View Full Version : What if you have a neighbor as your "pest"?

05-10-2006, 09:45 AM
Animals I can handle. What if your problem is a pesty (and very nosy) neighbor? :frustrated:

Example: Last week I had two gentleman over for a business meeting. We were outside on the veranda. I heard my doorbell ringing, and there was my neighbor (I call her Mrs. Kravetts (sp?) after the Bewitched character). She proceeded to tell me that she wanted to make sure everything was alright because could see two men from her balcony sitting on my balcony, but she couldn't see me. My first thought was to be shocking and sarcastic and tell her that there was actually 3 men visiting, and the two outside were just waiting for their turn. :eek2: :naughty: But, I held my tongue and was polite and explained that I was in the middle of a meeting.

This is just one episode out of many I could name. When I drive out of my garage, I can see her peeking around the corner from her front porch and such.

How do you be polite, yet keep your distance and privacy? :ne_nau:

05-10-2006, 10:03 AM
How do you be polite, yet keep your distance and privacy? :ne_nau:
I'm not sure why you'd want to be polite to a neighbor who is decidely impolite by sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. :ne_nau:

If I was in your position, I'd simply wait until the next time she came to "check up" on me, then firmly tell her that her concern is neither needed nor appreciated. Although with as nosy as she sounds, that probably won't deter her from keeping a close eye on you from her own property--in fact, she might become even nosier.

05-10-2006, 10:21 AM
I'm not sure why you'd want to be polite to a neighbor who is decidely impolite by sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. :ne_nau:

It's a "Southern" thing. :roll: We have to be polite whether we want to or not. :haha:

05-10-2006, 10:44 AM
You should revel in the fact that she considers you the center of her world. She's bored, and needs good material for her gossip circles. Clearly her life is not exciting anymore, so she must find excitement through others.

Give her some good material!!! Your first impulse to tell her that you were "seeing" 3 men at the same time was probably the best option. Go for shock value man! After a while she'll realize that you're just being ridiculous.

05-10-2006, 11:22 AM
You should revel in the fact that she considers you the center of her world. She's bored, and needs good material for her gossip circles. Clearly her life is not exciting anymore, so she must find excitement through others.

Give her some good material!!! Your first impulse to tell her that you were "seeing" 3 men at the same time was probably the best option. Go for shock value man! After a while she'll realize that you're just being ridiculous.

I'm afraid if I go for too much shock value, I may kill her! :eek2: She's in her late 60s or early 70s. :haha:

05-10-2006, 12:21 PM
Well, at least she's concerned for your well being. I hate noseyness, too, but having someone look out for you is a good thing. Being polite and keeping her at arms distance is probably a good idea. However, when it comes to crime nosey neighbors are your best defense.

05-10-2006, 12:33 PM
Well, at least she's concerned for your well being. I hate noseyness, too, but having someone look out for you is a good thing. Being polite and keeping her at arms distance is probably a good idea. However, when it comes to crime nosey neighbors are your best defense.

I suppose you are right. There is good and bad in every
situation. :nod:

I'm just happy to know that no one here has suggested I use a BB gun, paintball gun, antifreeze or put out poisoned meat to deter her. :lol8:

05-10-2006, 01:10 PM
You know me..... I would have to mess with the nosey neighbor.

Maybe invite some friends over for what appears to be devil worshipping or something. A few black capes, a little chanting, a little dancing and bowing, hold the cat up to the moon, more chanting, drinks some beer..... that should about do it.... :lol8:

Either that or have sex out on the back porch with three men.... its all good.... :2thumbs:


05-10-2006, 01:22 PM
You know me..... I would have to mess with the nosey neighbor.

Maybe invite some friends over for what appears to be devil worshipping or something. A few black capes, a little chanting, a little dancing and bowing, hold the cat up to the moon, more chanting, drinks some beer..... that should about do it.... :lol8:

Geez..........that's just a standard Friday night. :lol8:

Scott Card
05-10-2006, 01:47 PM
Voodoo "Ice" devil's plan will kill the poor old gal. She is just a nice old lady with nothing to do. If you want to mess with her, start opening and closing your blinds like you are signaling or something. Something as simple as turning on and off your porch light will give her something to live for. It will also be a test to see if she really is the watcher in the wig.

05-10-2006, 02:12 PM
Scott: This is off the topic, but I'm just curious as to why you picked a shark for your avatar. Oh wait......I forgot. You're an attorney, correct? :lol8:

Sorry.....I couldn't resist. I'm just joking, ok? :nod: fwiw - I get a lot of jokes made about my profession too. (real estate) :haha:

05-10-2006, 02:21 PM
Geez..........that's just a standard Friday night. :lol8:


05-10-2006, 02:34 PM
This might work.... When I was young and single I bought a new house and held a house warming party for my friends. The party was a theme party and the theme was "Pimps an Ho's"....... I had about 60 people over to the house and all the guys were dressed like pimps and the chicks like skanky ho's.....

Too funny.... It was a real Mormon neighborhood and I was the only wild single guy in it...... I lived there for 5 years and the rumors about me in the neighborhood were just too funny...... I eventually became friends with one of the neighbors who would fill me in on the gossip....


Scott Card
05-10-2006, 02:37 PM
Scott: This is off the topic, but I'm just curious as to why you picked a shark for your avatar. Oh wait......I forgot. You're an attorney, correct? :lol8:

Sorry.....I couldn't resist. I'm just joking, ok? :nod: fwiw - I get a lot of jokes made about my profession too. (real estate) :haha:

Nice to know what you do. It is good to hear from one who is less trusted than attorneys :five: Now for the shark..... I originally started with a Barney Fife action figure... too big of a file. Then tried an action shot of me in Adobe Swale that Shane took last year. Also, too big. Then I went to look for something "card" like but nothing tickled my fancy. Then I went for John Wayne or a shark and Shane said the shark was cooler. :cool: It's Shane's fault as usual. Hey, just keeping the reputation of lawyers alive. Although my persona is much different out side the court room than in.

05-10-2006, 03:23 PM
all the guys were dressed like pimps and the chicks like skanky ho's.....

I'm not familiar with how to dress like a skanky ho......perhaps you could let me know what the proper attire would be? :ne_nau:



05-10-2006, 03:23 PM
It's Shane's fault as usual.

I'm married..... I'm used to it always being my fault :roflol:

05-10-2006, 03:30 PM
Nice to know what you do. It is good to hear from one who is less trusted than attorneys :five:

I know....it's sad. One of my best friends told me once that she put realtors on the same level with used car salesmen. :sad:

Just like attorneys......a few bad examples black lists us all. I work hard for a living (commission based only can really be trying!) and more likely than not, usually give up part of my commission to make the deal work for my clients. :nod: For the most part, it's fun though and I don't have to answer to a boss. :2thumbs:

Wasatch Rebel
05-10-2006, 05:16 PM
I'm just happy to know that no one here has suggested I use a BB gun, paintball gun, antifreeze or put out poisoned meat to deter her. lol8

Maybe you could get a cat to poop and pee in her yard, climb all over her car, and kill wild animals on her property. :lol8: :lol8:

05-10-2006, 05:58 PM
I'm married..... I'm used to it always being my fault :roflol:

Wait.......I don't remember seeing that section in the "Ice School of Wife Training" :ne_nau:


05-10-2006, 06:01 PM
all the guys were dressed like pimps and the chicks like skanky ho's.....

I'm not familiar with how to dress like a skanky ho......perhaps you could let me know what the proper attire would be? :ne_nau:



Here ya go:

05-10-2006, 08:07 PM
This was a great topic and I enjoyed the reading. :lol8: :popcorn:

05-10-2006, 11:00 PM
hold the cat up to the moon, more chanting,
