierra Club telling you to keep your toys (c'mon, ATV's are nothing but toys) out of what they consider their exclusive playground. Cyclists have just as much right/priveledge to the road as motorists.

As for truck boy, I think his punishment should be that he has to commute to work by bicycle for 90 days. That, and he should have to buy the cyclist a new S-Works.


08-19-2008, 10:40 PM
It's this simple, operating a motor vehicle is a priveledge, not a right.

08-20-2008, 05:12 AM
It's this simple, operating a motor vehicle is a priveledge, not a right.

08-20-2008, 08:34 AM
Out of all those people why was this cyclist the only one hanging from a mirror? I have to assume this guy reacted to a comment or gesture from the driver.
You could be assuming wrong :nod: This driver might have been the only one that did something about it :mrgreen:

It's this simple, operating a motor vehicle is a priveledge
That's right, you don't like it, yet you say "keep your toys in the playground." That's exactly like the Sierra Club telling you to keep your toys (c'mon, ATV's are nothing but toys) out of what they consider their exclusive playground. Cyclists have just as much right/priveledge to the road as motorists.
Yes, we do see eye to eye on a few things :five: But, I'm the last one that needs to be told that driving is a privilege, I've been trying to explain that here for sometime. Just because a cyclist, as of now, doesn't need a license to operate doesn't mean he/she has more right to the road. They have to obey the same moving rules of the road as do motorists.

As far as keeping my toy in the playground, I do. Outside of Moab, my toy is never on the road unless it's strapped down to a trailer :haha: My playground is public and private land in which my toy travels :haha: Not much of a street legal toy :haha:

And again, this article was a one sided story with everyone feeling for the kid on his toy :mrgreen: I like how most people think cyclists are always in the right, yet what happens to them when they climb into their vehicles? I would have to say the majority of adult cyclists follow the rules. But, as in any case, then there are the few that feel they own the road. Three abreast taking up a lane and refusing to clear the lane. It takes some balls riding a bike in a road and thinking you're gonna change physics. Helmet or no helmet mass and momentum wins :mrgreen: Anyone care to take that physics challenge :lol8:

08-20-2008, 11:59 AM
Anyone care to take that physics challenge :lol8:

I see people in cars do it all the time. I don't know what you do for a living, but if I remember correctly you drive a diesel pickup. I've seen what a semi will do even to a pickup truck. No matter the size the smaller vehicle will lose. Despite this I've seen some really agressive truckers and some really suicidal cars. With greater power comes greater responsibility. That espeically applies to motorists.

Here's the point I always make when this subject comes up. I am a cyclist and a motorist. As a motorist I can count on one hand the number of unfortunate run-ins/close calls I've had with cyclists, yet as a cyclist and as a motorist there have been days where I've had multiple close calls with motorists. My only conclusion is that most people are just crappy drivers.

And again, this article was a one sided story with everyone feeling for the kid on his toy

Sorry, big diesel trucks are just toys too. If everyone were forced to drive only what they need most people would be cruising around in Toyota Corollas and mini vans. Heck, most of them would be on a bike or walking. Just because it burns fuel doesn't mean it's not a toy.

I have a friend that drives delivery truck for a living. He gets pissed at the stupid little cars that drive stupid and slow him down. I know for a fact that most of those people have no genuine reason for being on the road. If genuine need is going to be the litmus test then most cars should be parked too. Once again, cyclists have just as much right/priveledge to the road as any car.

But, as in any case, then there are the few that feel they own the road. Three abreast taking up a lane and refusing to clear the lane.

Most of the time I'll get over, but sometimes hogging the road is super fun.


08-20-2008, 01:02 PM
Hey moabfool save your breath. Debating Hank

08-20-2008, 01:21 PM
Most of the time I'll get over, but sometimes hogging the road is super fun.

This is what pisses drivers off, which may be what you want. Having them run over your ass may not be what you want. I was always taught: You may be right, and you may be dead right.

08-20-2008, 04:39 PM
It is time for another episode of

08-20-2008, 08:18 PM
Most of the time I'll get over, but sometimes hogging the road is super fun.

This is what pisses drivers off, which may be what you want. Having them run over your ass may not be what you want. I was always taught: You may be right, and you may be dead right.

Look again. I bet you'd think twice about running that group down, especially with the motorcycle cop leading the pack :ride: .

BTW, I don't want drivers angry, but I'd take anger over apathy. At least when a person is angry it shows they care. When a driver is angry at a cyclist at least they noticed the cyclist.

Here are some simple cyclist/motorist responsibilities. I came to this conclusion on this evening's ride. It came to me when a lady backed out of her driveway without looking.

Responsibilities of a cylcist: Make sure motorists see cyclists and don't run them over.

Responsibilities of a motorist: Make sure motirists see cyclists and don't run them over.

Everything else is just minutiae.

08-20-2008, 08:37 PM
[quote=James_B_Wads2000]This goes back to the uutah.com days, back when

08-20-2008, 09:20 PM
[quote=Sombeech][quote=James_B_Wads2000]This goes back to the uutah.com days, back when

08-21-2008, 07:31 AM
Look again. I bet you'd think twice about running that group down, especially with the motorcycle cop leading the pack :ride:
I beg to differ :haha: Why not take the opportunity to run some cyclists over, cops don't have eyes in the back of their heads :haha: I would be not so inclined to do it with one rounding up the pack :haha:

08-21-2008, 10:07 AM
Look again. I bet you'd think twice about running that group down, especially with the motorcycle cop leading the pack :ride:
I beg to differ :haha: Why not take the opportunity to run some cyclists over, cops don't have eyes in the back of their heads :haha: I would be not so inclined to do it with one rounding up the pack :haha:

Then do the polite thing and kill the cyclists. Maiming is so Civil War.

08-21-2008, 10:26 AM
Maiming is the choice, it makes the cyclists think about what he could of done that day other than ride his bike :haha:

08-21-2008, 10:27 AM
[quote=Sombeech][quote=James_B_Wads2000]This goes back to the uutah.com days, back when

08-21-2008, 02:11 PM
Maiming is the choice, it makes the cyclists think about what he could of done that day other than ride his bike :haha:

It's official. In the Utah County vernacular, you are a rude, ig-nernt freaker. :2thumbs: