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07-27-2007, 06:53 AM
Comic-Con 2007 - Spoiler Summary

Thanks to all our bloggers who attended last nights Lost Panel at Comic-Con and who bought us all the live updates. I will try to make a summary of all the spoilers from last night.

- Event starts off with a clip with Michael Emerson calling the Others a "Rebel Sect"
- Also on the clip show "By the time you see this I will be dead," says M.C. Gainey).
- Voice-over: "The survival of the Island is now at stake."
- Footage of the Lost game is shown (You can see this in the DarkUFO Home page)
- Carlton says Rachel probably won't be on the Island.
- Damon says the benefits of only doing 16 episodes (versus 22) a year is they can do more ancillary "awesome" stuff.
- Damon and Carlton say don't get too attached to Richard Alpert, because Nestor Carbonell's on CBS' Cane.
- They're writing episode one, but it's still untitled
Shooting starts in four weeks.

Q&A Section

Q) Wants to know about season three's violent turn and that the powers that be to promise that the Others aren't the good guys.
No promises are forthcoming.

Carlton says they wanted a showdown, and that involved a body count.
Damon says our guys are more violent but prettier. "When Sawyer is punching you in the face, you're like, More please, you're so attractive, can you take your shirt off please?" But when Friendly does it, it's relentless violence. Says Damon, "If the violence stays intense, it will at least be perpetrated by catastrophically good-looking people."

Q) Where's Michael?
They announce here that Harold is returning as Michael Dawson, but they tell the questioner they're not talking about how or when he returns.

Q) Re: Flashbacks
Carlton says flashbacks and flashforwards are both on the show going forward. "How far forward" and "with whom" are the Q's.

Q) Will Jack and Claire find out they are related?
Carlton rings the bell on Damon, but Damon nods furiously. The crowd goes wild.

Q) Did Ben get caught by Rousseau on purpose? Did Ben kill the real Henry Gale?
Damon says he will answer one of those questions. The asker chooses the capture question. Carlton: "He got caught by accident." Damon volunteers this, regarding Ben vs. Henry Gale: "They had words."

They were running out of plausible flashback material, so it was time to switch gears into flashfowards. The end date allowed them the certainty necessary to add that element into the show without further antagonizing fans. Carlton: "What you saw with Kate and Jack was not the end of the show." Damon: "The show has never really been about getting off the Island...There's this whole chapter of the story that takes place off the Island." Outstanding!

Carlton, regarding poor crazy Michael, "He took some extreme actions." Michael's story is about the power of the Island to be redemptive. And this won't be a quick pop by Redemption Island; Harold is a series regular. Michael returns early in the fourth season, or so says Damon.

Q) "What questions are fans not asking that we ought to be?"
Carlton: "Who's in the coffin?" and rings the bell on himself. D.L. and C.C. ask Harold, "Who do you think is in the coffin?" Harold thinks it's the person with the teenage son...probably Locke! Damon would ask, "Who's on that freighter out there, and what do they want out of the Island?" Carlton would ask, "Okay, Kate and Jack got off the Island? Did anybody else get off the Island?"

Q) Will we get back to Libby and was she part of Dharma
Carlton: "It is our intention to get to Libby's story this year, and we think you will be happy when we finish that." Damon: "You're not barking up the wrong tree."

Q_ Will there be a Danielle flashback soon?
Damon: "There are important things going on in that story, and they have to sync up." They'll do that syncing in this season or next.

Q) A fan named Aaron asks, "Can I call the monster Cerberus?"
Damon says...On the blast-door map, C.V. stood for Cerberus Vents. "That's Dharma's name for it, maybe. Cerberus is one of it's names." Damon: "Aaron, may I call you Cerberus?" Aaron-Cerberus: The monster seems kind of seems like it represents judgment. Why did Eko have to die? Damon: The whole deal with the monster will be definitely answered. Carlton: The monster answer is "not going to be 10 seconds of blank tape."

Dharma Film
The Comic-Con exclusive clip was "discovered" in "Narvik, Norway."

The promised clip is one of the station orientation films, hosted by Marvin Candle under an alias. The footage begins with him getting his makeup done and smoothing down his Dharma labcoat. Bunnies! It's about bunnies! Bunny #15, to be specific. Marvin, who calls himself Dr. Edgar Halifax in this film, identifies it as station six, the Orchid. He says the viewer has probably realized by now that he or she is not working at a mere botanical research unit. He apologizes for making him or her lie to friends and family members about the nature of the work. He mentions something that sounds like "Kasimir effect" and mentions the "unique properties of the Island." Then there's one of Jacob's subliminal messages. It may have been some variation on "as Jacob loves you." Then there's a bunny riot. One of the station's alarms blares, Dr. Halifax/Marvin panics. There's an intercut clip of someone riding a bicycle. The clip is inserted upside-down, and the rider appears to be in the village green of Otherville...And then, amid the chaos (perhaps this is the Incident?), the filmstrip slides off the reel.
(Film Description thanks to E!Online)

Thanks to our live bloggers who wrote the following Wrap-Up post.