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crazy horse
08-03-2005, 10:19 AM
Apparently we live in a dream town...
Check it out


08-03-2005, 11:00 AM
Well, I agree about most things, except for when he said "Everyone in SLC loves Rocky Anderson."

I'm calling it...:bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: !!!!!

08-03-2005, 11:19 AM
Well when my relatives come out to visit us, they think this place is unreal. Cheap, beautiful, free things to do, everything so close (up here in Cache Valley).

Seriously, when I was in NJ one summer, we paid $6 to park at this parking lot to walk along the dirty Hudson River that smelled of urine and was littered with trash.

We are lucky.

08-03-2005, 11:52 AM
we paid $6 to park at this parking lot to walk along the dirty Hudson River that smelled of urine and was littered with trash.

We have something like that in SLC. It's called the Jordan River, only you don't have to pay to walk beside it. In fact, they've built a pretty good biking trail along much of it's length. At least 5 dead bodies are found in the Jordan every year. I wonder how many turn up in the Hudson, especially where NJ is the headquarters for the mob? :haha: :haha:

08-03-2005, 12:37 PM
Yes, it is a great place. Let's not let too many know that :wink:
And I'm with gremlin, what's with the Rocky bs. "Everybody loves Rocky! And I only say that because he's my boss, and I'm his Monica."

08-04-2005, 08:12 AM
Nice read!! I like the joke at the end about the polygamists. :haha:

"You think living in one of the nation's most underrated outdoor meccas, in exchange for endless polygamy jokes from your out-of-state friends, is a pretty fair trade."