View Full Version : Trip Report Red Castle via Bald Mountain

07-13-2008, 03:07 PM
Well, the Uinta's are prime for backpacking now... well except the bugs probably aren't ideal, but as long as you go prepared for them it's not so bad. Weather was beautiful, almost hot for being over 10,000 feet, but soooo much better than 90+ in SLC. The Bald Mountain trail is 99% snow free, with only one snowfield about 50 feet long covering the trail (that can easily be walked around if you really want to). Didn't see anyone on the trail, but there were probably 4 or 5 groups camped around the lower lake, mostly stock groups, not so many backpackers. It was my first time at Red Castle, very beautiful! Here are a few pics and a link to the album with more pics:


07-13-2008, 05:20 PM
Very nice pix, shagster. Looks like a good time was had.