View Full Version : I need a Ride to West Rim Trailhead 10/13 + trail questions

AT Hiker
10-05-2007, 08:43 AM

I am making my first trip to Zion the weekend of October 13-14, I am looking to share a ride from Springdale to Lava Point / West Rim Trailhead on Saturday morning. I contacted a couple of commercial shuttle services and they can do it but it will cost about $75 if I am the only passenger. Is anyone heading up that way ?

As I said, this will be my first trip to Zion. I do a bit of backpacking on the Appalachian Trail out here. I am planning on hiking the West Rim Trail from Lava Point to Weeping Rock, then catching the park shuttle back to Springdale on Sunday. I have a camp site reserved along the trail for Saturday night. Is this a good plan? Is there water along the trail or do I need to carry all of my water for the two days? Any info or suggestions are appreciated!



10-05-2007, 10:28 AM
Water is a somewhat subjective topic, and how much you carry for yourself depends on how much water you need. For example, I hardly carry any water for myself when I do a day hike (usually I take 8 - 16 oz of soda or other sports drink, and no water for an 8 hour hike, which is adequate for myself, but may or may not be adequate for anyone else). If I am doing a very strenuous hike (10+ hours), one liter is adequate.

So I guess the question is, how well do you know yourself and your personal hiking habits? How many miles are you planning to cover in a day, and then plan accordingly. And even then, I would plan to take along iodine tablets or some other purification system just in case. As far as water along the trail -- I dunno. Anybody else done this hike? Tanya?


10-05-2007, 02:14 PM
Wow Rock, you must be some sort of camel. I can go through one litter in less than three hours in mild to cool temps. I guess that goes to show there is quite a range.

There is water at Potato hollow and at the West Rim Spring, which are between the campsites. You can call the Zion Backcountry Desk and they can tell you where the springs are and if they are still flowing. Plus they can tell you trial conditions snow levels (I don

10-05-2007, 03:13 PM

I am making my first trip to Zion the weekend of October 13-14, I am looking to share a ride from Springdale to Lava Point / West Rim Trailhead on Saturday morning. I contacted a couple of commercial shuttle services and they can do it but it will cost about $75 if I am the only passenger. Is anyone heading up that way ?

As I said, this will be my first trip to Zion. I do a bit of backpacking on the Appalachian Trail out here. I am planning on hiking the West Rim Trail from Lava Point to Weeping Rock, then catching the park shuttle back to Springdale on Sunday. I have a camp site reserved along the trail for Saturday night. Is this a good plan? Is there water along the trail or do I need to carry all of my water for the two days? Any info or suggestions are appreciated!



I rarely plan something that far ahead. 3 days is usually pushing the plan thing for me.... as for water...

Yes there is water as James said.

Campsite 9 - Saw Mill Spring:
1 mile from Trailhead. Water is usually available.
Campsite 7 & 8 - Potato Hollow area located about
5 miles from Lava Point. Water is usually available.

Cabin Spring: 9.25 miles/14.9m - Cabin Spring is just a little mud hole, but it does offer drinking water. The water seeps up from the ground and must be filtered. The spring is also called West Rim Spring.

More info on the Trail

Rock! You are an animal!!!!

10-05-2007, 03:23 PM
Ya, I think my great-great-great grandmother was a camel. I thought I was normal until I got married, and took my wife on the Subway. I didn't pack any water cause I thought it was gonna be an easy "up-to-the-Subway-n'-back" deals, and my wife got quite dehydrated about halfway in, and we ended up turning around.

Sure makes for a light backpack though... :mrgreen:


Scott!!! Can you move the edit button away from the quote button :mrgreen:

10-05-2007, 04:42 PM
WIFE!!!! :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2:

Why are all the good ones always taken

AT Hiker
10-06-2007, 09:12 AM
Sounds like I will be OK on water, when I backpack I usually carry a 70 oz camelback and a 32 oz bottle if the temps are high, plus a filter to pump water from springs or creeks.

If anyone can put me in touch with someone for a ride to the trailhead that would be great, worst case I will just pony up the $$$ for the commercial shuttle.

I am really looking forward to this trip. It will be my first western hiking since I was a little kid. I am going to Vegas for a trade show the following week, so I am taking advantage of company funded travel to spend the weekend backpacking.

10-06-2007, 10:14 AM
FWIW: Cabin Spring (West Rim Spring) is fairly reliable but is occasionally dry. If I remember correctly the backcountry desk lists if Cabin Spring is flowing or not on the chalkboard. Anyhoo.... when you pick up your backcountry permit they should be able to provide you with a solid answer.

10-09-2007, 06:36 PM
FWIW: Cabin Spring (West Rim Spring) is fairly reliable but is occasionally dry. If I remember correctly the backcountry desk lists if Cabin Spring is flowing or not on the chalkboard. Anyhoo.... when you pick up your backcountry permit they should be able to provide you with a solid answer.

Cabin Spring is almost always usable, though never more than a trickle. Potato Hollow, on the other hand, went dry this summer, but we've had a lot of rain in the last month, so I think it is running again.

Beautiful in Zion right now, have a great trip.


10-19-2007, 12:53 PM
How'd it go? Seemed like you picked a good time to be out here.
