View Full Version : Epic Bill Gates Email Rant

06-25-2008, 04:12 PM

:haha: :lol8: :roflol:

06-25-2008, 04:21 PM
Having once been responsible for a large computer operation and trying to meet the needs of more than 30,000 customers on the network, I feel for Bill G. Nothing is more frustrating than knowing something does not work as it should, knowing that the customers know it, knowing that your staff knows it, but it still doesn't work as it should. Sometimes you ask nicely, and sometimes that doesn't work, soooooo....

06-25-2008, 05:24 PM
I love it.... sounds like the man in charge is staying on top of things...

I think this was a shot across someones bow warning that some major ass kicking would follow if this was not fixed.


06-25-2008, 06:15 PM
I don't have a source for this (other than my Boss who told me) but I heard today that it cost more to make Vista than it costs our Government to make a brand new nuclear air craft carrier. Have any of you heard this?

06-25-2008, 06:22 PM
I just read that, and I have a hard time believing that Bill Gates wrote that. I don't mean to be one of those annoying internet people that calls everything fake, but Bill Gates knows enough about computers to get past the "open" & "save" buttons on the download screen.

06-25-2008, 07:01 PM
I love it.... sounds like the man in charge is staying on top of things...

I think this was a shot across someones bow warning that some major ass kicking would follow if this was not fixed.


and i think it's great that bill gates knows how to kick some ass with a sense of humor. that's awesome :2thumbs:

06-26-2008, 11:41 AM
I got a kick outta this. :2thumbs:

06-26-2008, 11:56 AM
but Bill Gates knows enough about computers to get past the "open" & "save" buttons on the download screen.

I believe he was pointing out that this was much more complicated then it needed to be.... and that the update program should just do it for you without having to ask.

I believe Mr. Gates was doing what a good programmer should do.... and that is looking at his product at the level of a "normal" user.


06-26-2008, 01:21 PM
but Bill Gates knows enough about computers to get past the "open" & "save" buttons on the download screen.

I believe he was pointing out that this was much more complicated then it needed to be.... and that the update program should just do it for you without having to ask.

I believe Mr. Gates was doing what a good programmer should do.... and that is looking at his product at the level of a "normal" user.


Hmm, make it at a level for a "normal user"- that would make it a Mac. Sorry Bill, too late.

06-26-2008, 11:21 PM
I know this is an old damn joke, but WTF.

I wonder what microsoft usability genius decided that a user should click "start" to turn off the computer. :lol8: