View Full Version : Moab Trip for Singles in April

02-27-2008, 11:17 AM
I'm planning a Moab trip for April 10th - 13th. The target group is LDS single adults from about 25 to 35 years old. We're camping at Gold Bar Campground, group site "C". I'm asking for $10/person to cover the campsite cost and as a fund raiser for Multiple Sclerosis. My website is http://geocities.com/moabfool . There's a map on the website.

If hanging out with a bunch of Mormon single adults isn't your thing, but you'd still like to ride with us, feel free to drop by the campground to ask about our "schedule". Slickrock and Porcupine Rim (including the upper singletrack section) are pretty much guaranteed. Canyoneering is on the list too, but riding will be the priority. We're hoping for pre-dawn starts, but that's just a hope.

02-27-2008, 12:03 PM
If you aren't single, don't fret. A bunch of us married folk always camp somewhere nearby and do a lot of the same rides and stuff. If anyone else dares bring the kiddies, they can arrange a playdate with my kids while I'm cruisin' down the P-Rim.

02-27-2008, 08:01 PM
So where do the beer drinkers stay, or the "sinners" LOL...

02-28-2008, 07:17 AM
That's unfortunate! My group will be down there the next weekend. We will still have to try to hook up for some rides this year though. Just in case you were wondering, our P-Rim strategy this year will be to drive the same shuttle route as we did in the fall and then pedal up that other trail for an hour or so to see what there is to see and then come ripping back down all the way to the bottom.

Bis was down there last week and they have torn out and burned those campgrounds on the river. That makes me really sad!!

02-29-2008, 05:57 PM
Sound like a good time. This sunny weather is sure nice right now. :cool2:

How about throwing a link to bogley.com on your site. :2thumbs:

02-29-2008, 06:47 PM
Singles Nite in Moab


02-29-2008, 06:49 PM
Sound like a good time. This sunny weather is sure nice right now. :cool2:

How about throwing a link to bogley.com on your site. :2thumbs:

It's on my "to do" list. :2thumbs:

02-29-2008, 06:53 PM
Sound like a good time. This sunny weather is sure nice right now. :cool2:

How about throwing a link to bogley.com on your site. :2thumbs:

It's on my "to do" list. :2thumbs:
Coolness. . . :cool2:

02-29-2008, 07:00 PM
That's unfortunate! My group will be down there the next weekend. We will still have to try to hook up for some rides this year though. Just in case you were wondering, our P-Rim strategy this year will be to drive the same shuttle route as we did in the fall and then pedal up that other trail for an hour or so to see what there is to see and then come ripping back down all the way to the bottom.

Bis was down there last week and they have torn out and burned those campgrounds on the river. That makes me really sad!!

I had to do it that way. The next weekend is the SLC Marathon and I know that would've made a ton of people unavailable. I probalby should've postponed two weeks 'till finals week at the U, but you can't please all the people all of the time.

We'll definitely have to hook up. We're headed down to do some St. George rides in two weeks (weekend of the 15th). If anybody wants to hook up for that (open invitation, but you'll have to find your own place to stay) we'll probably make it a Friday-Saturday thing. We'll probably do (in no particular order or priority) Goulds, Gooseberry, Little Creek, Slickrock Swamp, and Bearclaw, but we're open to suggestions. I'm pretty sure we can bust out three trails each day, but the winter cobwebs may prevent that.

03-13-2008, 02:26 PM
We're headed down to do some St. George rides in two weeks (weekend of the 15th). If anybody wants to hook up for that (open invitation, but you'll have to find your own place to stay) we'll probably make it a Friday-Saturday thing.

Hey, I almost forgot. I'll be in St George this weekend too with my bike.

I'll be down with family, and we'll get in late friday night, but I wouldn't mind hooking up Saturday with you guys. Otherwise, I'll be stuck on the paved trails. :lame:

I PM'd you my phone number. :2thumbs: