View Full Version : Let the Elderly Murderers Go Free

05-22-2007, 07:09 AM
This makes me sick. Every time an elderly person strikes and kills a pedestrian, they let them off scott free. If I did that, they would lock me up and throw away the key. That's bullshit!!

Father and Daughter Killed After Being Hit by a Car

A father and daughter were hit and killed while on their way to kindergarten. They were hit by a car around 12:30 p.m. Monday, while they were using the crosswalk at 5300 South and 1300 East.

"Now my granddaughter will not see age six. My son will not see age 30," said Nancy Ostler.

Don Ostler, 29, always walked his daughter Gwndalyn to kindergarten. The crossing guards knew them both well.

"The first day of school that little girl was reluctant," the crossing guard told us.

It was father-daughter time. Family tells us Gwndalyn was the only kindergarten student who used the crosswalk in the afternoon, that's why her dad always walked with her.

Monday afternoon they were walking in the crosswalk when a car hit them.

Witness Krista Griffeth said, "[It's] awful to think this would happen and people aren't more cautious."

The driver is 86 years old. Don Ostler's mother, and Gwndalyn's grandmother, says that driver should not have been on the road.

"I've worked with the elderly, and there's a time you have to say, 'You can't do this anymore,'" Nancy Ostler said.

"From the police reports we just read, and the police we talked to, he did not appear to be fit," she said.

Police won't say yet what caused the driver to hit the two people, but they do tell us speed was not a factor. Whatever the reason, Nancy Ostler is sure it shouldn't have happened.

"My son did not have to die today. My tiny granddaughter did not have to die today," she told us.

Ostler is finding what comfort she can. She said, "My granddaughter was going to be six in three weeks. She was just entered into the gifted program. At five years old, she wanted to be a doctor."

Witnesses say paramedics arrived at the scene very quickly, but it just wasn't enough. Frances Martin said, "They worked and worked and worked on that child, and they had to give up."

Another witness, Bill Crawley, said, "It's not something I wish I'd seen. I wish I'd never had to see it. I wish I hadn't come by after the accident."

Murray Police Department Detective Kenny Bass said, "We see a lot of bad things in our job, firefighters as well. Anytime you have a child, it's gut-wrenching."

Witnesses say the school zone lights weren't on, and the crossing guards, who only patrol during rush hour, weren't working.

Ostler has a plea for drivers. She says, "Slow down, watch for pedestrians, please. This might have been your son or granddaughter."

Investigators say at the time of the accident the roads were pretty dry. They also say from witness reports the driver of the car didn't appear to be speeding.

The 86-year-old driver was not hurt. He was taken into police custody and has since been released. Police are running toxicology tests to see if alcohol or drugs may have been involved. They also did other tests to determine if he is fit to drive.

Don Ostler leaves behind a wife and a young son.

05-22-2007, 07:32 AM
Ugh... This is why I avoid driving in Holladay.

05-22-2007, 07:43 AM
I've worked a couple of these kinds of tragedies, and all I can say is it's sad. In 1986, I shot pictures at the scene of a double-fatality in which an elderly driver went the wrong way on an exit ramp and killed two motorcyclists. She was unaware that she had done anything wrong, and was never able to comprehend what she had done.

It's hard to tell someone, no matter how old they are, that they can't enjoy a basic privilege like driving, particularly in a society that practically requires it to meet our needs. My father was wise enough to realize that he was unable to drive, and stopped. But he had my mother to drive him around.

The elderly lose their abilities to see, hear, coordinate, react, and reason. It's different for every individual. The only real solution would be to require routine driving tests for anyone over a mandatory age, which would be expensive. It is also hard for lawmakers to pass such legislation, since senior citizen's vote, and are protected by vocal and often misguided groups like AARP.

I guess I don't have a solution or comfort for these victims. Like I said, very sad.

05-22-2007, 10:30 AM
It's a complex issue. In FL, I see it routinely where the elderly drive beyond the time they should. They cause accidents or near-misses but keep driving. An uncle drove till he was 90, scared the bejabbers out of me numerous times, but he didn't realize what had happened and wouldn't think of stopping.

At my age, I only hope I will have the good judgment to stop driving when I should. Most people don't.

05-22-2007, 12:05 PM
It's a complex issue. In FL, I see it routinely where the elderly drive beyond the time they should.
Tell me about that :ne_nau: I thought they were tested after a certain age? Man, I'd be busy working down there...the camera would never stop. And it wouldn't be just for M/V/A fatalities either.

05-22-2007, 09:55 PM
That is tough. I don't think they should get off scott free but I also don't see the point in locking them up. They at the very least should never drive again and be responsible financially for the incident.

I think a better solution is sticter licensing laws for seniors (no offense to Rev. who would be effected by this directly :roflol: )