View Full Version : clean your screen

10-12-2005, 06:40 PM
Just because you know we all need to keep things spic and span

This thing really works!
I highly recommend it to extend the life of your monitor.
Clean your PC screen!
I noticed that my monitor was not quite as clear as when I first got it.
Apparently the electrons build up on the inside of the screen with time,
and the picture deteriorates. I found a free program that I used to
the inside of the screen and the improvement was quite noticeable. I
highly recommend it. To try it, click on the following link.

The pro gram is free, works automatically, and takes only about 45
seconds to do its job. http://www.theslurps.com

10-12-2005, 06:45 PM
*One "F" bomb included free of charge.