View Full Version : UUTAH Xbox Modding Party?

12-31-2006, 06:23 PM
I don't know if you guys have any interest but if you guys all want to get together some night, I can mod your xboxes. To just flash the bios and make your xboxes "modded" takes about 10 mins. an xbox and won't cost anything if you want to do it.

The advantages to this mod are:

1. You can stream video through your xbox. (This for me is huge. I have an xbox everywhere I have a TV and I have them all hooked up to the router. My PC is in the basement and has all my videos. I use my xbox upstairs to play videos off my computer downstairs.
2. You can play "back ups" of your own games. I will not be offering to help anyone break any copy right laws. Modding your xbox is perfectly legal, as long as you don't use it to break the law. But any games you own you can back up on cd\dvd and play those backups instead, so you don't ruin your original that you own.
Here is a video someone made and put on YouTube for modded xbox capabilities. I didn't actually watch it but you can.

I just want to stress again that if you guys want to do this, it won't be hard or cost you anything, I just can't stress enough the importance of upholding copyright laws.

Anyway, maybe you guys don't care, I just thought I would offer.

12-31-2006, 07:30 PM
Just sold my xbox; Upgraded to a 360. I also play a lot of XBox live so I never had my box modded.

I have been playing Gears of War WOW! that game is SICK

12-31-2006, 09:23 PM
got rid of mine a couple of months ago. Upgraded to the 360. I was supposed to set up a halo 2 UUtah clan but never got around to it. If anybody is still interested let me know and I'll set it up.

12-31-2006, 09:25 PM
I want a 360. Mostly for Gears of War and Halo 3. But PS3 seems to be such a better system that I don't know which I'll get yet.

I read that PS3 lowers the quality of PS2 games when playing them but it at least plays them all when 360 only plays some. Anyway, I just don't know which I'm going to get yet.

12-31-2006, 09:33 PM
More halo2 maps comming soon (for 360 only)
Halo 3 beta testing this spring.... thats what sold me on the 360

01-01-2007, 08:30 PM
My wife got a hard drive and was going to get mine modded for my b-day, but I had just signed up for live and she didn't know it would keep me off. As soon as I get a 360 I'll mod my old xbox. As soon as halo 3 comes out, I'll get a 360. Damn I hope 3 is worth the LONG wait.

01-02-2007, 09:05 AM
I want a 360. Mostly for Gears of War and Halo 3. But PS3 seems to be such a better system that I don't know which I'll get yet.

I read that PS3 lowers the quality of PS2 games when playing them but it at least plays them all when 360 only plays some. Anyway, I just don't know which I'm going to get yet.

The guy that runs the video store in town told me that if you're gonna spring for a newer gaming console, spring for the 360. He is a beta tester for the 360, and has both the 360 and PS3 in his store (for tournament play). He says the 360 and PS3 are both pretty similar, but the 360 has a slight edge on the PS3 as far as graphics quality and overall game play.

01-02-2007, 09:12 AM
My wife got a hard drive and was going to get mine modded for my b-day, but I had just signed up for live and she didn't know it would keep me off. As soon as I get a 360 I'll mod my old xbox. As soon as halo 3 comes out, I'll get a 360. Damn I hope 3 is worth the LONG wait.

Have you signed up for the beta testing? there is a Halo3 thread in General that has the info posted.

01-02-2007, 09:15 AM
A couple of questions since I'm not a real gaming geek.... I have little kids who play with the XBOX and they are always scratching disks and losing them. So the ability to make back-ups is very appealing to me. So a couple of questions... If I mod the XBOX do I need to also buy a hard drive for it? What are the disadvantages of modding (someone mentioned no XBOX live)?



01-02-2007, 09:35 AM
A couple of questions since I'm not a real gaming geek.... I have little kids who play with the XBOX and they are always scratching disks and losing them. So the ability to make back-ups is very appealing to me. So a couple of questions... If I mod the XBOX do I need to also buy a hard drive for it? What are the disadvantages of modding (someone mentioned no XBOX live)?



Geeks..... i have seen your wetsuit pics so don't get me started :roflol:

I am sure disc can tell you more but here is what I know.
You dont need a bigger hd but a stock xbox comes with a 8 gig hd. Xbox games can be 2 to 5 gigs in size so using the stock hd really limits the number of games you can have on the Xbox.
Xbox live, Depending on the mods.... it can work on Xbox. But if it does not if very will may not the next day. Microsoft has teams of ninjas always working on this issue. They are trying to prevent cheaters (modders) from ruining game play for the rest of us.

Now advantage, you can copy games to your HD. Set up emulators for N64 NES pretty much any old system out there.
You can rent a game and copy it to your DH or just download them online.
Illegal of course........

