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View Full Version : Climbing Delicate Arch

05-10-2006, 06:05 AM
Did everyone see the story last night about the free climber who climbed delicate arch? That is amazing!! That guy must be really good. What is your opinion of the act, and your opinion of the park service response. Do these rogue individuals contribute to more restrictive laws that effect everyone else? I've got to admit that I thought it was pretty cool to see someone climbing it, but I don't think I'd like to see everyone doing it.


05-10-2006, 06:15 AM
Yeah, I heard about this on the radio. Dean Potter is an amazing climber, he holds the record for a solo, free climb of El Cap - something like 6 hours. I have a tape called "Masters of Stone, V" that films him climbing that, he's freakin' running across parts of it, it's crazy.

However, I agree with most of the comments on that article. I dont think he should have climbed Delicate Arch - that's his ego getting in the way of rational thought. Climbing the named arches is prohibited for good reasons, imagine if every climber took it upon themselves to climb all the famous arches... not cool. There are areas in the park that are open to climbers, the "famous" arches should be left alone.

(Having said all that - wow! That's a pretty amazing free climb!! Damn, he's good.)

05-10-2006, 07:38 AM
Yeah, there is a thread on this in the climbing section.


This was not an amazing feat. It was a childish and selfish attempt to gain attention.


05-10-2006, 07:55 AM
Yeah, there is a thread on this in the climbing section.


This was not an amazing feat. It was a childish and selfish attempt to gain attention.


I agree, that it was childish and selfish, but I still think from a climbing perspective that it was pretty amazing. Wrong? yes.

05-10-2006, 08:56 AM
It was a STUNT and not a spectacular climb. There are numerous climbers who could have climbed the arch, but instead followed the park rules. It was well known in the climbing community that Delicate Arch was off limits. Dean is getting crucified by the climbing community for this dumbass stunt. Many are calling for Patagonia to drop his sponsorship.

The problem is this will result in more rules and tighter enforcement of existing climbing rules, which has a direct effect on all climbers.


05-10-2006, 09:31 AM
Did he downclimb it without ropes too?

05-10-2006, 10:01 AM
Did he downclimb it without ropes too?

Nah, that "naturalist" Rappelled off that Arch, he should have jumped!