View Full Version : Joe Rogan talks about DMT

01-07-2008, 07:33 PM
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this. But since it's a sensitive subject it probably belongs here.

This is Joe Rogan talking about DMT which I had never even heard about until now. Granted, I've never even smoked a cigarette (let alone tried pot), but this discussion had me..... intrigued???

Kinda thinking I should try psychadelics (sp?) once before I die, but am such a chicken it will most likely never happen. Has anyone found it to be the eye opening experience he claims it to be? mushrooms back in college.... licking some frog's backside.... anything?

Oh yeah, severe language, couple of F-bombs in there...


01-08-2008, 12:58 AM
he claims it to be? mushrooms back in college.... licking some frog's backside.... anything?
I'll let Rogan stick with commentating on the UFC stuff, but when it comes to psychedelic drugs being a good thing that never killed anyone... I guess he forgot about PCP.
I like when people defend a drug, especially when the body produces it. Like, "Well since we make it, it cannot be bad for us." Our bodies produce testosterone, so what's wrong with steroids? And everybody loves Bond :haha: Ahh, HGH... That's good as well :haha: Too much of anything is usually never good. In most cases when we introduce a chemical into our body that already is being made by it, the body reacts to the influx and slows or stops the production of that chemical. It's like Ecstasy causing serotonin to to flow and gives everybody that nice, happy feeling. The problem is, it damages the way the brain transports it and since your body cannot pump it out, you need more from the drug to get that affect. The problem is when we stop taking a drug after ingesting it for sometime; will our body be able to snap back and begin producing it once again?

DMT being produced when we sleep, what happens when we introduce DMT into our body when the body isn't producing it? If we ingest the DMT on a recreational basis, will our bodies stop or lessen its production of it? What are the side effects of a body that can no longer produce DMT by itself? Is there a reason it only happens when we sleep? Is this stuff synthetic or is it harvested? Sort of like the way HGH was taken from corpses before a synthetic form was produced.

I think it's pretty scary to ingest stuff that can eventually lead to your body stopping production of something it naturally does.

01-08-2008, 07:53 AM
Excellent points. Too many variables and unknowns when you start messing with chemicals in your body to be sure.

The way he describes it though, it almost feels like there is some consciousness(damn no spell check) out there we are missing out on by "playing it safe". I've heard this from many people, but mostly stoners/losers who's opinion I didn't/don't respect. The way he described it was pretty interesting to me. And he seems like a highly intelligent and motivated person. Caught me off guard I guess.

I guess in some cases, ignorance is bliss, haha. It's really too risky like you said.

01-08-2008, 07:43 PM
Last time I saw Joe, he was cheering on these poor idiots to eat cockroaches, cow uterus, bull penis and do crazy stunts, all for the chance of winning a big $50 grand. Joe, meanwhile, was paid millions for doing nothing but egging on the idiots. Why should anyone listen to his thoughts on drug use?

01-09-2008, 07:58 AM
He now cheers on 2 men in cage trying to kill each other. That makes him way more qualified. :2thumbs:

I have no problem with someone telling me about their personal experience. And I guarantee you the facts he threw out there were accurate even though surely biased.


Here's his own thoughts on Fear Factor.


P.S. I love UFC (less now that it's becoming standardized) and loved fear factor when it was on. I'm just sick though. But I've always found Joe insightful, intelligent, and funny. Your mileage may vary.

donny h
01-21-2008, 12:14 PM
Has anyone found it to be the eye opening experience he claims it to be? mushrooms back in college.... licking some frog's backside.... anything?

DMT is incredibly powerful, people have been extremely tramatized from doing it, it removes your mental filters and gives powerful insights into the self, but information can be dangerous, some people don't like what they see when they look deep into themselves.

If your really interested, research Ayahuasca tea.

Mushrooms are more of a beginner level thing, LSD is not, PCP should never be consumed by humans, and mescaline can be a little speedy.

X (MDMA) is speed, no matter what the rave kids say, don't do it.

And for petes sake, don't lick toads.

What others should I mention? Don't consume syrian rue seeds, jimson weed, morning glory, datura, or ketamine.

To recap: Shrooms good, LSD powerful, all other psychedelics should be left to experienced trippers, rave idiots, or barnyard animals.

01-21-2008, 03:05 PM
Shrooms= Crazy warped trip that incudes tracers, neon colors and feeling like you float in and out of reality. I don't advocate using drugs but don't regret getting that out of my system and knowing what it is about, the pros (if there are any) and the cons. I could elaborate on some crazy stories when it comes to drugs (my unlce was depicted in the movie Blow) the moral of the story would be = Drugs are bad...

01-21-2008, 03:32 PM
pcp is a dissociative drug ... not a psychedelic drug

the neuropharmacology is very different for these two classes of drugs

Rev. Coyote
01-22-2008, 12:33 PM
I tried mushrooms a couple times (and I bet you guys are shocked), and found the experience to be very enlightening. I have no desire to do it again, but glad I tried them. We approached the experience not in a "party" atmosphere, but rather, in a "seeking" mode. What I found is that the drug kicked down mental doors that may have otherwise never been open. My poetry writing improved overnight.

Stay away from the synthesized stuff, and the earlier reference to jimson, dartura, or any of the belladonna family was on taget. Don't mess with it.

Mushrooms and peyote are in the same family, and often used for spiritual purposes. Respect them as such. Keep it clean.

Thus endeth the lesson,
Rev. Coyote

01-24-2008, 07:48 PM
Ahh I thought this thread was dead!

Thanks for the very insightful experiences guys, very enlightening. This whole idea got me interested in "internal exploration" so to speak. Quite frankly I like the idea Rev. mentioned of "blowing down mental doors", but am too chickenshit to even try something basic like mushrooms. I have to be honest with myself. But the "inner exploration" or "self awareness" factor really really intrigues me. Sounds stupid I'm probably not explaining my thoughts correctly.

I've actually began learning too meditate as a start. I'm sure it's not as "enlightening" but I've noticed an improvement in my concentration levels. No difference in creativity just yet, but I could not be as creative as I thought also, haha. In March when I'm in Vegas, I found this spa that has these things called floatation tanks. Basically it's a tank with 800 lbs of salt dissolved in water, completely dark and the same temperature as your body. So it takes away your sight, sound, touch, etc, and makes the inward journey easier, with no distractions. So I'm looking forward to experiencing that and seeing if it brings me closer to my newfound goal.

When caving I always liked to turn my lamp off and just sit there and listen to complete silence in complete darkeness, I had no clue why at the time. It was just so peaceful and refreshing. No one else in the group seemed to get it though. They would turn their light back on after 5 seconds and say "creepy". So this will be a similar experience, except no other cavers making noise.

I'm sure this wont be as dramatic as trying chemicals, but hopefully I will be able to start experiencing whats the word.. a higher conscious maybe? an inner focus? Spiritual contentment? On a small scale but in a totally safe way.

Thanks again for the great info and personal experiences. Always very interesting to hear about people's experiences. :2thumbs:

01-24-2008, 08:37 PM
I've actually began learning too meditate as a start. I'm sure it's not as "enlightening" but I've noticed an improvement in my concentration levels. No difference in creativity just yet, but I could not be as creative as I thought also, haha. In March when I'm in Vegas, I found this spa that has these things called floatation tanks. Basically it's a tank with 800 lbs of salt dissolved in water, completely dark and the same temperature as your body. So it takes away your sight, sound, touch, etc, and makes the inward journey easier, with no distractions. So I'm looking forward to experiencing that and seeing if it brings me closer to my newfound goal.

When caving I always liked to turn my lamp off and just sit there and listen to complete silence in complete darkeness, I had no clue why at the time. It was just so peaceful and refreshing. No one else in the group seemed to get it though. They would turn their light back on after 5 seconds and say "creepy". So this will be a similar experience, except no other cavers making noise.

I'm sure this wont be as dramatic as trying chemicals, but hopefully I will be able to start experiencing whats the word.. a higher conscious maybe? an inner focus? Spiritual contentment? On a small scale but in a totally safe way.
Sounds like someone needs to see "Altered States" - William Hurt, sensory deprivation... Am I dating myself here?

Personally, I can't imagine myself not getting bored. See, I've got a bad attitude from the start.

Back in the day I did some mild mind-altering substances (we're talking long ago). After I stopped (to get a real job) the one thing that I always regretted not trying was mushrooms. They sound really intriguing. And they grew just a few blocks from home - there was a field where a lot grew. You always knew when they were out by all the vehicles parked at the side of the road. I knew some folks who made a fair bit of money drying and selling them by mail order.

Rev. Coyote
01-25-2008, 08:21 AM
I've actually began learning too meditate as a start. I'm sure it's not as "enlightening" but I've noticed an improvement in my concentration levels. No difference in creativity just yet, but I could not be as creative as I thought also, haha. In March when I'm in Vegas, I found this spa that has these things called floatation tanks. Basically it's a tank with 800 lbs of salt dissolved in water, completely dark and the same temperature as your body. So it takes away your sight, sound, touch, etc, and makes the inward journey easier, with no distractions. So I'm looking forward to experiencing that and seeing if it brings me closer to my newfound goal.

When caving I always liked to turn my lamp off and just sit there and listen to complete silence in complete darkeness, I had no clue why at the time. It was just so peaceful and refreshing. No one else in the group seemed to get it though. They would turn their light back on after 5 seconds and say "creepy". So this will be a similar experience, except no other cavers making noise.

I'm sure this wont be as dramatic as trying chemicals, but hopefully I will be able to start experiencing whats the word.. a higher conscious maybe? an inner focus? Spiritual contentment? On a small scale but in a totally safe way.

You are on a good path. Clearly, you are attuned to the spiritual side, and it sounds like you've found some good ways to meditate. I especially like the caving reference. There's a band I've played in on and off since 1992, and we used to shut all the lights off during jam sessions and jam in total darkness. We learned a lot from that, and since our music is improvisational, the experience opened up some new roads for us.

One of the things I so dearly love about the desert is the opportunity to just sit and let the silence swallow me. The experience is so intense, that I believe a dose of mushrooms would either be redundant or distracting. The first time I really felt it was back in the 80s in a slot canyon in the San Rafael Swell. I was by myself, immersed in the silence, and then felt as if I could hear the pulse of the Earth itself. I saw a coyote footprint in the damp sand, sat down, and place my fingertips in the pawprint, and then everything was complete.

Floatation tanks in Vegas? I had to laugh at the dichotomy there. But give it a try, what the heck. Also, a good hatha yogi can guide your meditations.

01-25-2008, 09:11 AM
The first time I really felt it was back in the 80s in a slot canyon in the San Rafael Swell. I was by myself, immersed in the silence, and then felt as if I could hear the pulse of the Earth itself. I saw a coyote footprint in the damp sand, sat down, and place my fingertips in the pawprint, and then everything was complete.

ahh the nascent coyote ... i love it :2thumbs: