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View Full Version : Tank Slaughter Story

12-24-2004, 12:10 PM
Ok, without being too graphic I do have a couple of stories. I can share one I guess.

There was a truck full of Marines doing a patrol down a main road, like a big freeway, and there were cars driving past. One car pulled up next to the truck and blew up. There was 1000 pounds of explosives in the car so you can bet the truck was pretty much done. You can bet we were pretty pissed about that. :angryfire: So the next day we went on a retaliation mission. We took about 30 tanks and put them all on line in front of a bad neighborhood. It was a terrorist training ground and there were no civilians living there at the time. So that pretty much gave us free reign. I was in the plow tank, it has a big mine plow on the front of it, alot like a train. So I plowed through a mine field as we pulled up and as soon as we got into enemy rifle range we immediatly started taking fire. :rifle: We all pulled up on line and with the suppost of artillary and air strikes we then leveled this neighborhood in falluja. It took us four hours but in that four hours we killed between 600 and 1000 insurgents. Bet ya didn't hear about that one on the news. :blahblah:

12-24-2004, 01:17 PM
I went and found a picture I had of my tank with the mine plow to show you what I'm talking about.

12-24-2004, 01:29 PM
Other Iraq pictures, just in case your interested.

12-24-2004, 01:30 PM
Our little ICDC friend.

12-24-2004, 02:59 PM
Cool! Thanks for sharing! Good to hear! :kicknuts: The pictures were a bit too big. I fixed them for you. I am sure other users on this site would like to see more pictures of anything that you have from Iraq. Just keep the sizes around 530X350. They fit on the board better that way.

Thanks again! :flag:

12-24-2004, 07:53 PM

I love hearing about stuff like that, unfortunately, all you ever hear about from our f'ed up biased media is about how our marines "killed another little old lady," or illegally killed another iraqui. It's bulls**t!!

So, short of begging, I would ask that you please post more stories/pics like that, as I'm sick of being spoon fed the garbage our media currently doles out.

BTW, I think I speak for the others on this forum who share the same feelings...right guys?!!

12-24-2004, 07:59 PM
By the way, when you speak of having off'ed 600 - 1000 insurgents, how do you guys know it was that many? Do you go through the rubble after the fight, and physically count bodies or what? How do you know it wasn't maybe 100 or so?

Just wondering...

Also, how common are retaliation missions? Does it occur every time a major strike is made by insurgents? Who decides when they are made?

Sorry I'm so curious, this stuff fascinates me.

12-25-2004, 05:02 PM
To tell ya the truth, I have no idea where they get these numbers. Thats just what my command told me. Honestly they are probobly just estimates. How far off they are I don't know. With tanks it's really hard to say. If your taking fire from a building and shoot a couple rounds into that floor, everything on the floor is gone. I don't know how many guys were on that floor. Could be one, could be ten. It's probobly better that I don't know. That way it doesn't weigh on your concience so much.

12-28-2004, 09:05 AM
Sweet. I love it. About a thousand jackasses? That gives me a little extended Christmas Joy.
I love seeing video clips of Iraqis, that look like they just crawled out of bed, start firing, and get blown away.:doorpeak:
I've got a clip, but it might be too graphic for this site.

12-28-2004, 10:48 AM
I think I saw one of those. Theres a guy next to a building firing his rifle and then he gets wacked. Kinda cool. :chairshot: :twisted: :flag:

12-28-2004, 11:37 AM
The one I've got has a guy run out to the street with a RPG, and snipers take him out before he can get a shot off.

12-28-2004, 11:56 AM
I think I saw one of those. Theres a guy next to a building firing his rifle and then he gets wacked. Kinda cool. :chairshot: :twisted: :flag:

Yeah that one is in the video section here: http://uutah.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17

Not too graphic. I posted it!