View Full Version : Pepper Spray

09-19-2006, 11:40 AM
Ok, so I'm a Military Policemen now. I just have a little tip for all of you. If a cop pulls out his can of OC (More commonly known as pepper spray or mace) just do what he tells you to do. I don't care what it is. It's not worth it. I got sprayed today as a qualification. More like a hazing initiation but we wont get into that. It was one of the most painfull things I have ever been through. It was three hours ago and my face is still on fire. One guy put it best when he said it was the gift that keeps on giving. I'll see if I can get some pictures of it and post them.

09-19-2006, 11:44 AM
Which hurts worse...your eyes, or your lungs?

09-19-2006, 12:51 PM
Thanks for the advice but I would prefer to resist arrest and deal with the pepper spary. :hair:

Scott Card
09-19-2006, 01:32 PM
I have never figured out the logic of having to submit to being sprayed or tazed in order to carry pepper spray or a tazer. Do you have to get shot to carry a gun? :ne_nau: I know that is a wisenheimer comment but the logic behind the self abuse defies explanation. :popcorn:

09-19-2006, 01:45 PM
No, but I would carry a gun to avoid getting sprayed or shocked.

09-19-2006, 02:10 PM
Question: sort of off topic but not really:

Is pepper spray made for animals(bears) the same stuff as for humans?

We hike a lot in the Corner Canyon area and sometimes we can't help but be there at dusk. Maybe I am just a wuss but I swear sometimes there are things waiting to eat me in the bushes next to the trail :eek2: . One night we saw some scary looking glowing eyes and then a month after that a deer carcass ripped to shreds next to the trail.

I'd imagine pepper spray would work on big cats. Any thoughts? Anybody else carry something to defend against hungry felines? :mrgreen: (besides a gun)

We are moving up top on the hill soon and will be out there a lot in the dark probably. Maybe I should just yell hey Kitty :eatme:

09-19-2006, 03:56 PM
Question: sort of off topic but not really:

Is pepper spray made for animals(bears) the same stuff as for humans?

We hike a lot in the Corner Canyon area and sometimes we can't help but be there at dusk. Maybe I am just a wuss but I swear sometimes there are things waiting to eat me in the bushes next to the trail :eek2: . One night we saw some scary looking glowing eyes and then a month after that a deer carcass ripped to shreds next to the trail.

I'd imagine pepper spray would work on big cats. Any thoughts? Anybody else carry something to defend against hungry felines? :mrgreen: (besides a gun)

We are moving up top on the hill soon and will be out there a lot in the dark probably. Maybe I should just yell hey Kitty :eatme:

Yep....most likely it is a BIG kitty waiting to get you! :nod: For those who didn't see this in another forum, my neighbor got this photo one night of a 4-legged prowler in his backyard. He has survellience equipment (don't ask me why) and the cougar tripped the wire. I live very close to the corner canyon hiking area.

I'd imagine pepper spray would work on big cats. Any thoughts? Anybody else carry something to defend against hungry felines? :mrgreen: (besides a gun)

Some giant Tender Vittles maybe? :ne_nau:


09-19-2006, 04:04 PM
Ok, so I'm a Military Policemen now. I just have a little tip for all of you. If a cop pulls out his can of OC (More commonly known as pepper spray or mace) just do what he tells you to do. I don't care what it is. It's not worth it. I got sprayed today as a qualification. More like a hazing initiation but we wont get into that. It was one of the most painfull things I have ever been through. It was three hours ago and my face is still on fire. One guy put it best when he said it was the gift that keeps on giving. I'll see if I can get some pictures of it and post them.

The same advice goes for people who attend Mardi Gras in New Orleans. If a police officer asks you to do something (like move if you're blocking the flow of people traffic) don't ask why. Just do it. Their tempers are really short during the Mardi Gras season and just one rowdy person could cause a real riot to break out, so they take ZERO crap from the crowds. :chairshot: If you get arrested, then your punishment is to spend the rest of Carnival in lock-up. :ymca: They did a really cool episode on Cops for Mardi Gras season a few years back. I caught it again just the other night.


Wasatch Rebel
09-19-2006, 08:58 PM
I don't believe that the Pepper spray used on bears is the same kind. From what I know, it comes in different strengths. For example, as a mailman, I've sprayed dogs a few times. Some drop away, scraping their noses with their paws, coughing and wheezing. And some just keep on coming as if you hit them with nothing. My dad on the other hand, went fishing in Alaska and had to use pepper bombs for the big brown bears up there, and they fled from the effects immediately. So I think one might be 1% and one might be 50% in strength or something. I've gotten just a whiff of the stuff I use on dogs when the wind has been wrong and that was enough to tell me I never want that stuff sprayed in my face. :nod:

09-20-2006, 10:25 AM
Question: sort of off topic but not really:

Is pepper spray made for animals(bears) the same stuff as for humans?

We hike a lot in the Corner Canyon area and sometimes we can't help but be there at dusk. Maybe I am just a wuss but I swear sometimes there are things waiting to eat me in the bushes next to the trail :eek2: . One night we saw some scary looking glowing eyes and then a month after that a deer carcass ripped to shreds next to the trail.

I'd imagine pepper spray would work on big cats. Any thoughts? Anybody else carry something to defend against hungry felines? :mrgreen: (besides a gun)

We are moving up top on the hill soon and will be out there a lot in the dark probably. Maybe I should just yell hey Kitty :eatme:

Right on the canister of bear spray it says "do not use on humans," but that wouldn't stop me from using it on some slime ball in a defensive situation. It also says to practice with the stuff before you need to use it (they have practice canisters), and make sure you're up wind of the bear and within 15 feet (5 feet is better). I can't see any reason why it wouldn't work on a large cat but I make no promises. I've heard/seen on TV that household ammonia in a ziploc sandwich bag (kinda like a water balloon) will drive them away too, but I can't prove that.

The one thing you should do if you get some bear spray is buy the holster for the spray canister. It's gonna do you no good if it's in you pack when the bear/cougar attacks. Pack that heat on your hip.

09-20-2006, 10:31 AM
Looks like an image bar candidate to me.

09-20-2006, 11:16 AM
Grizzly scat: Full of jingle bells, smells like peper spray.

09-20-2006, 12:26 PM
Grizzly scat: Full of jingle bells, smells like peper spray.

I'm with ya. If it wants to eat me I'm inclined to kill it. S&W .357. But when that solution is prohibited I like the pepper spray idea.

09-20-2006, 02:19 PM

Here's a mountain lion that i photographed with my special canyon surveillence camera.


09-20-2006, 02:24 PM
Sorry to call BS on your neighbor, but he's full of it.

Look familiar?

09-20-2006, 02:41 PM
Sorry to call BS on your neighbor, but he's full of it.

Look familiar?

I retract my nomination.

09-20-2006, 04:54 PM
Sorry to call BS on your neighbor, but he's full of it.

Look familiar?

Wow......where did this come from originally then? All I know is that people in my neighborhood were talking about tracks and such, and this guy emailed everyone in the area (I live in a PUD community) with this photo saying he had gotten the shot with his outdoor survellience camera.
I didn't know it wasn't a "for real" photo. I honestly thought it was authentic. :ne_nau: I guess my neighbor is more weird than I already thought. (I think he is an ex CIA official) :cool2:

09-20-2006, 04:59 PM

Here's a mountain lion that i photographed with my special canyon surveillence camera.


Geez.....don't be a smart ass, ok? :nono: I put the photo on here in good faith. Aren't those Texas boys teaching you any southern manners? :lol8:

09-20-2006, 05:10 PM
Sorry to call BS on your neighbor, but he's full of it.

Price, I believe this one to be true. Twice I have seen cougers in Corner Canyon. One has a den up near the arch I call Storm Window.

Also seen one bobcat, a dozen coyotes and several fox in Corner Canyon.


09-20-2006, 07:57 PM
From what I understand, the spray they use on humans and on bears and such, is the same thing. It is however more powerfull and based with diffrent things. There is oil based and water based. The oil based just sticks to the skin better. The stuff the Marine Corps uses is 10% Capsaicin. (The chemical in the stuff) The stuff the police use is a bit weaker. Supposedly the stuff doesn't work as well on dogs as it does on humans. I can't tell you why. It also doesn't affect everyone. Darker skinned people usualy dont get it as bad. So as far as the big cats...I couldn't tell you but I would assume that they wouldn't like it.

09-21-2006, 07:11 AM
Someone had sent me that photo a few years ago and I knew I recognized it. I don't doubt that there are mountain lions up corner canyon. My last boss used to hunt them up around Oakley. They're all over Utah. I just wanted to call BS on the photo.

Southern, Does your neighbor really have suveillance stuff set up around his house? And if so, what's he trying to catch?

Sorry about the smart ass comments. I'll try to be a little bit less of a bitch. Texas has taught me that I hate texas and love Utah, and maybe I'm just a little bit jealous of you guys up there. I'll try not to bring my work home with me, or to the forum anyway. :)

09-21-2006, 08:51 AM
Someone had sent me that photo a few years ago and I knew I recognized it. I don't doubt that there are mountain lions up corner canyon. My last boss used to hunt them up around Oakley. They're all over Utah. I just wanted to call BS on the photo.

Southern, Does your neighbor really have suveillance stuff set up around his house? And if so, what's he trying to catch?

Sorry about the smart ass comments. I'll try to be a little bit less of a bitch. Texas has taught me that I hate texas and love Utah, and maybe I'm just a little bit jealous of you guys up there. I'll try not to bring my work home with me, or to the forum anyway. :)

Seems like people either love Texas or hate Texas. :lobby: I always liked Austin in particular, but then again, I have some pretty awesome friends who live there. That could be the difference.

About my neighbor, he really does have survellience equip around his house. He's got the ham radio equip as well.......Like I said, I think he's ex-CIA or something. I know he's a little paranoid! :numchucks: One reason I think he posted the cougar photo to everyone was to back up his request to the HOA for more lighting in the area he lives in. I rather like the fact that we aren't lit up too much at night. It doesn't take away from the views, etc. I think mainly he is just a retired guy who's bored for the most part. :nod:

09-21-2006, 12:17 PM
mmm... bears.

this is why I don't live in Alaska.

09-22-2006, 07:45 PM
mmm... bears.

this is why I don't live in Alaska.

There is one hell of a story behind the taking of this bear and I've tried to find it but can't. Where did you get the pictures, maybe that would help.


09-22-2006, 07:56 PM
I have never figured out the logic of having to submit to being sprayed or tazed in order to carry pepper spray or a tazer. Do you have to get shot to carry a gun? :ne_nau: I know that is a wisenheimer comment but the logic behind the self abuse defies explanation. :popcorn:

Logic?? No Logic unless your into S&M. I've had to train with CS several times and have had to use it at various points in my career. Taking a healthy shot of CS gives you first hand experiance that you can't get by standing on the side lines.

With your newly acquired respect for what it is like to have that stuff in you eyes and lungs you're more likely to use it sparingly. And it was great to tell the defense lawyer that "YES SIR, I do know what that stuff feels like, I've been there."


09-23-2006, 06:40 AM
I agree with WW. Once you've been sprayed, you're probably less likely to just hose someone down with it. You'll use it more sparingly. Also, you become more resistant to it, so if you ever get sprayed in the heat of battle, you're more likely to keep your head.

RE: Big cats
I can verify there are big cats in the Oquirrhs and Corner Canyon. I've talked to the pilot that does the cougar survey.
Last time I talked to him, there were actually several females between Butterfield and Yellow Fork canyons. A little unnerrving, as I've ridden both alone. I'm sure I'd taste all nasty and bitter, though....

09-23-2006, 07:49 AM
Also, you become more resistant to it, so if you ever get sprayed in the heat of battle, you're more likely to keep your head.

Never have been or do I want to be on a police tactical team (SWAT). But those members that I have had a chance to talk with tell me that as part of their training, they have to be sprayed down, fight off two team members, retaining their weapon and then shoot the imaginary bad guy. Talk about keeping your head on your shoulders and seeing thru the mist of tears. They get to where the OC affects them very little, except for the new stuff that just came out. Holy shiet!! that is some bad stuff. :eek1: :eek1: I haven't had a shot of it and not looking forward to it.

09-23-2006, 08:15 AM
Buddy of mine at work was a Hawthorne cop for a couple years.....plenty of career criminals out there, he said many of them would get sprayed and you wouldn't even know it....they'd fight just like nothing.....'cause they'd been sprayed so many times before.

09-25-2006, 12:13 PM
There is one hell of a story behind the taking of this bear and I've tried to find it but can't. Where did you get the pictures, maybe that would help.


Just google "world record grizzly" or something like that. Its not actually a grizzly or a world record, but that's how you'll find it.

09-25-2006, 04:18 PM
There is one hell of a story behind the taking of this bear and I've tried to find it but can't. Where did you get the pictures, maybe that would help.


Just google "world record grizzly" or something like that. Its not actually a grizzly or a world record, but that's how you'll find it.

Theres a few versions of it on snopes.

Scott Card
09-25-2006, 05:32 PM
And it was great to tell the defense lawyer that "YES SIR, I do know what that stuff feels like, I've been there."


Don't tell me, Frischknecht asked you that question.... :lol8: