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07-11-2008, 03:12 PM
For those who's mind instantly go to the gutter :ne_nau: I am refering to your family pet! :haha: If it's funny, you get bonus points.

Ok.....it's a slow day and I'm stuck in my office. :ne_nau:

My Russian Blue - Natasha (obtained at the local animal shelter)


07-11-2008, 04:22 PM
At first I thought you might show us your monkey.

While traveling this spring, we adopted a kitten in Brunswick, GA. Her name is Candice (yes, they spelled it that way), but we call her Candy. What a character.

07-11-2008, 04:45 PM
HAHA!!! Which critter you talking about Savanna? :lol8:

07-11-2008, 08:24 PM
HAHA!!! Which critter you talking about Savanna? :lol8:

Well - I was thinking along the lines of the 4-legged kind, :ne_nau: but feel free to post the critter of your choice. :haha:

07-11-2008, 08:29 PM
HAHA!!! Which critter you talking about Savanna? :lol8:

Well - I was thinking along the lines of the 4-legged kind, :ne_nau: but feel free to post the critter of your choice. :haha:

HEHE!!!! Love your sense of humor. Ok well I will gather photos of my feathered and furry companions to post. Good thing....b/c the other critter I was thinking of is in need of a grooming. :lol8: :roflol: (ok that was the margarita talking) :roflol:

07-11-2008, 08:39 PM
HAHA!!! Which critter you talking about Savanna? :lol8:

Well - I was thinking along the lines of the 4-legged kind, :ne_nau: but feel free to post the critter of your choice. :haha:

HEHE!!!! Love your sense of humor. Ok well I will gather photos of my feathered and furry companions to post. Good thing....b/c the other critter I was thinking of is in need of a grooming. :lol8: :roflol: (ok that was the margarita talking) :roflol:

:lol8: uh-huh.......sure.....blame it on the margarita...... :nono: Although I have to admit, I do find tequila to be rather lethal as a "truth serum". There is a reason I don't do shooters anymore..... :ne_nau:

07-11-2008, 08:41 PM
I entered this thread with higher expectations.

07-11-2008, 08:54 PM
I'm SURE this is what Beech expected: :lol8:

07-11-2008, 09:04 PM
I entered this thread with higher expectations.

I can relate.....that's how I feel about the majority of the threads I enter on this site.... :bootyshake:

:roflol: :roflol: :roflol:

Feel free to add your special touch to elevate it....... :haha:


07-11-2008, 09:07 PM
I'm SURE this is what Beech expected: :lol8:

wow.....you've got quite the menagerie! Do the cats ever try to go after the birds?

07-11-2008, 09:10 PM
I'm SURE this is what Beech expected: :lol8:

Those are some good looking pussy...cats there....LOL!!

07-11-2008, 09:31 PM
I'm SURE this is what Beech expected: :lol8:

wow.....you've got quite the menagerie! Do the cats ever try to go after the birds?

With beaks like those........my cats are on their best behavior around the feathered companions. :haha:

07-11-2008, 09:46 PM
My puppy, Kate.

07-11-2008, 10:35 PM
My little Rhodesian Ridgeback. Her name is Laynee. She is my little hiking/napping buddy.

07-12-2008, 05:17 AM
This is Syder, she is a hiking, hunting, ball retrieving, stick monger, fishing fool.




07-12-2008, 07:58 AM
Oooh! I love seeing everyone's critters! So cute :nod:

Here's a couple of mine - Nelson, my grey tuxedo shorthair. Even people who hate cats like him.

07-12-2008, 08:18 AM
To everyone that's posted pics of their critters: We have the cutest bunch of furry companions out there!! It's so awesome how they enhance our lives daily with their unconditional love, loyalty and surprise hairballs. We got it going on guys! :2thumbs:

Scout Master
07-12-2008, 08:42 AM
This is Percy and Mr. Binkx. Percy doesn't seem to like me but Mr Bink does.

07-12-2008, 09:42 AM
Abby and Mitchell hiking at Fisher Towers with Sierra and Max...


Sierra and Max with Abby at Butler Wash...


Buxton and Coal, best back yard pets ever...



07-12-2008, 10:56 AM
My daughter had a couple of chinchillas, but one of them had to be put down. Dental problems... Who knew? Teeth are pretty important to rodents.

Anyway, we're down to one, now (Houdini - a girl, surprisingly enough, who's very good at escaping). But we have another one in the wings - a baby girl we're getting from a breeder, as soon as she's old enough. This is a photo of her we got from the breeder.

07-12-2008, 01:40 PM
Oooh! I love seeing everyone's critters! So cute :nod:

Here's a couple of mine - Nelson, my grey tuxedo shorthair. Even people who hate cats like him.
My cat brought me a mouse "present" the other day. :eek2: It was still alive and I tried to catch the poor thing so I could put him back out, but my cat got it first and ran back out the door with it. I think most people's pets are indeed part of their family. Before I got Tasha 4 yrs ago, I swore I would never get another pet because I had to put down both of my cats within a year of each other. One was 16 and the other was almost 18. Like your cat Nelson, people who didn't like cats liked my 18 yrs old (Rambo).

Thanks for posting everybody! Great pictures! :2thumbs: I love dogs as much as cats, but with the way I work, a cat is more self sufficient. When it comes time to retire (if I ever get to that point!) I will definitely have a dog or two.

07-12-2008, 01:43 PM
Buxton and Coal, best back yard pets ever...



Those are the cutest things!!! Dang - cute pets that can keep your yard mowed. :2thumbs: Must not cost much to feed them eh? :haha:

07-12-2008, 04:10 PM
Those are the cutest things!!! Dang - cute pets that can keep your yard mowed. :2thumbs: Must not cost much to feed them eh? :haha:

Even in the winter when there is no grass for them to eat, it's cheap: $6 for a 50-pound bag of goat feed.

They are surprisingly affectionate and intelligent, too. They come running whenever I come out to see them, and press up against my legs as if to say hello.

07-13-2008, 07:31 PM
My pride and joy, heh. Teodor is the big guy. Zuza is the little Siamese mix.

07-13-2008, 07:47 PM
Here's my mutt, Torrey:



She's a Brittany Spaniel, and I adopted her from the animal shelter in Payson in May 2007. My wife didn't think she was a "dog person" until we got Torrey--she's really a great pup. :nod:

07-13-2008, 08:52 PM
This is Guinness. He showed up in the yard on Christmas Eve Day four years ago. He is a wonderful dog!

07-13-2008, 08:54 PM
Yea! I was hoping Guiness would show up! I can't wait to visit him again and of course you and John also...


07-13-2008, 08:59 PM
Yea! I was hoping Guiness would show up! I can't wait to visit him again and of course you and John also...


He is waiting for you. Of course, he is still hungover from last night's BBQ! :roflol: :roflol:

Here is a couple more:

07-14-2008, 06:56 AM
Love the photos ya'll! It's nice to see there are so many animal lovers here. The Bogley men who love cats get extra bonus points! :2thumbs:

07-14-2008, 07:08 AM
My three small bears: Sasha (14 years old), Hungarian Ibris, Gauge (2 years old), pure Labrador and Ferris (deceased last year, but was only 3), Black Labrador.

The picture was from our camping trip last year at Otter Creek reservoir (taken in our RV).

07-14-2008, 09:34 AM
This is Sarge.

He is a Red Bone Hound.


07-14-2008, 10:06 AM
This is Sarge.

He is a Red Bone Hound.


And a fine looking specimen.

07-14-2008, 10:13 AM
Here's Jet. Dog of many talents...




07-14-2008, 11:02 AM
This is Sarge.

He is a Red Bone Hound.


What a coincidence! I knew a girl in high school named "Red Bone Hound", or maybe it was "Jen", I forget. :haha:

07-14-2008, 11:10 AM
Miya Border Collie/Golden Retriever mix. She is sitting on the half of the back patio that hasn't been cleared yet. This is out back of my in-laws condo in Midway. They shoveled the roofs off into the residents yards. It was hard ice for about a foot.

