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View Full Version : Open invite for the West Rim on August 19th-20th

08-08-2006, 08:14 AM
I just picked up a permit for campsite #4 at the West Rim of Zion on August 19-20th. I plan on camping at Lava Point Campground on the 18th, start hiking Saturday morning, camping at #4 Saturday night and hiking out to the Grotto Sunday.

The permit is good for 12 people and right now I only got about 4 committed to go. So I am giving out the extra spots free of charge first come, first serve.

If you want to go email me: james_b_wads@msn.com


Route information:

Pictures from Tanya at http://www.zionnational-park.com/




08-08-2006, 08:33 AM
Oh damn, I so wish I could go. But my wife is not too pleased with me being gone 4 weekends in a row already :frustrated:
Please post back here if you filled up the spots? Maybe I can get away....again :five:

08-08-2006, 08:45 AM
Oh damn, I so wish I could go. But my wife is not too pleased with me being gone 4 weekends in a row already :frustrated:
Please post back here if you filled up the spots? Maybe I can get away....again :five:

Yeah, stupid wives don

08-08-2006, 08:58 AM
I wish! My wife is not really into backpacking, just casual hiking. I will see what I can do....maybe some flowers, take her out to the movies...but then I am leaving to raft this weekend, so .... bleh. I will do my best :)

08-08-2006, 11:05 AM
I'm sorry the wives aren't into this sort of thing. It's right up my alley. :nod:

08-08-2006, 11:14 AM
Yeah up my alley also. The West Rim hike is one of my favorites in the park - pretty flat but with some miles with some fabulous views. Haven't had a chance to do it yet this year. Anyway would love to go but have to work my low paid second job! Maybe I'll just not show up - the boss won't know he'll be out of town. :nod:


08-16-2006, 05:36 PM
I still got a bunch of spots open for this one. Sure would be a shame to let them go empty...
