View Full Version : Dave Black's Canyoneering Book

Scott P
05-22-2007, 01:14 PM
Anyone read it?


Any comments?

Just curious.

05-22-2007, 01:57 PM
Best I can tell this book is not yet available....

COMING SOON: Preorder this item today and it should arrive on or just after 09/30/2007

But I just preordered a copy so I'll let you know when it gets here. Dave is pretty talented and a good teacher so it should be an excellent book. His Ice Climbing guide was well worth the coin.

Hmmmm..... wonder if the book had anything to do with Dave's recent departure from the ACA? Anyone hear anything about the ACA's eventually to be published book?


05-22-2007, 03:25 PM
And from the receipt of my Amazon order.....

Shipping estimate for these items: January 2, 2008
Delivery estimate: January 7, 2008 - January 9, 2008

So much for my big idea of buying you all a copy as a Christmas present. :lol8:


Scott P
05-22-2007, 03:37 PM
Oops, never mind. :bath: I guess no one has read it yet. Postpone this thread until next January.

02-04-2008, 08:06 AM
Since I received a PM this morning asking "what's the deal....."

Update: This book has yet to ship and the estimated date of release has been removed back... again.... I ordered a copy of this book nearly a year ago and it has yet to ship. The release date keeps getting moved back.

God only knows when this book will be released, and he's not really sure.....


02-04-2008, 12:08 PM
Has the book still yet to be written? :) A year delay seems excessive.

02-04-2008, 01:43 PM
Has the book still yet to be written? :) A year delay seems excessive.

The book was originally planned for release at the OR winter show, Jan 2008. Falcon lists their books before they are released, on Amazon and to the retailers, in order to get the most bang at the moment of release.

The book has been delayed (for the first time) a couple of months. I have seen an early draft, so we know it actually exists. Expect it out in April/May/June timeframe.


02-04-2008, 03:07 PM
The book has been delayed (for the first time) a couple of months.

How do you figure.... or is this a Amazon thing?

I originally purchased the book in May of 2007 from Amazon and was sent a receipt saying the book would be shipped in September of 2007. In September of 2007 I was send a message from Amazon saying the book was delayed and would be sent in January of 2008. In January of 2008 I was sent a message saying the book would ship Spring of 2008....

Now on the plus side..... Amazon has not billed me yet and tells me they will not bill me until the book is sent. Also.... each time they send me a message saying the book is delayed they also give me an opportunity to cancel my order.

Anyhoo... that's my experience.


02-04-2008, 03:14 PM
The book has been delayed (for the first time) a couple of months.

How do you figure.... or is this a Amazon thing?

I originally purchased the book in May of 2007 from Amazon and was sent a receipt saying the book would be shipped in September of 2007. In September of 2007 I was send a message from Amazon saying the book was delayed and would be sent in January of 2008. In January of 2008 I was sent a message saying the book would ship Spring of 2008....

Now on the plus side..... Amazon has not billed me yet and tells me they will not bill me until the book is sent. Also.... each time they send me a message saying the book is delayed they also give me an opportunity to cancel my order.

Amazon thing. Falcon releases their list for Jan 08 in Aug 07. The initial release date was always going to be Jan 08, just Amazon did not get the availability into their computer correctly. So, it has only been delayed once (so far).


02-04-2008, 03:16 PM
Amazon thing. Falcon releases their list for Jan 08 in Aug 07. The initial release date was always going to be Jan 08, just Amazon did not get the availability into their computer correctly. So, it has only been delayed once (so far).


Although, considering the first post in this thread was in MAY, perhaps this is the second time they have blown it back a season.


02-11-2008, 11:14 AM
And from the receipt of my Amazon order.....

Shipping estimate for these items: January 2, 2008
Delivery estimate: January 7, 2008 - January 9, 2008

The book has been delayed from the publisher and not from Dave, or Amazon. I have it on good authority that the delay however was on purpose and for good reasons. You will be glad you waited for the later release instead of having it when the original date was going to be. I too am waiting for my shipment to fulfill pre-orders.

04-07-2008, 08:33 AM
My copy of the book which was order May 2007 shipped today from Amazon..... what's a year among friends. :ne_nau:

I'll let ya'll know what I think of the book after I've had a chance to look through it.


04-07-2008, 09:43 AM
And from the receipt of my Amazon order.....

Shipping estimate for these items: January 2, 2008
Delivery estimate: January 7, 2008 - January 9, 2008

The book has been delayed from the publisher and not from Dave, or Amazon. I have it on good authority that the delay however was on purpose and for good reasons. You will be glad you waited for the later release instead of having it when the original date was going to be. I too am waiting for my shipment to fulfill pre-orders.

Jared sent me one, and it is really good. Haven't had the chance to sit down and read it, but reading a page here and there, I am very impressed. Good job, Dave!!



05-08-2008, 06:48 PM
My copy of the book which was order May 2007 shipped today from Amazon..... what's a year among friends. :ne_nau:

I'll let ya'll know what I think of the book after I've had a chance to look through it.
Have you had a chance to look it over, Ice? Can you provide an unbiased review? Or is Dave paying ya to keep quiet? :haha:


05-08-2008, 06:59 PM
It's worth the money.... still not all the in depth info I was hoping for.... but I'm thinking that's going to take a "Freedom of the Canyons" type of book" to do that... The book kind of bounces around... kinda talking to noob and then expert....

But my though is if you pick up one or two tricks it's worth the coin. I learned a few things from the book and I still have not read all of it... I would buy it again, which is really to bottomline... but what do I know... I think $30 a year for a truck load of beta is a bargin. :haha:

Some of the book gets old fast to me like talking about different types of rap devices..... but everyone knows I'm a god like expert :lol8: so that's to be expected.

As I said... I still have not read the complete book, I have learned a few things from what I have read so far...


05-08-2008, 07:08 PM
and once you have absorbed the canyoneering techniques, you will need the logical sequel in the series...


05-08-2008, 07:31 PM
"Eh, good one"--

02-06-2010, 12:00 PM
So, I have a lot of free time on my hands right now and I have decided to catch-up on my reading. Somewhere along the way, I forgot to buy this book. With Bo's assistance, I now have the book. Thanks Bo!

I haven't read it yet - I have a lot of time to do that - but after thumbing through the pages for the last 45 minutes or so, there is a lot of great information in this book!

I hope that I'm the only one that missed this book.


02-06-2010, 12:02 PM



02-06-2010, 01:08 PM
another excellent read ...

On Writing Books by Dave Black (http://www.math.utah.edu/~sfolias/canyontales/tale/?i=daveblackbooks)

02-06-2010, 01:40 PM
another excellent read ...

On Writing Books by Dave Black (http://www.math.utah.edu/~sfolias/canyontales/tale/?i=daveblackbooks)

Interesting read. I wonder how the self-publishing schtick compares to the trials and tribulations of working with a publisher - Tom's book, Courtenay's Summit & Rambles books, that kind of thing.

02-07-2010, 10:51 PM
another excellent read ...

On Writing Books by Dave Black (http://www.math.utah.edu/~sfolias/canyontales/tale/?i=daveblackbooks)

Thanks for the link - it was an excellent read.

I continue to be unable to understand why there has to be so much politics in this sport. :ne_nau: It's sad to think that some pictures without helmets can impact the distribution of a book. I have enough trouble with Government telling me how to take care of myself, but now a few individuals can influence my reading selections? It's a shame.

Interesting read. I wonder how the self-publishing schtick compares to the trials and tribulations of working with a publisher - Tom's book, Courtenay's Summit & Rambles books, that kind of thing.

Here is an interesting link:


02-08-2010, 09:15 AM
Bo and I have had no problem at all working with a publisher. None! Its been a breeze!

I did not however put any photos in there without helmets lol

02-08-2010, 10:11 AM
another excellent read ...

On Writing Books by Dave Black (http://www.math.utah.edu/~sfolias/canyontales/tale/?i=daveblackbooks)

Interesting read. I wonder how the self-publishing schtick compares to the trials and tribulations of working with a publisher - Tom's book, Courtenay's Summit & Rambles books, that kind of thing.

Before I decided to self-publish, I was under contract with a traditional publisher for 18 months. The longest 18 months of my life. Breaking that contract was like being paroled.


02-08-2010, 11:30 AM
I looked long and hard at both methods and self publish was a much eaiser path....

Canyoneering Zion

Canyoneering Tales

02-09-2010, 07:38 PM
I finally read the whole thing by Dave --- someone I have been wanting to get together with! Dang guy always wants to do something crazy like a freezefest or ice climbing though. :lol8:

From his text...

Some subjects weren

02-10-2010, 07:37 AM

Next complaint ... Unknown techniques. Could someone tell the Park Service that they need to find a new subject

02-10-2010, 08:46 AM
The only one saying Dave's book is not perfect is Dave!

He seems very hard on himself! Oh.. yeah.. that park "expert" too. :roll:

No matter what is out there, there is always someone that will pick it apart and find things wrong!

But good looking women in canyoneering should not be one of them! :lol8:

02-11-2010, 10:55 AM
If canyoneering with good-looking women is wrong, then I don't want to be right!

02-11-2010, 11:29 AM