View Full Version : Rope Grooves

06-05-2007, 08:19 AM
Ok, time to climb back up on top of my cyber soap box and yell through my webified microphone....

I am seeing way to much damage and destruction caused by rope grooves in the sandstone. 90% of all rope grooves are caused by lazy and careless canyoneers. This problem has nothing to do with natural or bolted anchors. I am seeing rope grooves caused by both type anchors because people are not taking the time to properly set sling lengths or locate anchors in a desirable location.

Please take the time to correct this problem. Just because the group in front of you did a lazy half-ass job is no excuse for you to follow suit. Do it right and lets try and eliminate rope grooves as best we can.... if you see a problem area please take the time to correct it. If everyone kicks in and helps out a little bit this problem will disappear.

Thanks for you help.... now back to our regularly schedule programing.


06-05-2007, 09:22 AM
I think one way to correct this problem is to edumacate people on rappel techniques. Most people set the sling short so as to avoid awkward starts (having to sit down or kneel to rappel off the lip).

06-05-2007, 09:32 AM
I know, I know, I should've reset the sling length on Mindbender over the weekend... :frustrated:

Seriously though, I didn't see the rope grooves there until already starting down the rap, and then realized my mistake when making the pull. I'll certainly be more aware of it in the future. And hopefully by letting people know about the situation, the next group will be aware of it and take care of the problem.

06-05-2007, 09:45 AM
I think one way to correct this problem is to edumacate people on rappel techniques.

Edjucation is the key :2thumbs:

I know, I know, I should've reset the sling length on Mindbender over the weekend... :frustrated:

Actually I think your big mistake at Mindbender was not pulling the bolts :lol8:

06-05-2007, 09:50 AM
Actually I think your big mistake at Mindbender was not pulling the bolts :lol8:

I tried, but I was hacking at them with my g-pick, and it must've been a little too dull... The holes aren't too deep though, the next party should be able to chop away the remaining rock without much issue... :lol8: :lol8:

bruce from bryce
06-05-2007, 05:10 PM
wearing knee pads can help on those difficult beginnings. :nod: yeah, yeah only sissies wear them but my knees are not scraped up.

06-05-2007, 05:44 PM
Another observation on the Mindbender rap... It's not an awkward start, and extending the slings a few feet from where the bolts are placed would not make it any more awkward. It is a nice walk down until you hit the overhanging part.