View Full Version : omega pacific sbg 2 vs pirana

07-15-2008, 09:02 PM
Mostly I'm just interested in those who have used the sbg, I can't seem to dig up a review. Which one works better with 8mm ropes? :patch:

Brian in SLC
07-15-2008, 09:29 PM
Mostly I'm just interested in those who have used the sbg, I can't seem to dig up a review. Which one works better with 8mm ropes?

I've got both devices (and the older, original SBG) and, for skinny ropes, in a mostly dry canyon, I'd give the friction head nod to the SBG II.

My bread and butter rap device is the same one I belay with too, an ATC guide. All what you get used to I suppose.


-Brian in SLC

07-15-2008, 09:40 PM
As I researched it, I was just a lot more impressed with the pirana and I really like mine.

moab mark
07-16-2008, 04:46 PM
what is a sbg?

07-16-2008, 05:11 PM
what is a sbg?
Omega Pacific Super Belay Gadget (SBG) II
Belay with the versatile, rigid-stemmed SBGII belay and rappel device from Omega Pacific that delivers smooth operation no matter what. Based on a design by Greg Lowe, the SBGII incorporates a rigid stem that allows you to transition from lock-off to feeding out rope without binding.

Features: Customize the amount of friction by setting up the brake line through the V-Slots when using skinny ropes and through the U-grooves when using wider ropes. Get additional breaking power by clipping into the oblong hole at the stem's center.

Weight: 3 ounces
Handles ropes: 9 to 11.5 mm


07-16-2008, 05:22 PM
As I researched it, I was just a lot more impressed with the pirana and I really like mine.
I also researched both, and used a friend's SBG II once, and I find the Pirana is much easier to add friction to at the spur of the moment, such as at the top of a drop or even mid-rappel.

Before rappelling, you have a choice of 3 friction settings with the Pirana, where you just move the rope over one or two horns to add friction. You can adjust these to account for the rope diameter or the height of the drop. While on rappel, you also have the side horns for adding friction or locking off.


Petzl's Pirana Instructions (PDF):
http://tinyurl.com/aamnx (http://tinyurl.com/aamnx)

07-16-2008, 06:09 PM
Light, fast and short drops--pirana. Lazy, luxurious rapping--my petzel stop.

07-17-2008, 11:00 AM
Mostly I'm just interested in those who have used the sbg, I can't seem to dig up a review. Which one works better with 8mm ropes? :patch:

I have used the SBG, ATC and the pirana. I am a little over 200 lbs and found the SBG a little fast for me. For a tube like device I would take the ATC over the SBG. Currently I am using the pirana and found for me that it is the best of the three. It is smooth, has plenty of friction when I need it and it is very easy to lock off mid rappel for those cool action shots. I can also use it for rappeling off webbing when I have to.

07-17-2008, 11:38 AM
I tried both.... and was not a big fan of either....

07-17-2008, 12:37 PM
Mostly I'm just interested in those who have used the sbg, I can't seem to dig up a review. Which one works better with 8mm ropes? :patch:

I've settled on the Pirana as the device of choice, at least when there's a lot of rapping. MANY ways to configure, easily. Good for long raps, short raps, big ropes, little ropes, double, single, triple... OK, maybe not triple.

Also useful for many rescue techniques. I can tandem rappel with a 200 lb adult, something that would be difficult to configure with any other device single. Not that we have to do any rescues...

(Then again, I would try the SBG, but am restricted from selling it on the web by OP policy (I can buy OP through ABC Liberty); so I have not really tried it).

ATC? Good - especially the ATC-XP. My device of choice for canyons with less rapping as it is lighter and smaller.


07-17-2008, 01:17 PM
I've settled on the Pirana as the device of choice, at least when there's a lot of rapping.

Yes, I was right! I know some of you will say that there is no right or wrong answer and it is personal prefernce, but if Tom says it then it now becomes canyoneering doctrine.

In your face to IceAxe for evening not caring for it! :frustrated:

Boy, that get mad at Richard thread really helped me to start releasing some hostility :D.