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View Full Version : teh real lost world

12-15-2006, 06:47 PM
i watched this earlier on animal planet. very interesting. really beautiful place. anyone else catch it ? here is thte blurb -

A modern team of explorers venture to the legendary "Lost World"- the remote jungle plateau of Roraima in Venezuela. Cut off from time and the jungle below, feared by natives because of "evil spirits", flying reptiles and other beasts, Roraima has sparked human imagination since the time of the 19th century explorers. Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle based his book "The Lost World" (1912) about men and dinosaurs on the tales from early explorers to this plateau. This was the inspiration for Jurassic Park. The modern expedition team encounters the animals, people and extreme habitat on its route across the Gran Sabana and up the 9000 ft. mountain. Once there they explore a new cave system, that may well contain new forms of life.

Scott P
12-16-2006, 10:32 AM
watched this earlier on animal planet. very interesting. really beautiful place. anyone else catch it ?

I didn't catch the show, but I've been there in person. We even ran into some people working for the discovery channel as well, and they were teasing about using pictures of us in our underwear for the TV show. We also got attacked by some huge ants. :eek2:

If interested, you can read my trip report below:


You can also see a few webpages I've writtin on the mountain and on surrounding ones:




12-16-2006, 08:29 PM
hopefully you can look back and laugh at that now.

that would be an incredible place to visit. i've never had much desire to go beyond the u.s. (even if i could), but this place (and mount kenya) are just incredible. as soon as uncle ed contacts me i'll be good to go. hahaha.