Daisy-dog Maltese and Sadie-cat
Daisy has "real" hair not fur so if we don't give her a bath every few days it starts to look like she is getting dreds, I think it looks cool. The cat and dogs play with each other.

07-14-2008, 12:52 PM
Here we are with our goats, posing for a Christmas card...


07-14-2008, 05:09 PM
our 2 furry critters...

07-14-2008, 05:33 PM
our 2 furry critters...

girls will be boys and boys will be girls, Its a mixed up muddled up shook up world...[b]

You should've named her/him Lola then. :) My friend had a cat that went back and forth with gender guessing and I suggested she name it "Pat" like the genderless character from Sat Night Live. She did and Pat the Cat lives on..... :haha:

07-14-2008, 05:51 PM
I'm still disappointed by this thread.

07-14-2008, 06:06 PM
I'm still disappointed by this thread.

I thought I'd try and stay out of the Rubbish Bin, but let me know what you're looking for and I'll see what I can do. :nod:


07-14-2008, 08:44 PM
I'm still disappointed by this thread.

Then show your critter? Or critters? :lol8:

07-14-2008, 08:46 PM
our 2 furry critters...

You are one of those brave souls that owns a tarantula. EEK!!! :eek2: I'll take a reptile anyday. :nod: What gets me are the people that keep Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches for pets. That is a serious NO GO in my wild kingdom. :eek2:

Ride On
07-14-2008, 09:24 PM
a couple of the family pets

07-14-2008, 09:42 PM
a couple of the family pets

LOVE your reptile. :2thumbs: Puppy is cute too. :nod:

07-14-2008, 10:22 PM
My dog Harley....

07-15-2008, 09:56 AM
My buddy. I love this dog.

"Would you mind hitting the snooze, please?"
(This was sheet washing day.)

07-15-2008, 10:01 AM
Here we are with our goats, posing for a Christmas card...


This makes a great card!

07-15-2008, 10:08 AM
(This was sheet washing day.)
:roflol: I was just thinking of all that fur in the bed and then read your sheet washing comment :roflol: I was thinking, you really have to love your dog to sleep with all that fur :roflol: :roflol:

07-15-2008, 10:11 AM
My buddy. I love this dog.

"Would you mind hitting the snooze, please?"
(This was sheet washing day.)

Sweet puppy!!! :2thumbs:

07-15-2008, 10:11 AM
(This was sheet washing day.)
:roflol: I was just thinking of all that fur in the bed and then read your sheet washing comment :roflol: I was thinking, you really have to love your dog to sleep with all that fur :roflol: :roflol:

I do love my dog, but I hate fur in my bed too. So she's only allowed up morning of sheet washing day. For reals!

07-15-2008, 10:16 AM
I do love my dog, but I hate fur in my bed too. So she's only allowed up morning of sheet washing day. For reals!
I hear ya loud and clear on that one :mrgreen: When my dog was alive, he in no way was getting on the bed, I too hate the fur :nod:

07-20-2008, 08:18 PM
I got no pictures I can find right off of my dog, so instead Ill give ya this...


It got shot today, on a camping trip over the weekend, close, but still nice to get out and away from the village, and the village idiots.

11-18-2008, 05:31 AM
Back in July we lost a Border Collie to kidney disease, she was just 6 years old. She kinda came with the house when we moved here. Actually was a neighbors but spent over half the day with us.



We decided to get a puppy and waited until all vacations were done for the year. Koko is a 7+ week old Border Collie and moved in with us on Saturday.:



11-18-2008, 11:59 AM

11-18-2008, 03:54 PM
Up at a buddies house and his cat eying the venison.

Sorry about the pic, damn cell phones suck and I had no other camera on me...that's a first :haha:


And here is my dog Bauer, he died back in May. :cry:






11-18-2008, 07:32 PM
JP I am so sorry!

Cute pics. Is he cleaning the tire for you? My goodness that is a ton of slobber.

11-18-2008, 08:05 PM
JP I am so sorry!

Cute pics. Is he cleaning the tire for you? My goodness that is a ton of slobber.
Thank you. He was 15, not bad for a Rottie :nod:

No, tires were his chew toys :haha: He licked them for some odd reason before sinking his teeth unto them :ne_nau: He was a strange pup :haha:

greyhair biker
11-18-2008, 10:37 PM
my pet is easy to take care of...jut let him graze in the front yard every morning and then send him on his way :haha:

11-18-2008, 11:11 PM

11-18-2008, 11:40 PM
Hey Wade......I have those same kind of pets as well. This is what I came home to this afternoon. (and yes.....cell phone photos do suck!) They eat in the front yard and then head to the back for these tall bushy trees that I refer to as their salad bar! :haha:

11-19-2008, 12:26 AM
Here in Connecticut, I call them Tick Taxis :haha: Deer Ticks here are infamous for carry Lyme Disease. That's no joke, you don't want that :nono:

I refer to as their salad bar! :haha:

greyhair biker
11-19-2008, 07:12 AM
Here in Connecticut, I call them Tick Taxis :haha: Deer Ticks here are infamous for carry Lyme Disease. That's no joke, you don't want that :nono:

I refer to as their salad bar! :haha:
...they don't let us get close enough to worry about ticks :mrgreen:
Savannah, I have siberian peashrubs - very hardy shrubs - out front and it must make a pretty tastey salad 'cause there are anywhere from 8 to 10 head there every morning. I've tried for years to get pictures but they take off :ne_nau: and they leave piles of little 'thankyous' all over the lawn :roll:

11-19-2008, 07:29 AM
...they don't let us get close enough to worry about ticks :mrgreen:
See those bushes in the front yard there :nod: Well, the taxi ride ends sometime for some and they are left behind that close to your house. When you head out to do some gardening or to plant new plants because the deer love to eat them, you can pick up one of those Lyme carrying parasites :mrgreen: Lyme is something you don't want, if untreated the symptoms can even cause Congested Heart Failure :nod:

LYME DISEASE (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyme_disease)

11-19-2008, 02:30 PM
I haven't heard about many cases of Lyme disease out here in Utah in spite of our large deer population. I have a friend from back east though (Maryland) who has contracted Lyme and has had some really serious health issues this past year.

11-19-2008, 05:15 PM
That disease was named after a little shoreline town right here in Connecticut :nod: Lyme disease is prevalent here. Don't you guys have that Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever :ne_nau:

12-22-2008, 11:16 AM
Bred my yellow lab, Harley, with one of my coworkers yellow lab and this is what they produced. I kept one from a litter of eight......Lakota and her dad Harley........

02-02-2009, 08:45 PM
Guinness and Stout:

02-02-2009, 08:47 PM
Awwwwwwww they are posing in unison. So cute! :nod:

02-03-2009, 05:10 AM
Cute indeed! Which one's Guinness and which one's Stout?

02-03-2009, 07:33 AM
These have now moved on but I sure miss them! Lucky (doggles) and Fluffy at the Glamis Sand Dunes.

02-02-2013, 09:46 AM
I thought I'd resurrect an old thread. :nod: I've always had cats, but since my last one died 2 yrs ago and I moved back South, I now share a home with my sister and she's got dogs. Here is the big baby dog. :haha: He is a 90 lbs "lap dog"! He's an American Bulldog, but I think he looks like a boxer mixed with pit bull. :ne_nau:

02-02-2013, 01:12 PM
Maddie - Carin Terrier


02-02-2013, 06:50 PM
Marley & Coco



02-02-2013, 09:49 PM
Nice Rez!!!

I have two Pitt's, rescues from death row. Had em 3 years now or so. Best dogs ever owned in my life. Never been so impressed with a breed before. :2thumbs:
Typical morning, favorite spot to chill.

Getting ready to go trick or treating with my 6yr old son.
Looking outside. i always wonder what is going on in his little brain.
Chilling at the river next to my house in Hot summers.

02-03-2013, 05:20 PM