View Full Version : Whatcha got planned for the weak-ind. . .

04-04-2008, 02:15 PM
I'll prolly be outdoors. . .looking at houses. Lookin' to relocate the acca crib. . .

04-04-2008, 02:35 PM
workin on the basement, conference.

04-04-2008, 02:36 PM
Conference...yard (if it's not too cold and rainy)...like to get a hike in.

04-04-2008, 02:37 PM
basement, moving/adding sprinklers, conference, homework, building shelves in the garage (i hope).

04-04-2008, 04:53 PM
Out to the Grand Staircase for a hike or two tomorrow,. Staying out in Kanab and going with my 4WD club to some Indian ruins on Sunday.


04-04-2008, 06:34 PM
welcome to utah ...

for those playing along some on this thread have cryptically mentioned "conference". this refers to the LDS general conference which is going on over the weekend.

similarly you often here throughout utah "the church" as if it's the only church in town.

i usually respond with the question "which church?"

04-04-2008, 06:36 PM
rock climbing in st. george saturday

04-04-2008, 06:44 PM
Hopefully finishing up some remodeling, hopefully will sneak a snowshoeing trip somewhere in the middle.

04-04-2008, 07:49 PM
For sure going to do:
drink more hot tea for my cold
get some rest
read my book: Pillars of the Earth
work my mandatory one saturday a month (blah)

Want to do:
bike ride with the kids
buy a bad ass costume for dance class
not work my mandatory one saturday a month (blah)
get to feeling better

04-04-2008, 07:58 PM
I'm watching Jumanji with the boys..

04-04-2008, 08:21 PM
Saturday spa day and evening BBQ. Sunday brunch and afternoon of wine tasting in wine country. :2thumbs:

Rented mule
04-04-2008, 11:18 PM
Floating down from Hoover Dam on Sunday....ahhh
"Well, I built me a raft and she's ready for floatin....... :mrgreen:

04-04-2008, 11:33 PM
Nothing much here, all rain :nod:

Lookin' to relocate the acca crib. . .
Where ya thinkin' :ne_nau:

04-05-2008, 03:53 AM
Entertain my brother and SIL by taking them into Savannah.

04-05-2008, 06:27 AM
Floating down from Hoover Dam on Sunday....ahhh
"Well, I built me a raft and she's ready for floatin....... :mrgreen:
Black Canyon eh? Very cool float :2thumbs:

04-05-2008, 07:54 AM
Get out. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood up here. :cool2:

04-05-2008, 11:20 AM
Salt Lake 10 Miler run on Saturday (which I did my Personal Best at today!)
Rusted Root concert at the Canyons Saturday night - wha-hooo!

Sunday - anyone's guess! Like to ride my bike if weather permits, or go snowshoe, or both!! :-)

04-05-2008, 11:41 AM
This morning I went to our son's school's horticulture spring garden sale and bought 24 bell pepper plants and 36 tomato plants. I have seeds for cucumbers, cantaloupe, lettuce, spinach, marigolds, and for Abby, a wildflowers mix. I am working today, so tomorrow will be planting the garden day! I am excited. :nod:

04-05-2008, 07:53 PM
Workin for a living. Wish I could have gone on a hike with the dog. Oh well. I guess there is always Sunday. :ne_nau:

04-05-2008, 07:58 PM
This morning I went to our son's school's horticulture spring garden sale and bought 24 bell pepper plants and 36 tomato plants. I have seeds for cucumbers, cantaloupe, lettuce, spinach, marigolds, and for Abby, a wildflowers mix. I am working today, so tomorrow will be planting the garden day! I am excited. :nod:

I'm excited just reading this! I love to garden but we have more snow coming our way. :(
Rule of thumb for planting in my little mountain town is when the snow has melted off the top of Red Mountain (our local hill), then it's time to start digging.


greyhair biker
04-05-2008, 09:03 PM
Fri - went out to dinner at the local mexican restaurant.
Sat - spin class and pump n flex class in the am at the rec center, followed by a quick checking out of the new AMAZING biketrail with the 'crew' ...followed by a spell in my tanning bed....tonight we 'rest'...yeah, that's it.
Sun - rest.
Mon - go ride the new trail!

04-05-2008, 10:52 PM
i'm just working on a new web template.

this is the mock-up

and this is what is coded so far

o and watching nascar.

04-06-2008, 07:39 AM
I am working today, so tomorrow will be planting the garden day! I am excited. :nod:

Do you already have a garden and are now adding to it, or are you starting from scratch?

04-06-2008, 07:39 AM
i'm just working on a new web template.

this is the mock-up

and this is what is coded so far

o and watching nascar.

Your site looks sharp.

04-06-2008, 08:27 AM
welcome to utah ...

for those playing along some on this thread have cryptically mentioned "conference". this refers to the LDS general conference which is going on over the weekend.

similarly you often here throughout utah "the church" as if it's the only church in town.

i usually respond with the question "which church?"

I apologize, I didn't mean to infer that the LDS church was the only church in town. But let's not kid ourselves, anyone in Utah knows what's going on this weekend Mormon or not. It's on the news, it's in the papers, KSL's programming completely changes for a few days. Shopping stores cater to the women shopping Saturday night from approx 6-8pm. And how can you miss droves of men in their church suits hitting the restaurants at about 8:00 last night.
I try to keep my conversations very neutral and very clear, but let's not go picking at the obvious.

04-06-2008, 09:02 AM
Changed the oil and spark plugs in my wife's (yes, I only have ONE) Buick. Cleaned the garage. Went for a 22 mile road bike ride from my house up AF Canyon. Watched/listened to conference. If you missed Pres. Monson at the Priesthood session you missed a classic! Laze around today and watch conference. Going to try to go for a short hike between sessions. I've been traveling so much recently for work this is the first full weekend I've been home in a while so it's been nice to not do much.

greyhair biker
04-06-2008, 09:13 AM
:ne_nau: I dont get my homemade scones today - wifes' diet doesnt allow for that anymore....used to be what I looked forward to conference weekend :haha:
....Youngest son is in NYC with the highschool band, middle son and oldest son are playing around in utah somewhere, wife and I are home alone....kinda quiet around here :eek2: :lol8:

04-06-2008, 11:09 AM
I apologize, I didn't mean to infer that the LDS church was the only church in town. But let's not kid ourselves, anyone in Utah knows what's going on this weekend Mormon or not. It's on the news, it's in the papers, KSL's programming completely changes for a few days. Shopping stores cater to the women shopping Saturday night from approx 6-8pm. And how can you miss droves of men in their church suits hitting the restaurants at about 8:00 last night.
I try to keep my conversations very neutral and very clear, but let's not go picking at the obvious.

easy there, it was all in fun. i was just thinking of the many people on this forum who are not in utah and are not lds.

04-06-2008, 11:19 AM
:cold: Freezing my tail off in the cold wind. . . :frustrated:

04-06-2008, 11:22 AM
And what are those flakes and drops all about this week. :compthrow:


04-06-2008, 12:02 PM
Changed the oil and spark plugs in my wife's (yes, I only have ONE) Buick.

A second Buick might be handy. You never know.

04-06-2008, 12:40 PM

Drove all over in the desert South of Price and Huntington and got some fishing in.


Meet up with distant relatives in Sandy in the afternoon and take an evening scenic tour of Big Cottonwood with the fam (maybe grab some fishies there, too :naughty: ).

TreeHugger wrote:

Rusted Root concert at the Canyons Saturday night - wha-hooo!


Dammit! I knew I should have been checking their website for any new tour dates.


I've never seen them and I'm afraid I might never. Listened for years. :2thumbs:

Glad you got to go. Pretty good?

04-06-2008, 02:23 PM

TreeHugger wrote:

Rusted Root concert at the Canyons Saturday night - wha-hooo!


Dammit! I knew I should have been checking their website for any new tour dates.


I've never seen them and I'm afraid I might never. Listened for years. :2thumbs:

Glad you got to go. Pretty good?

THEY FREAKIN' ROCKED!!!! Love love love that band. Percussion and vocals that get down inside deep rockin' your soul, energy, energy energy. Hoooo-weeeee. Love that music.

The first time I saw them in concert was at the Detroit Opera House - can you imagine the acoustics in there? It was awesome - loved the contrast of the fancy chandeliers and velvet seats and a bunch of gruvin' hippies dancin' to the beats. Sweet!

They said they will be back around this summer - keep your ears open!

04-06-2008, 04:45 PM
I am working today, so tomorrow will be planting the garden day! I am excited. :nod:

Do you already have a garden and are now adding to it, or are you starting from scratch?

This is my fourth year gardening in this spot, since it is the fourth year of our marriage and I didn't garden until I moved out here when we got married.

I had a great garden last year, and decided to expand it some this year. I blogged about expanding it here...


I also have trees this year: 4 peach, 2 plum, 2 apricot, 2 cherry, and 2 paper shell pecan. They are all greening up, and I even have tiny little peaches on a couple of them.

Abby took this picture of me with my 32 baby tomato plants...



04-06-2008, 05:01 PM
Here's another image Abby made, this time with our son Mitchell helping, and three of the new trees in the background.


04-07-2008, 06:25 AM
Wow, good for you Richard. My Dad tried to have my siblings and I garden when we moved to Utah. I hated it because I would spend hours of hard work getting rocks out of the garden, pulling back weeds, and taking care of the garden and he (my Dad) would come home after work, water it with the hose and speak as though he were the one doing all the work (due to his watering).

Anyway, I may have a mental mind block of how hard it really is, so I am very impressed that you are continuing to expand your garden.

04-07-2008, 07:37 AM
i'm just working on a new web template.

this is the mock-up

and this is what is coded so far

o and watching nascar.

Nice lookin' site! :2thumbs: The latin is a nice touch. :haha:

04-07-2008, 08:02 AM

TreeHugger wrote:

Rusted Root concert at the Canyons Saturday night - wha-hooo!


Dammit! I knew I should have been checking their website for any new tour dates.


I've never seen them and I'm afraid I might never. Listened for years. :2thumbs:

Glad you got to go. Pretty good?

THEY FREAKIN' ROCKED!!!! Love love love that band. Percussion and vocals that get down inside deep rockin' your soul, energy, energy energy. Hoooo-weeeee. Love that music.

The first time I saw them in concert was at the Detroit Opera House - can you imagine the acoustics in there? It was awesome - loved the contrast of the fancy chandeliers and velvet seats and a bunch of gruvin' hippies dancin' to the beats. Sweet!

They said they will be back around this summer - keep your ears open!

Yeah, I found out about that concert the day after it happened :angryfire:

Rusted Root is definitely one of my favorite bands. I feel so violated. :sad:

Another band that I like, though not nearly as much as Rusted Root, is The Reverend Horton Heat. Last summer, I met one of my stepbrothers for the first time and learned that he is their drummer (Paul Simmons). Coincidentally, this was also the day after their concert in SLC :frustrated: Talk about a day late and a dollar short. Maybe I should change my screen name to Daylate or Consistantlyscrewed or something along those lines. Actually, "Daylate" does have a nice ring to it.

04-07-2008, 08:28 AM
Sat, drove around all of farmington for half of the day....Like Acca I am looking to do a little re-locating myself. Spent the other half cleaning my fish tank and hanging out! Sun, watched a little church TV, took the Hog out for a 10 minute ride and hung out! I am sick of this weather!!!

04-07-2008, 08:46 AM
This morning I went to our son's school's horticulture spring garden sale and bought 24 bell pepper plants and 36 tomato plants. I have seeds for cucumbers, cantaloupe, lettuce, spinach, marigolds, and for Abby, a wildflowers mix. I am working today, so tomorrow will be planting the garden day! I am excited. :nod:

Last spring, I decided that I wasn't going to bother with a garden. Boy, did I regret it! I can't wait to get started.

I remember when I was little, my mom would send me out to pick asparagus that grew wild on the near by irrigation creak banks. Unfortunately, those same creaks have been replaced by houses and I'm unaware of anywhere else that I might pillage some asparagus. I'm thinking about adding some to the garden this year but I don't know how difficult it will be to grow. I've heard that you don't want to pick them in the first year so that they might develop a strong root system and continue to return and even spread each subsequent year. Any thoughts or suggestions?

I work in Louisiana on a 14 days on/14 days off schedule and I'm headed back down in a couple of days. The garden is definitely one of my top priorities on my to-do list when I get back.
Good luck with yours :thumb:

04-07-2008, 08:59 AM
Wow, good for you Richard. My Dad tried to have my siblings and I garden when we moved to Utah. I hated it because I would spend hours of hard work getting rocks out of the garden, pulling back weeds, and taking care of the garden and he (my Dad) would come home after work, water it with the hose and speak as though he were the one doing all the work (due to his watering).

Anyway, I may have a mental mind block of how hard it really is, so I am very impressed that you are continuing to expand your garden.

I can certainly appreciate your reticence about gardening, but if you ever decide to do it again, you will find it to be not as hard as you remember, and three times the fun.

As Mitchell's dad, I kind of prefer to lead by example. My dad pulled a bunch of that same kind of stuff yours did, particularly about washing his car. I made it a point not to do that in my own life. When there's work to do and Mitchell is helping, I'm always leading the charge.

Beside, Mitchell is usually busy trying to ride our goats...


04-07-2008, 09:14 AM
nice shorts richard...

04-11-2008, 10:30 PM
Got two offers on my house after 10 days with lots of traffic in general. Found a new crib too and made an offer tonight. Will see how it all goes. . .

Sucks showing your house. Gotta leave all the damn time when peeps come. Looking at them isn't as bad but not a joyride.

I hope to take my boys on a hike or somethin' tomorrow. I think the warm weather might be finally upon us. :cool2:

04-12-2008, 08:11 AM
It's not necessarily very warm out here in the Roaring Fork Valley, but THE SUN IS OUT... YAY!!!! That's huge since it's been so gloomy, snowy, sleeting, rainy, and muddy for the last several days. Going to get bundled up in a bit and haul my kid into town in his trailor behind my bike to go visit the train museum and probably stop for lunch along the way. :mrgreen:

04-18-2008, 09:15 AM
Gotta replace the fork seals on my motercicle and give her a bath. Damn thing started leaking on the motorway last night. Giving me a fork oil spray on my visor. :frustrated: Prolly start packing my house up for a move too.

Whacha got on yer agenda????? :popcorn:

04-18-2008, 09:18 AM
I'll be running the Salt Lake City 1/2 Marathon...come out and cheer for me!

04-18-2008, 09:21 AM
I'll be running the Salt Lake City 1/2 Marathon...come out and cheer for me!
Do you wear those super short shorts? :haha:

04-18-2008, 09:24 AM
I'll be running the Salt Lake City 1/2 Marathon...come out and cheer for me!
Do you wear those super short shorts? :haha:

:lol8: You know it...

04-18-2008, 09:29 AM
Caving in Utah County :2thumbs:

04-18-2008, 09:30 AM
I'll be running the Salt Lake City 1/2 Marathon...come out and cheer for me!
Do you wear those super short shorts? :haha:

:lol8: You know it...
Johny Stockton would be proud.

Who else will be outdoors or raising hell?

04-18-2008, 09:40 AM
You know me.... crusin' the Jr High trying to pick up underage girls. :2thumbs:

04-24-2008, 09:06 AM
Whaz up this weekend? You know it is Thursday. . .are we close? :lol8:

04-24-2008, 09:15 AM
Beech and I will face our Makers :vader: this weekend. Westwater at 13,500 cfs :scared: :eek1:

04-24-2008, 09:17 AM
Beech and I will face our Makers :vader: this weekend. Westwater at 13,500 cfs :scared: :eek1:

:eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2:

Don't go!!! Chicken out like me and do a canyon instead. :mrgreen:

04-24-2008, 09:36 AM
Beech and I will face our Makers :vader: this weekend. Westwater at 13,500 cfs :scared: :eek1:

JEALOUS!! You guys are going to have SO MUCH FUN! Be safe.

04-24-2008, 09:37 AM
I'm going to hike Hanging Lake and work on my belly dance costume for next weeks performance. YAY!!!! Nothing TOO exciting. :haha:

04-24-2008, 09:45 AM
Sleeping in, playing Halo3, and making a mammoth pan of my famous 4-cheese lasagne.

BTW, special thanks to Price -- he was the only one that came out to cheer me on in last weekend's half marathon. :2thumbs:

04-24-2008, 09:46 AM
How did you do in it? :popcorn:

At least Price shows his face somewhere. :mrgreen:

04-24-2008, 10:01 AM
Moving into my parents house for 15 days. . . :cry1:

Waiting to move into my new crib. :five:

04-24-2008, 11:30 AM
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday . . .

04-24-2008, 11:59 AM
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday . . .

Sweet.... anther gear head in the group. :2thumbs:

04-24-2008, 12:17 PM
How did you do in it? :popcorn:

At least Price shows his face somewhere. :mrgreen:

Under 2 hours. :2thumbs:

For the record, I think Price was there to cheer on his significant other. I bumped into him on Trax after I had finished.

04-24-2008, 12:18 PM
Moving into my parents house for 15 days. . . :cry1:

Waiting to move into my new crib. :five:

:lol8: Sounds like a kick in the pants. Where's your new place?

04-24-2008, 12:45 PM
My last final is today, so it's going to be my beloved Halo3/R6V2/COD4 weekend. It'll be beautiful. I haven't played online for a while.

04-24-2008, 12:55 PM
I will be beating redpb at Halo 3 on Sunday night

04-24-2008, 01:10 PM
I will be beating redpb at Halo 3 on Sunday night

04-24-2008, 02:28 PM
For the record, I think Price was there to cheer on his significant other.

Which one.... :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:


04-25-2008, 09:04 PM
Moving into my parents house for 15 days. . . :cry1:

Waiting to move into my new crib. :five:

:lol8: Sounds like a kick in the pants. Where's your new place?
Across town over to South Jordan. :lol8:

04-25-2008, 09:22 PM
i'm headed up to to leeds creek tomorrow to check things out and doing some geocaching up there. :2thumbs:

greyhair biker
04-26-2008, 12:23 PM
Went out this AM to do a bike workout...still damn cold with the wyoming wild so I headed into the brush (and tree) along the greenriver to check my geocaches...found one (my big one) pilfered and crap strewn out everywhere So I have to fix it. Came home & fell asleep in the sauna...went and took the famdamily to Arctic Circle for lunch....now I'm gonna work on the jeep's radiator leak & hang out in the bikeshop all afternoon....yeah, I'm MR. Excitement :roll:

04-26-2008, 12:43 PM
Beech and I will face our Makers :vader: this weekend. Westwater at 13,500 cfs :scared: :eek1:


I'm packed! Got the camera gear & mounts. Wetsuit, new hat, and snacks. :2thumbs:

...maybe I should make a "goodbye" video to my wife and kid, and put it on the desktop, just in case. :haha: Then I'll delete it when I get back.

04-26-2008, 01:53 PM
Up early this morning to beat the heat and went hiking. Home for breakfast, nap, up for lunch, nap....up now to get ready to go hang out at a bar in Oceanside to see a friend play in a new venue....after party at his house. :cool2:

Sunday - up early to hike, breakfast at local dive bar, and then off to the winerys for an afternoon of wine tasting! :haha:

Life is good! :five:

04-26-2008, 04:59 PM
Up early this morning to beat the heat and went hiking. Home for breakfast, nap, up for lunch, nap....up now to get ready to go hang out at a bar in Oceanside to see a friend play in a new venue....after party at his house. :cool2:

Sunday - up early to hike, breakfast at local dive bar, and then off to the winerys for an afternoon of wine tasting! :haha:

Life is good! :five:
That sounds like a great weekend. Much better than mine. :ne_nau: But I am headed to the Jazz playoff game tonight, so I guess it wont be that bad.

04-26-2008, 05:58 PM

I'm packed! Got the camera gear & mounts. Wetsuit, new hat, and snacks. :2thumbs:

...maybe I should make a "goodbye" video to my wife and kid, and put it on the desktop, just in case. :haha: Then I'll delete it when I get back.

Not a bad idea, thank God the flow has dropped a bit, down to 12,800 now. If we are lucky we might get down to 11k by tomorrow.

There is a name for these flows on Westwater canyon on Colorado river, called "terrible teens". If you mess up and swimming, most likely you have to swim 4-5 class IV rapids in a row :eek2: .... but think of the footage we are going to get! :lol8: Two helmet cameras rolling at the same time, woohoo! :rockon:

04-26-2008, 10:51 PM

I'm packed! Got the camera gear & mounts. Wetsuit, new hat, and snacks. :2thumbs:

...maybe I should make a "goodbye" video to my wife and kid, and put it on the desktop, just in case. :haha: Then I'll delete it when I get back.