01-02-2007, 12:41 PM
A couple of questions since I'm not a real gaming geek.... I have little kids who play with the XBOX and they are always scratching disks and losing them. So the ability to make back-ups is very appealing to me. So a couple of questions... If I mod the XBOX do I need to also buy a hard drive for it? What are the disadvantages of modding (someone mentioned no XBOX live)?

Summit is right.

You don't need to buy a harddrive because you can just make backup discs to play as long as you have a dvd burner. The xbox has a big enough hard drive for 1 game to be copied over without upgrading the memory size.

We can mod it so that when you push the power button (to turn it on) it is a modded xbox and when you push the "open tray" button (to turn it on) it is completely normal. As long as you don't change the memory size and you have the original disc, you CAN still play on live.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

01-03-2007, 05:03 PM
I'm in :2thumbs:

01-03-2007, 05:48 PM
The kids just got a 360 for Christmas. What do I have to do to be able to create backup copies of their games? They don't play on Xbox Live.

01-04-2007, 08:48 AM
I don't know of any mods for Xbox 360. Again, I am sure discgolfdriver knows more about this then I do.

But I would NEVER mod my 360 because it would void the warranty.
It cost way to much to buy a new one.

01-04-2007, 09:03 AM
You can mod a 360. The 2 mods of which I am aware for the 360 allow the 360 to play "back ups" of games that you own and there is a different mod which enables the MS stream to have a lot less restrictions (improving upon it greatly).

I don't have a 360, so I have never done it but I can look in to it and see how manageable it is.

01-04-2007, 04:52 PM
there is a different mod which enables the MS stream to have a lot less restrictions (improving upon it greatly).

Any more info or a link on this mod? I am using XP pro and the .WMV streaming restriction on the 360 drive me crazy.
I have heard if you use the Window Media OS you the steam most anything from the 360. I am guessing you are talking about even less restriction?

It will be a cold day in hell before I replace my XP pro with WindersMedia.

01-11-2007, 08:09 AM
360-hq.com & xbox-hq.com are your best bets for learning more about it. I really don't know if I am going to get a 360 or not. I keep hearing great things about the PS3.

01-11-2007, 08:45 AM
I'm not a hardcore gamer but I have been following this little battle 360 vs PS3 battle out of curiosity.... and from what I have put together so far I see the PS3 becoming the new betamax.

And the big surprise is Wii, which could probably be much bigger if they developed and marketed some adult oriented games, or at least games aimed at an older age group. Personally I'm thinking Leisure Suit Larry in Wii would be a hit :haha:

Anyhoo.... this is nothing scientific, just my thoughts as an outsider watching the battle with interest.


01-11-2007, 10:51 AM
Yeah, I have also been curious to see how the whole thing pans out. I bought a PS2 when they were new. Hated it, and sold it. Waited for the xbox to come out and I have loved the xbox. The xbox is such a better machine than the PS2 but because Sony beat Microsoft to market by about a year, the PS2 out sold the xbox. Microsoft learning a lesson from this rushed their consule to market before making it the best they could.

360 will do better than PS3 for at least a long time because of a couple of simple things:

1. They were in stores a year before ps3 and especially with this Christmas season, parents could get 360s and the PS3 was not available.
2. Halo 3. I know it sounds hard to believe that one game could save a system but Halo is the biggest game of all time (actually I think "the Sims" still is techniquely but you know what I mean). Halo 1 got people in to xbox. Halo 2 got people in to Xbox live and Halo 3 is going to get more people in to 360.

Almost all of my friends (including the guys at xbox-hq.com) are all 360 enthusiasts and don't like the PS3. But the PS3 is such a good machine.

Sony's PS3 is the cheapest Blue Ray machine on the market and the graphics are amazing.

I have seen the PS3 and the 360 play a couple of the same games and PS3 was better. I was shocked at first but after learning more about the PS3 I'm not.

Okay, I'm getting long winded. I was going to go on but I realize there probably isn't the interest.

I'll just say this I thought that Blue Ray and HD DVD would fight it out like the old beta & Vhs tapes but there is already a 3rd party machine that plays both. I think it will be like dvd-r and dvd+r.

01-11-2007, 11:49 AM
Sony has a horrible record with their proprietary formats.

Betamax, MiniDisc, MemoryStick, ATRAC, and UMD all failed miserably (by the standards that Sony set for them), outside of Japan.

Mainly because Sony always tries to do things their way with new formats and make everyone else conform to it. Where as other companies work together on giving the people what they want/need (instead of being told what they want/need).

When CD's came out they were a entirely new storage medium. The next evolution. DVD's, to the general population, is a CD that holds lots more stuff.

All this crap that Sony keeps releasing, these new formats, people just think "What do I need this junk for? I've got my CD's and DVD's." "Blu-Ray? WTF is a Blu-Ray? Oh, its a new type of DVD? I have to buy a new DVD player to watch it? Why? I've got my DVD's." That is the mentality of the public which Sony continuously overlooks.
