View Full Version : No more eating while driving?

01-17-2007, 02:39 PM
Here's a law that is in the works to be passed, or not.


Also, they discussed this a little on X96 this morning.

If passed, this will crack down on anybody eating, talking on the phone, among other driving distractions. Goodbye McDonald's drive-thru. That may upset some fast food franchises.

Also in the works is the increase of speed limits.

01-17-2007, 03:17 PM
This law will be a Secondary offense you will have to commit a different moving violation to be ticketed for this
here is the link to the text of SB0017

01-17-2007, 03:51 PM
I don't think its too unreasonable, albeit a little bit harsh. People really shouldn't be talking on the phone or putting on makeup while they're driving. That is seriously hazardous. Eating, drinking and smoking I think is less so, yet it can cause problems too. But hey, if it cuts down on people eating less fast food, then I'm cool with it. :)

01-17-2007, 04:47 PM
Here in Connecticut, if you're on the phone, you'll get stopped. We don't have that secondary clause here.

01-17-2007, 08:03 PM
So I cant steer with my knee while I chew on a burger with one hand and sip a coke with the other, going 75...boo hoo! :lol8:

Thats just un-american... :ne_nau:

01-17-2007, 09:19 PM
Sombeech and Davis, did you guys recognize senator Scott Jenkins on Fox 13 tonight pushing this bill?

01-17-2007, 09:22 PM
Sombeech and Davis, did you guys recognize senator Scott Jenkins on Fox 13 tonight pushing this bill?

He was on TV? Hell, I missed it. Did you know he was also a "Boner of the Day" candidate on X96 for this? :roflol:

01-18-2007, 05:16 AM
I don't have a problem with eating, but I do not like most people talking on their cell phone, putting on make up, reading, etc.

I have a commercial driver's license, and I used to have a job teaching other people how to drive 40 foot buses and operate commercial vehicles. Everyone believes they are better drivers than they are, but I feel like I at least have some claim to be a good driver.

Okay, here is the hypocrisy: I would like other people to have be more responsible when they drive, but I don't want to stop eating, & talking on my cell phone myself.

I think you should be required to use a hands free device but I don't know about not using phones at all.

double moo
01-18-2007, 06:59 AM
many municipalities already have similar laws - just making it a state issue now.

In Sandy it's called inattentive driving - they can nail you for anything thats takes your focus off the road... not that they do... they just can...

01-18-2007, 07:02 AM
Don't forget I can still eat my Jolly Ranchers

here is the link to the Fox 13 news clip


01-18-2007, 07:19 AM
many municipalities already have similar laws - just making it a state issue now.
I'm pretty certain that traffic laws are uniform throughout the state. No cities or counties can enact traffic laws more strict than state laws.

I think the change in Utah's law won't really have much effect except to make a few more bucks for the state. If it's a secondary offense, then the only way you can get pulled over while you're eating your Big Mac is to drift out of your lane or do something else that's already against the law. Since you can already get pulled over for improper lane changes and other such offenses, then basically all this new law is accomplishing is that you can be cited for two violations now instead of just one.

01-18-2007, 09:19 AM
Also keep in mind that the policy or highway patrol will have to inforce it. They question is are they really going to enforce it.
I agree with things being a distraction shouldn't be done but why dont they just pull them over for "inatentative driving" or "erratic driving", "wreckless driving" or whatever. Wouldn't that eliminate the need for all the legal defenitions of what you can be pulled over for?
I heard it on X96 as well and they were mentioning that the reason the guy came up with the law was because someone cut him off while they were eating a salad. That would be nice though to make laws about stuff that pisses you off like low book sales commercials would be illegal.

01-19-2007, 09:11 AM
If this law were passed we would miss out on good pictures like this one:


01-19-2007, 11:31 AM
I heard it on X96 as well and they were mentioning that the reason the guy came up with the law was because someone cut him off while they were eating a salad. That would be nice though to make laws about stuff that pisses you off like low book sales commercials would be illegal.

:roflol: Or, just enforce a law that says "don't cut people off".

donny h
01-19-2007, 03:05 PM
Someone will be trying to make this law a primary offense within three years, just like the seat belt law.

If you don't believe that, well, maybe you should go bridge shopping. :haha:

Scott Card
01-19-2007, 05:07 PM
Biggest multi-taskers on the road our the cops. :nod: Computer running, checking for insurance, registrations while driving, cell phones going, radios, gizmos everywhere, and a gun that keeps pokin' em in the thigh. Oh and the food too. What are the police going to do and will there be an exception written in the law for all they do while driving? Face it. Some people are just lousy drivers, with or with out food or phones. I don't see this law doing diddly. I of course am not one of the lousy drivers as I am sure you all also consider yourself to be a superior driver to the other idiots out there. :haha: Lets slide down the slope here for a bit.....Pretty soon they will want all cars to have separate compartments for each passenger so as not to talk, eliminate music and radios from the car, eliminate temperature read-outs so nuts don't take photos of them while driving.... er ahhh just kidding.. Holy cow, we have laws that if someone crosses a line, they can be cited, if they run a stop light they can be cited, if they follow too close or travel at an unsafe speed (too fast or slow) they can be cited....etc. Any cop worth their salt knows that if they follow someone long enough they will make a mistake. Those on phones that can't drive could already be pulled over for a plethora of violations. What more do we need? How about getting rid of billboards, those are distracting. Oh, I got it. I think we should legislate against pretty sunsets. Outlaw them all. I have been distracted many times by those. :2thumbs: If I can drive within all the laws that exist while on my cell phone, let me keep the cell phone. If I break the law while on my cell phone, cite me for the law I violated.