Not a bad idea, thank God the flow has dropped a bit, down to 12,800 now. If we are lucky we might get down to 11k by tomorrow.

There is a name for these flows on Westwater canyon on Colorado river, called "terrible teens". If you mess up and swimming, most likely you have to swim 4-5 class IV rapids in a row :eek2: .... but think of the footage we are going to get! :lol8: Two helmet cameras rolling at the same time, woohoo! :rockon:

You guys are crazy...........HAVE FUN. BE SAFE........yaada yaada.... Expecting video footage of your adventure upon your return. :2thumbs:

04-27-2008, 08:05 AM
I'm working and studying for finals... YEAH!!! :frustrated:

(Somebody kill me now)

04-27-2008, 06:11 PM
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday . . .

Sweet.... anther gear head in the group. :2thumbs:

Two years i went to this race. Last lap: Scott Pruett's car and the Sun Trust car were trading paint and just past the roller coaster the 3rd place Ruby Tuesday car zoomed past both to take the checkered flag. This year Pruett held off the #2 car over the closing laps to capture victory. Exciting stuff in the Virginia countryside.

05-02-2008, 08:31 AM
- Finalize the sale of my home
- Watch the Jazz game
- Go to my sons t-ball game
- Motorcycle ride? I hope.

05-02-2008, 08:46 AM
I'm finally hoping to start building my climbing wall in my backyard :2thumbs:

05-02-2008, 08:59 AM
Workin' today 'til 7:00. Back at work tomorrow at 5:30 AM. Work again tomorrow night at 10:30 PM. (A nicely compressed work week.) Then I'm off from Sunday morning 'til Thursday afternoon! :2thumbs:

Hoping for a night in the mountains Sunday or Monday night... :cold:

Rev. Coyote
05-02-2008, 09:14 AM
Hiking 15 miles on the Appalachian Trail tomorrow with two old hiking buddies. Related Bourbon consumption.

05-02-2008, 09:18 AM
My performance FINALLY tonight and tomorrow night. My nerves are shot!! And on Sunday going out for a long bike ride along the newly paved trail from Glenwood Springs to Carbondale. That's if the weather cooperates. :) I may also get my hanging baskets planted and hung. Once again....weather dependent. :2thumbs:

Rev. Coyote
05-02-2008, 09:43 AM
My performance FINALLY tonight and tomorrow night. My nerves are shot!! And on Sunday going out for a long bike ride along the newly paved trail from Glenwood Springs to Carbondale. That's if the weather cooperates. :) I may also get my hanging baskets planted and hung. Once again....weather dependent. :2thumbs:


05-02-2008, 09:44 AM
My performance FINALLY tonight and tomorrow night. My nerves are shot!! And on Sunday going out for a long bike ride along the newly paved trail from Glenwood Springs to Carbondale. That's if the weather cooperates. :) I may also get my hanging baskets planted and hung. Once again....weather dependent. :2thumbs:


Bellydance! :haha:

05-02-2008, 10:48 AM
Good luck Abirken!

05-02-2008, 10:50 AM
Good luck Abirken!

Thanks yo!! I need all the luck I can get. I sent you a PM.....check it out. Kinda funny. :2thumbs:

05-02-2008, 01:22 PM
Not certain what I'm doing yet. Even though I'm on "vacation", I have to work a few hours on Saturday morning and won't be able to pick my Mom up from the airport (the wife and kids will instead).

Otherwise, I hope to head out to the West desert for some ATV'ing and climbing. There's a peak just west of Cedar Fort I hope to attain.

05-02-2008, 01:51 PM
Another weekend with a pumping heart :lol8:

05-02-2008, 02:22 PM
Another weekend with a pumping heart :lol8:

AND THAT IS A GREAT THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nod:

05-02-2008, 02:47 PM
AND THAT IS A GREAT THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nod:
Hell ya :lol8:

Rev. Coyote
05-04-2008, 07:40 AM
AND THAT IS A GREAT THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nod:
Hell ya :lol8:

JP -- how are you feeling, by the way??? I think everyone's been a bit worried about you.

05-04-2008, 08:05 AM
From a month ago, great. :lol8: Day by day I'm feeling better. I see subtle differences in my health improving. Something I may have done two days ago and caused me to tire easy is not effecting me today. So, if it's baby steps, is fine with me. I feel great. Thanks for asking Rev :2thumbs:

05-04-2008, 11:44 AM
Going to Grandmas!

Rev. Coyote
05-04-2008, 05:39 PM
From a month ago, great. :lol8: Day by day I'm feeling better. I see subtle differences in my health improving. Something I may have done two days ago and caused me to tire easy is not effecting me today. So, if it's baby steps, is fine with me. I feel great. Thanks for asking Rev :2thumbs:

That's great news!

05-10-2008, 10:03 AM
Another t-ball game and who knows what. Perhaps another hike with the boys. Last night I watched the Jazz game and I'll be doing the same on Sunday. I am sitting here with power rangers on the tube and no one is actually in here watching it. :lol8: 5 days until I move into my crib. Damn has it been boring waiting. . . :whistling:

05-10-2008, 11:47 AM
.........cleaning house. :frustrated:

05-10-2008, 02:12 PM
Susan G. Komen - Race for the Cure.

05-10-2008, 08:05 PM
Bogley seems to be a ghost town this weekend. I guess it usually is on an outdoor website. :lol8:

05-10-2008, 08:07 PM
Maybe that mean there will be some good trip reports coming. :rockon:

05-10-2008, 09:03 PM

I'm experimenting with my Cherry Tomatoes this season. Instead of growing them in the garden, I'm going to hang them from my trellis in hanging baskets. It should put them at easy picking height. :2thumbs:

05-11-2008, 07:26 AM
Friday night I celebrated my friend's 50th birthday over SKYPE, heh. Woke up with a headache on Saturday, celebrated my friend's daughter's 1st b-day. Had to sleep over. Now it's time for laundry, heh, and other unfun activities.

05-11-2008, 05:18 PM
Been sitting down here in the Mohave Valley with family, surviving the 98 degree afternoons. Took my kiddo down to the beach on the river all day long today today. Was absolutley INVIGORATING (freakin' cold)!!!!! Just realized that I do have an inner river rat today. :2thumbs:

05-12-2008, 07:10 AM

I'm experimenting with my Cherry Tomatoes this season. Instead of growing them in the garden, I'm going to hang them from my trellis in hanging baskets. It should put them at easy picking height. :2thumbs:

Is it true that it's hard to grow tomatoes in this climate? I heard it's difficult because they dry up very quicky and they're not as juicy? Is it true? I wanna give it a try on my balcony.

05-12-2008, 08:29 AM
The Competition in Pennsylvania. All went well and I got up every morning and I didn't collapse with all the walking and shooting pics I was doing. I must be getting better :haha:

05-12-2008, 08:47 AM
The Competition in Pennsylvania. All went well and I got up every morning and I didn't collapse with all the walking and shooting pics I was doing. I must be getting better :haha:

What sort of competition, JP? And where are the pics?

05-12-2008, 03:46 PM
Rock Crawling Competition and I posted a few of them (very few) in the Off-Road section :2thumbs:

05-15-2008, 08:44 PM
YEA FRIDAY IS AROUND THE BEND!! Back in the car for a drive out to Utah for a little camping and hiking Horseshoe Canyon!! Anyone want to meet out there, lemme know. Kid friendly!!! :2thumbs:

greyhair biker
05-15-2008, 08:48 PM
Graveyard shift starts Sat...SO, MY weekend has already started :haha: ...been riding' every day. BTW, the new bike is AWESOME!

05-15-2008, 08:52 PM
Graveyard shift starts Sat...SO, MY weekend has already started :haha: ...been riding' every day. BTW, the new bike is AWESOME!

YEA for new bikes!! You have 24 hours of weekend left, get out there and play. :2thumbs:

05-15-2008, 10:12 PM
Gonna go and hit some lakes that I've never been to. They're a pretty long drive, so I'm HOPING that they don't have ice. Kind of a gamble at 8700 feet, tucked back into some mtns.

05-15-2008, 11:19 PM
Have a picnic on Saturday and just about ready to climb into a river. I should be able to handle some flats and runs. I won't push myself yet in faster moving stuff just yet. I should hit some pools first, now that I think about it :haha: