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View Full Version : Trip Report Grand Canyon Colorado River Whitewater Trip!

03-21-2007, 07:45 PM
Just got back tonight from 2 weeks on the River! :2thumbs: Tanya and I joined 10 other folks at Phantom Ranch and began a SUPERB trip down the river and hiked out of Whitmore Wash this morning! Among the crew was OC Dale in his Dory and amazing campfire stories (All Lies!). Tanya had a Very, Very close call on Dubendorf, but It's best described by her! I learned about lateral waves while testing my skills in a "Duckie".....GEEZE, next time I wear a drysuit for those Dam cold Swims! Thanks Jim and Tanya for plucking my arse out of that river!
I bet Tanya will have some great stories as soon as she washes out the dirt from her dreadlocks! Cheers......Bo[/b]

03-21-2007, 08:14 PM
Just got back tonight from 2 weeks on the River! :2thumbs: Tanya and I joined 10 other folks at Phantom Ranch and began a SUPERB trip down the river and hiked out of Whitmore Wash this morning! Among the crew was OC Dale in his Dory and amazing campfire stories (All Lies!). Tanya had a Very, Very close call on Dubendorf, but It's best described by her! I learned about lateral waves while testing my skills in a "Duckie".....GEEZE, next time I wear a drysuit for those Dam cold Swims! Thanks Jim and Tanya for plucking my arse out of that river!
I bet Tanya will have some great stories as soon as she washes out the dirt from her dreadlocks! Cheers......Bo[/b]

Great stories and Great photos! I never want to be staring at a hole that big again. Thanks to Bill for pulling me back into the boat a second before I went into that hole! :dizzy:

Photo: The Legend! OC! Dale O' Conner

03-21-2007, 09:03 PM
Monty and Jack Tillinghast in the Lava Falls Rapid

03-21-2007, 09:10 PM
Tommy and my boat buddies - Brothers Jimmy and Bill

03-21-2007, 09:13 PM
It was 20 years ago when I floated the Colorado river. I remember lava falls and Crystal rapids. I thought that I wouldn't make it out alive. We lost a 25hp mercury motor at lava falls and popped 3 of the bladders in our pontoon in crystal rapids. Floating from Lees Ferry down is quite an experience. It is like you are in another world. Did you stop at any of the hot springs or at Phantom ranch?

03-21-2007, 09:24 PM
It was 20 years ago when I floated the Colorado river. I remember lava falls and Crystal rapids. I thought that I wouldn't make it out alive. We lost a 25hp mercury motor at lava falls and popped 3 of the bladders in our pontoon in crystal rapids. Floating from Lees Ferry down is quite an experience. It is like you are in another world. Did you stop at any of the hot springs or at Phantom ranch?

The boats made a stop at Phantom. The whole trip was 30 days I believe, so there were lots of stops with places to hike. Bo headed out on most of the difficult trails that were offered. I just went to some of the easier ones. Crystal was scary, but we did a good run through that one on my boat and the group did well on it. It was that giant hole on Dubendorf that almost took me. I am not so sure I would have survived those 3 big holes if I would have fallen out of the boat. We hit the 1st hole and the wave knocked me almost out. My face was down to the water and my waist was over the boat and I was almost gone, when Bill, the other passenger drug me back in. He got me on the floor of the boat and we hit the 2nd hole. That wave hit me on the head! I wanted off the floor and got up just in time for us to hit the 3rd big hole. I was a lot more respectful of the rapids after that! I hiked on the side and took photos as the group went through Lava. Celebration Night followed! The surviving lava celebration!

03-21-2007, 09:27 PM
Tom (Yellow Dog) and Bo.

03-21-2007, 09:29 PM
Wow! Sounds like quite the trip. We're glad you made it back OK. Cool pictures. :2thumbs:

03-21-2007, 10:17 PM
Wow! Sounds like quite the trip. We're glad you made it back OK. Cool pictures. :2thumbs:

Thanks Justin. I must have 800 to 1000 photos from that 2 week trip. I have a new respect for the Grand Canyon. The river is the way to see it without a doubt!

03-21-2007, 11:07 PM
Rafting photos of Bo

03-21-2007, 11:12 PM
Jim dubbed this hidden Beach - Tanya's Beach

Jim and I were stranded here until a lone kayaker rescued us and sent us on our way to new territory

03-21-2007, 11:13 PM
One last shot for now

03-22-2007, 02:47 AM
Wow, fantastic photos, Tanya. I love the first shot of your beach - looks very cool. I know so little of rafting, kayaking, paddling. What a blast - going to have to look into this stuff.

Hoping for more photos! And make sure you give us a little bit of a narrative. How long a day did you spend on the river? What sort of camping did you do? How were the temps? MORE MORE MORE! :2thumbs:


03-22-2007, 05:23 AM
I was a lot more respectful of the rapids after that! [/color]

:lol8: :nod: The second you lose respect for the river, IS the second you go under. The whitewater river is the most respected mother nature's force I have experienced so far.

Tanya, can't wait to read your full TR and look through 10,000 photos. I love your photos! Sounds like the trip went just like it was planned, Life threatening and adrenaline rushing :2thumbs:

03-22-2007, 07:23 AM
Wow, fantastic photos, Tanya. I love the first shot of your beach - looks very cool. I know so little of rafting, kayaking, paddling. What a blast - going to have to look into this stuff.

Hoping for more photos! And make sure you give us a little bit of a narrative. How long a day did you spend on the river? What sort of camping did you do? How were the temps? MORE MORE MORE! :2thumbs:


We could not have asked for better weather! The days were warm, but not too hot and the nights were just cool enough to enjoy a fire and sleep well. We were with a group of men that had done the river many times. Jack over 40 times, Monty over 80 times and OC over 300! A few others had done it a time or two. They were very organized! We would unload tables and gear and set up a kitchen. 2 or 3 were responsible for cooking each night and doing breakfast the next morning. Bo and I each only had to cook twice. We would break camp and be in the boats by 9am, stopping when there was a trail someone wanted to do. We would usually stop to camp about 3 or 4pm. Everyone set up their sleeping stuff and then sat around the campfire and listened to OC tell tales of the Grand Canyon and Jimmy tell jokes. Good times!

03-22-2007, 07:27 AM
I was a lot more respectful of the rapids after that! [/color]

:lol8: :nod: The second you lose respect for the river, IS the second you go under. The whitewater river is the most respected mother nature's force I have experienced so far.

Tanya, can't wait to read your full TR and look through 10,000 photos. I love your photos! Sounds like the trip went just like it was planned, Life threatening and adrenaline rushing :2thumbs:

Many of the men had turned over a few boats in their many years of doing the river. OC had only done it once, and that was on Lava. His heart was pounding all day as we approached it. The guys seemed to be into the adreneline rushing, but I enjoyed the dead water places where we just strolled through the water and enjoyed the canyon, the river and the company. We are going to write up an article for the St. George Today magazine about the trip. I think for the May issue.

03-22-2007, 07:41 AM
Welcome back.... We missed ya :2thumbs:

Nice photo's, I look forward to hearing and seeing more. :nod:

03-22-2007, 07:51 AM
Welcome back.... We missed ya :2thumbs:

Nice photo's, I look forward to hearing and seeing more. :nod:

Thanks Shane :nod:

As I trudged out of the canyon.... up that long hot trail.... I was thinking... forget hiking... boating is the way to go. :lol8:

03-22-2007, 08:58 AM
WOW what an EPIC trip. :hail2thechief:

And welcome back...when do we get to see the pictures of you? :naughty:

03-22-2007, 10:31 AM
I must have 800 to 1000 photos from that 2 week trip.

Nice. We need some kind of "mass upload" program here. We'd love to see the rest of them.

03-22-2007, 10:42 AM
Most are just lazy days on the river. I only sat out one rapid to get photos of our group. I do have a few of people I don't know though. I will post some more when I get a chance to go through them. Most cameras on the trip were ruined. I was happy all my stuff made it though!

03-22-2007, 10:47 AM
Most cameras on the trip were ruined.

Really? Not enough precautions were taken?

03-22-2007, 10:54 AM
Most cameras on the trip were ruined.

Really? Not enough precautions were taken?

Jack says it's the silt that gets to them. Most of our trip we had gorgeous green water, but once the silt hit the river and it turned brown it was hard to get off our hands. It's just plain sandy out there!

03-22-2007, 10:54 AM
I just started reading The Very Hard Way (http://www.fretwater.com/bert.html), a biography about Bert Loper (an old time Colorado River boatsman), and now I'm itching to go run some rivers. Do you know if his "Grand Canyon" boat is still down near Mile 24 1/2 Rapid?

03-22-2007, 10:58 AM
but once the silt hit the river and it turned brown

don't you mean "silt hit the fan"? :haha:

Well, that sucks. Is it permanent damage to the cameras?

03-22-2007, 11:00 AM
I just started reading The Very Hard Way (http://www.fretwater.com/bert.html), a biography about Bert Loper (an old time Colorado River boatsman), and now I'm itching to go run some rivers. Do you know if his "Grand Canyon" boat is still down near Mile 24 1/2 Rapid?

There was a metal boat up on the rocks at one camp/rapid, but we joined the trip at Phantom Ranch which I think is below that.

03-22-2007, 11:01 AM
but once the silt hit the river and it turned brown

don't you mean "silt hit the fan"? :haha:

Well, that sucks. Is it permanent damage to the cameras?

They don't know. They are still out on the river. If they have some good shots though, they will send them to me. Bo took a lot of hiking photos along the trip and I took mostly river shots.

03-22-2007, 11:34 AM
Do you know if his "Grand Canyon" boat is still down near Mile 24 1/2 Rapid?

A recent radio show I heard said that it was still there.

03-22-2007, 01:35 PM
I just started reading The Very Hard Way (http://www.fretwater.com/bert.html), a biography about Bert Loper (an old time Colorado River boatsman), and now I'm itching to go run some rivers. Do you know if his "Grand Canyon" boat is still down near Mile 24 1/2 Rapid?

There was a metal boat up on the rocks at one camp/rapid, but we joined the trip at Phantom Ranch which I think is below that.

That was across the river from Shinumo at Bass Camp. It was abandoned back in the 30's according to Monty? I forget the name of the pioneers that built and abandoned the Boat, but it was built similarly in design to those used by Powell? Looked more to me like "The Monitor" :haha:

03-22-2007, 06:19 PM
Welcome back girl! :five: Your photos are awesome - as usual. Sounds like you've been in your element for the last 2 weeks - scenic, spectacular beauty and surrounded by men. :2thumbs:

03-22-2007, 08:01 PM
Welcome back girl! :five: Your photos are awesome - as usual. Sounds like you've been in your element for the last 2 weeks - scenic, spectacular beauty and surrounded by men. :2thumbs:

Ah but Savannah! We were blessed with Tanyas presence! Lest you forget (or didn't know) we all vyed for her attention. I found that we all recieved what we loved.....her presence and her quest to make this one of the best experiences yet! Her smile lit up our world!

03-22-2007, 09:50 PM
Welcome back girl! :five: Your photos are awesome - as usual. Sounds like you've been in your element for the last 2 weeks - scenic, spectacular beauty and surrounded by men. :2thumbs:

Yeah :haha:

I missed you!

03-22-2007, 09:51 PM
Welcome back girl! :five: Your photos are awesome - as usual. Sounds like you've been in your element for the last 2 weeks - scenic, spectacular beauty and surrounded by men. :2thumbs:

Ah but Savannah! We were blessed with Tanyas presence! Lest you forget (or didn't know) we all vyed for her attention. I found that we all recieved what we loved.....her presence and her quest to make this one of the best experiences yet! Her smile lit up our world!

Awwwww... how sweet :oops:

03-22-2007, 10:04 PM
We were blessed with Tanyas presence! Lest you forget (or didn't know) we all vyed for her attention.

I just wanna know how long it took before the guys dropped the act, and started breaking wind in front of her. :lol8:

03-23-2007, 06:59 AM
We were blessed with Tanyas presence! Lest you forget (or didn't know) we all vyed for her attention.

I just wanna know how long it took before the guys dropped the act, and started breaking wind in front of her. :lol8:

Dang Sombeech! You know the situation too well! Fortunately the beeches were either very long, or camp was set just off a rapid. Amazing how all sound is muffled! Just had to lick a finger and test for prevailing winds :haha:

03-23-2007, 04:40 PM
A few photos

03-23-2007, 06:08 PM
Some rapid shots. I think I have one with a man falling :eek2: out of a boat on a rapid, but have not ran across it yet.

03-23-2007, 06:54 PM
BRRRRRRRRrrrrrrr!!!!!! That had to be COLD!!!!

Falling out during a rapid

03-23-2007, 07:00 PM
Some rapid shots. I think I have one with a man falling :eek2: out of a boat on a rapid, but have not ran across it yet.

WoW! While I was out 'dinkin' around in the desert, letting scorpions knaw at my knuckles, chasing chuckawallas, and staving off spring sheep...you were busy taking pictures, amazing at that, of the moment and capturing them forever. These are some of the BEST I have ever seen! Those pictures put me at the helm and even in the bow as I'm about to be swallowed into the depths!!!!!!! :hail2thechief: :2thumbs:

03-23-2007, 07:02 PM
Some rapid shots. I think I have one with a man falling :eek2: out of a boat on a rapid, but have not ran across it yet.

WoW! While I was out 'dinkin' around in the desert, letting scorpions knaw at my knuckles, chasing chuckawallas, and staving off spring sheep...you were busy taking pictures, amazing at that, of the moment and capturing them forever. These are some of the BEST I have ever seen! Those pictures put me at the helm and even in the bow as I'm about to be swallowed into the depths!!!!!!! :hail2thechief: :2thumbs:

Thanks! The man falling out gives me the chills!!!!

03-23-2007, 08:04 PM
Nice, keep em coming!

03-23-2007, 08:12 PM
Nice, keep em coming!

I think that's enough for now. I have a lot of lazy river days and several more rapid shots, but that is good. Bo has a ton of hiking shots from the trip.

03-23-2007, 09:43 PM
Bo has a ton of hiking shots from the trip.

Oh yeah, hiking. :lol8:

03-24-2007, 07:35 AM
Bo has a ton of hiking shots from the trip.

Oh yeah, hiking. :lol8:Wow again! I have nothing exciting in my shots like yours Tanya! Its hard to capture "typewriter knee" on a limestone face! If I could have captured someone falling, it would have been dramatic, but the outcome wouldn't have been as sweet! :ghost:

03-24-2007, 07:40 AM
Bo has a ton of hiking shots from the trip.

Oh yeah, hiking. :lol8:Wow again! I have nothing exciting in my shots like yours Tanya! Its hard to capture "typewriter knee" on a limestone face! If I could have captured someone falling, it would have been dramatic, but the outcome wouldn't have been as sweet! :ghost:

Don't mind the youngsters.... they just like splashing things and such. :lol8:

03-24-2007, 10:44 AM
Bo has a ton of hiking shots from the trip.

Oh yeah, hiking. :lol8:Wow again! I have nothing exciting in my shots like yours Tanya! Its hard to capture "typewriter knee" on a limestone face! If I could have captured someone falling, it would have been dramatic, but the outcome wouldn't have been as sweet! :ghost:

Ah, the kids like "exciting", but the discerning among us enjoy nice scenery and tales of exploration just as much. C'mon Bo, share some hiking pics... :2thumbs:

03-29-2007, 03:52 PM
BRRRRRRRRrrrrrrr!!!!!! That had to be COLD!!!!

Falling out during a rapid

I was talking to one of my boat buddies when he and Tommy stopped by and he said that the guy in the back of the boat actually hit the rower on top of the head before he fell out!!!! Dang it!!! I wish I got that shot!!! I could be rich now. :lol8:

03-29-2007, 04:01 PM
The last of my almost 1000 shots from the trip was of Jack Tillinghast, who invited Bo and I on this private trip. It was a blast!!!

03-29-2007, 08:08 PM
I am slowly going through the slow water photos.....

I really like this one of OC in his Dory early in the morning... shooting into the sun.

03-29-2007, 08:09 PM
I am slowly going through the slow water photos.....

I really like this one of OC in his Dory early in the morning... shooting into the sun.
Very cool - atmospheric! :2thumbs:

03-30-2007, 03:30 AM
I am slowly going through the slow water photos.....

I really like this one of OC in his Dory early in the morning... shooting into the sun.
Very cool - atmospheric! :2thumbs:

That little wooden boat on that huge river so early .... It was atmospheric. :five:

03-30-2007, 08:51 AM
AWESOME!!! :hail2thechief:


03-30-2007, 05:30 PM
Thanks Scott :five:

Few more. :nod:

03-30-2007, 05:38 PM
I have so many :lol8:

03-30-2007, 10:18 PM
These are great!!! Its these types of trips that you come home with hundreds of photos... :popcorn:

03-31-2007, 05:44 PM
These are great!!! Its these types of trips that you come home with hundreds of photos... :popcorn:

Yes, but I kept getting warnings to put away the camera or it would be ruined. I was lucky! Many others on the trip lost all photos if not their camera itself!

I have a new appreciation for the Grand Canyon. I have always LOVED Zion and wondered what it was about that Grand Canyon that was so great.... it's the river! Boating that river was incredible!!! I hope I get to go on more private trips!

More photos

03-31-2007, 06:25 PM
Duffy rowing Lava Falls


OC's Dory

04-01-2007, 06:56 AM
Tanya and Bo, you made my early Sunday morning with the pictures and stories. I somehow had missed this but nothing like having that first cup of coffee and reading reports like this.

Lave Falls is amazing. I've only viewed it from Toroweap and it looks so docile. I hasd a friend that's a river runner from Oregon out there last year and he really enjoyed watching with binos as the rafters picked there line.

Off to Zion.


04-01-2007, 06:58 AM
The "fun boat" .... my boat buddies... Jim and Bill

We laughed non-stop..... except for a few moments to stop and see if anyone was getting mad that we were disturbing the quiet of the canyon :mrgreen:

04-01-2007, 07:01 AM
Couple more shots

04-01-2007, 07:04 AM
Tanya and Bo, you made my early Sunday morning with the pictures and stories. I somehow had missed this but nothing like having that first cup of coffee and reading reports like this.

Lava Falls is amazing. I've only viewed it from Toroweap and it looks so docile. I hasd a friend that's a river runner from Oregon out there last year and he really enjoyed watching with binos as the rafters picked there line.

Off to Zion.


That is what Bo said when we hiked down the Lava Falls "Trail".... he was expecting more! But after going through some and feeling that water engulf those boats...... it looked much much much much BIGGER!!!!

We want to see photos from your trip today! What are you hiking?

04-01-2007, 04:59 PM
kayak in a rapid

04-23-2007, 10:42 AM
I finally got a day off of work and made the photo album for our Grand Canyon River Trip. :nod:


04-23-2007, 12:15 PM
Wow Tanya, you should come on my next trip to photograph the action! :nod: :2thumbs:

04-23-2007, 04:43 PM
Wow Tanya, you should come on my next trip to photograph the action! :nod: :2thumbs:

That would be a blast! I think I started getting the hang of the photographing the rapids on Lava. The other rapids I did from our campsite of other groups. I wish I could have set them all out and did our group on all the big ones!

04-23-2007, 04:44 PM
Speaking of that.... you just went on another trip right? How was it?

04-24-2007, 08:41 AM
It was a clean up trip, was great we managed to find a lot of garbage! 6 tires, a shopping cart, a camping chair, binoculars and 4 big bags of paper/plastic. The wind picked up in the afternoon and it was a pain to paddle the flat water. I met Bo and his friend Klein, both great guides and boat captains.

It turned out to be another great trip organized by Steve. I would go on all possible trips ran by Steve and I recommend you come along :nod:

I didn't take any pics, I believe Steve took some though.

04-24-2007, 05:51 PM
It was a clean up trip, was great we managed to find a lot of garbage! 6 tires, a shopping cart, a camping chair, binoculars and 4 big bags of paper/plastic. The wind picked up in the afternoon and it was a pain to paddle the flat water. I met Bo and his friend Klein, both great guides and boat captains.

It turned out to be another great trip organized by Steve. I would go on all possible trips ran by Steve and I recommend you come along :nod:

I didn't take any pics, I believe Steve took some though.

I love to paddle in the flat water! Bo must be great from the posts his dad has made! Where did you go to find so much garbage?

04-24-2007, 05:53 PM
It turned out to be another great trip organized by Steve. I would go on all possible trips ran by Steve and I recommend you come along :nod:

I didn't take any pics, I believe Steve took some though.

Are these private trips you and Steve go on. Steve is "soitgoes" right?

04-25-2007, 04:10 AM
Bo got some great shots on this trip!

Where did that BIG boat go? I think I see Monte's hat!


A great hiking shot!

Hakatai Canyon - Pretty!


04-25-2007, 05:54 AM
I have Bo's River Trip Album online!


Our Grand Canyon Photos



My tent :lol8:

04-25-2007, 11:17 AM
Is this you, tanya?


04-25-2007, 01:47 PM
Yep.... me and my boat buddies.

Deer Creek Photos


04-25-2007, 05:29 PM
Bo got some great shots on this trip!

Where did that BIG boat go? I think I see Monte's hat!


A great hiking shot!

Hakatai Canyon - Pretty!


Yep! Thats Monty, but I think its his Snorkel you see :roflol:

Its pretty hard to take a bad photo of the waterfalls in the side canyons of The GC, but thanks :five:

04-25-2007, 10:49 PM
This is a GREAT photo! :popcorn:


04-26-2007, 07:03 PM
It has a casual feel to it. :nod:

04-26-2007, 07:04 PM
Not too many of you seem to be into the river thing, but here is the article Bo and I just wrote for the Today in Dixie Magazine.

The Trip of a Lifetime
By Bo Beck and Tanya Milligan

The Grand Canyon is as

04-27-2007, 06:27 AM
Tanya, I loved your story, can't wait to eventually join in on a GC trip.

04-27-2007, 07:32 AM
Tanya, I loved your story, can't wait to eventually join in on a GC trip.

Thanks Alex! You have never been on a boat through the Grand Canyon yet? I feel really lucky to have ever gone!

04-27-2007, 09:00 AM
Nope, been on a river only a couple of years, so I am still learning the ropes :nod: My time will come, I am sure of that. Glad to live it through your picture and your story. Thanks! :2thumbs:

05-06-2007, 07:18 AM
Nice article Tanya. You are right that not too many people on this forum seem to be river rats. Too bad. It's the most fun you can have with your clothes on.

I'm off to Desolation Canyon for five days.

[quote="tanya"]Not too many of you seem to be into the river thing, but here is the article Bo and I just wrote for the Today in Dixie Magazine.
The Trip of a Lifetime

05-06-2007, 07:37 AM
It can only be because they have not done it! I never appreciated the Grand Canyon before this trip! I would have to actually put the Grand Canyon before ... my beloved ZION now!!!!!


I hope you have a wonderful trip!

05-06-2007, 07:39 AM
Nope, been on a river only a couple of years, so I am still learning the ropes :nod: My time will come, I am sure of that. Glad to live it through your picture and your story. Thanks! :2thumbs:

I love boats and think any river trip would be a blast, but the Grand Canyon I am guessing is one of the most special of them all!

What are some other favorite river trips?

05-06-2007, 07:43 AM
There are lots of great rivers. Yes, the GC is at the top of the list, but the Selway, the Middle Fork of the Salmon, and the Salt are right up there. Westwater Canyon has been called the best day trip in America. I think that may be true.


05-06-2007, 07:52 AM
There are lots of great rivers. Yes, the GC is at the top of the list, but the Selway, the Middle Fork of the Salmon, and the Salt are right up there. Westwater Canyon has been called the best day trip in America. I think that may be true.


Alex has mentioned Westwater Canyon trips. Where are all these rivers ... or at least the part of the river you usually run?

05-06-2007, 07:56 AM
The Selway and Salmon are in Idaho. Idaho truly is the whitewater capital of the world. The Salt is in AZ. Westwater is a 17-mile section of the Colorado River, in Utah near the Colorado border.

Those are extremely famous rivers. There are others. The Bruneau and Owyhee in Idaho, the Rogue in Oregon, the Dolores and Animas in Colorado. Cataract Canyon is pretty awesome.

Ahhh . . . wonderful memories.

05-12-2007, 07:07 AM
The Selway and Salmon are in Idaho. Idaho truly is the whitewater capital of the world. The Salt is in AZ. Westwater is a 17-mile section of the Colorado River, in Utah near the Colorado border.

Those are extremely famous rivers. There are others. The Bruneau and Owyhee in Idaho, the Rogue in Oregon, the Dolores and Animas in Colorado. Cataract Canyon is pretty awesome.

Ahhh . . . wonderful memories.

I don't think it gets better than being on a boat with no motor in a beautiful setting and fun friends along!

Do you have some non-Grand Canyon stories?

07-23-2007, 11:14 AM
Tanya - Looks like we passed eachother on the river! I remember stopping at the Ross Wheeler and seeing you all camped there. Meeting OC and seeing his boat was cool. (I was in the process of building a similar boat myself at the time, which I have since finished and christened on Deso)

You posted some pics of our group - Andy and Dave in the "Hellgrammite" Dory and Bug rowing her Blue Achilles bucket boat

It looks like you may have used one of the pics in the article you published? We'd love to see a copy if one is available.

Thanks for a great trip report and for sharing your great pics.
My photostream from the trip is online at Flickr:


Jeremy Christensen

07-23-2007, 12:22 PM

Excellent photos! Welcome to the forum. :2thumbs:

07-23-2007, 01:51 PM
Tanya - Looks like we passed eachother on the river! I remember stopping at the Ross Wheeler and seeing you all camped there. Meeting OC and seeing his boat was cool. (I was in the process of building a similar boat myself at the time, which I have since finished and christened on Deso)

You posted some pics of our group - Andy and Dave in the "Hellgrammite" Dory and Bug rowing her Blue Achilles bucket boat

It looks like you may have used one of the pics in the article you published? We'd love to see a copy if one is available.

Thanks for a great trip report and for sharing your great pics.
My photostream from the trip is online at Flickr:


Jeremy Christensen

Wonderful photos and thanks for the compliment!

O.C. is awesome! We must have passed..... are you related to Steve Christensen?

Which of the photos is of your group?


I would glady put captions of who the photo are if you show me the photos and give the text to me! :five:

The story

The story was published in the Today in Dixie Magazine too!

Are any of the photos of your group in this thread?

07-23-2007, 02:17 PM
No relation to Steve. Christensen is a common name hereabouts.

There are a couple pics of our crew in the thread...a couple of Dave Inskeep and Andy Stienenger (rowing) in Dave's home built red and green "Hellgrammite" dory, and a picture of Dave's wife Bug in her yellow drysuit (hardest woman on the river) oaring her blue achilles bucket boat, with Cody in the front (This is the first pic in the post with the article.) Was this picture published with the article in the Dixie mag?

Cheers, Jeremy

07-23-2007, 02:33 PM
No relation to Steve. Christensen is a common name hereabouts.

There are a couple pics of our crew in the thread...a couple of Dave Inskeep and Andy Stienenger (rowing) in Dave's home built red and green "Hellgrammite" dory, and a picture of Dave's wife Bug in her yellow drysuit (hardest woman on the river) oaring her blue achilles bucket boat, with Cody in the front (This is the first pic in the post with the article.) Was this picture published with the article in the Dixie mag?

Cheers, Jeremy

This was the one published... Jim and Bill Luginbill - they were from our group and in Lava Falls and this photo of O.C's boat, but did not have him in it. There was also a hiking shot with no humans in it.



These are your group? Not sure what you mean about article? This thread or the online photos?


This one? I am sure I can find the originals of any of the photos you want. :nod:


This one?

07-23-2007, 02:48 PM
Yep, those are the ones.

The photo of Bug in the blue achilles was in your post on this thread where you copied the text of the article. I thought maybe the photo had been a part of the article.

I'd love to get the originals, you can send them to o.c.utah@hotmail.com.


07-23-2007, 04:14 PM
I will do that! :five:

07-26-2007, 06:01 PM
They are on their way ... let me know if they don't make it.

07-29-2007, 03:50 PM
Got them, thanks! You are the second person from another trip that I've stumbled across and received pictures from. If Only I could find the guy that took pictures of us in the Dory going through Lava. Bo's pics of OC in Lava are fantastic.