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  1. Congressman Adam Schiff won't support his own bill under Trump (1 replies)
  2. Another democrat sh!!hole (62 replies)
  3. Socialism works (0 replies)
  4. Tax Calculator based on candidates tax plan (0 replies)
  5. Invite Bernie Sanders in SLC Tomorrow! (9 replies)
  6. Hillary Hump Bump (0 replies)
  7. Dear Liberal…Here’s Why I’m So Hostile (3 replies)
  8. Troops on the ground in Iraq (2 replies)
  9. Top democrat calls it quits (1 replies)
  10. I just about DIED (2 replies)
  11. Defunding Planned Parenthood (0 replies)
  12. Is EPA Admin Gina McCarthy a complete idiot? (1 replies)
  13. Any Dem at all 2016 F*** YEAH!!! (0 replies)
  14. Clinton Campaign breaking Federal law - again (0 replies)
  15. China (1 replies)
  16. Actress Ellen Page owned by Ted Cruz in ambush LGBT debate (2 replies)
  17. The Donald (0 replies)
  18. Allen West on Iran (1 replies)
  19. History of democrat party (0 replies)
  20. liberals hate this 12 year old (0 replies)
  21. obama's son?? (2 replies)
  22. Joe Biden's Butt Buddy (1 replies)
  23. State of the Union 2015 (2 replies)
  24. Peas in a Pod (3 replies)
  25. Obama (1 replies)
  26. Deporting Terrorists (0 replies)
  27. It's getting embarrassing (0 replies)
  28. No, this is not a parody (3 replies)
  29. Benghazi (7 replies)
  30. Who is John Gruber? (5 replies)
  31. MidTerm Elections 2014 (2 replies)
  32. The Secret Service White House Intruder Scandal (0 replies)
  33. obama's war (5 replies)
  34. Should the minimum wage be raised? (1 replies)
  35. Chomsky read (3 replies)
  36. Answer to--Peaceful muslims (0 replies)
  37. VA Scandal (0 replies)
  38. He heard it on the news (2 replies)
  39. Hillary Clinton's Greatest Accomplishment (1 replies)
  40. John Boehner's racist remarks revealed (3 replies)
  41. What? No Benghazi Thread? (6 replies)
  42. Alex Wagner Loves Chris Christie (0 replies)
  43. Electile Disfunction (0 replies)
  44. Harry Reid's Koch Addiction (0 replies)
  45. Ted Cruz (6 replies)
  46. The 1980's Called... (1 replies)
  47. Gowdy on Obama's Drone Policy killing US Citizens (0 replies)
  48. IRS Scandal (2 replies)
  49. Trey Gowdy Explodes on Obama (1 replies)
  50. obama's new programs (0 replies)
  51. AR-15 in Honor of MLK (4 replies)
  52. 21,093,273 (1 replies)
  53. Political Loser of the Year 2013 (1 replies)
  54. Introducing your child to politics? Need parenting advice. (20 replies)
  55. The rich do not pay the most taxes, they pay ALL the taxes (7 replies)
  56. PolitiFact's Lie of the Year poll (5 replies)
  57. George Bush appears with Jay Leno (1 replies)
  58. The Gas Price Conspiracy (2 replies)
  59. The Obamacare Disaster Thread (20 replies)
  60. 60 Minutes Benghazi Report (1 replies)
  61. Mike Rowe responds to criticism after appearing with Glenn Beck (0 replies)
  62. Remainder of Obama's Term to be spent apologizing (1 replies)
  63. Obama's Eavesdropping on Foreign Leaders (0 replies)
  64. Fire Obama Supporters (5 replies)
  65. Mike Lee's poll results conducted by BYU (43 replies)
  66. National Parks will be re-opened soon, maybe Wednesday AM (4 replies)
  67. The President tries to explain Obamacare (5 replies)
  68. You're Lying! (2 replies)
  69. The Truth About the Government Shutdown (1 replies)
  70. List of over 300 Employers who cut hours to avoid Obamacare (1 replies)
  71. Anti Pro-Life student shares his opinions (5 replies)
  72. CIA delivering light weapons to Syria (5 replies)
  73. Global cooling (16 replies)
  74. Joe Biden on going to war (19 replies)
  75. Rape of Iraqi Women by US Forces as Weapon of War: Photos and Data Emerge (11 replies)
  76. Syria. Why? (19 replies)
  77. Higher taxes, anyone? (1 replies)
  78. An easy way to boycott companies (0 replies)
  79. Obama's Contempt for the Constitution (5 replies)
  80. Personal Identity theft (5 replies)
  81. Kind of Strange (7 replies)
  82. Secular Beard (3 replies)
  83. Them arabs are some smart buggers (2 replies)
  84. Tax season (1 replies)
  85. Any Thoughts On North Korea... (5 replies)
  86. Kane County Rocks (10 replies)
  87. Zombies--Bob Hope (1 replies)
  88. Congressman Harris Confronts CDC Director (1 replies)
  89. Famous Patriotic Quotes (2 replies)
  90. Rand Paul Filibuster (10 replies)
  91. Pelosi: Congressional pay cut undermines dignity of the job (11 replies)
  92. Rand Paul Returns $600K (3 replies)
  93. So God Made A Liberal (5 replies)
  94. Crooked. (2 replies)
  95. Wascally Wabbit (4 replies)
  96. American Embassy Bombed in Turkey (0 replies)
  97. At this point, what difference does it make (6 replies)
  98. Court rules Obama recess appointments unconstitutional! (28 replies)
  99. Obama Asks Military Leaders If They Will (11 replies)
  100. Rand Paul grills Clinton (1 replies)
  101. Dear Obama (19 replies)
  102. DiscGo I got you a Christmas present (2 replies)
  103. Pastor Dr Phil Snider gives an Anti-gay rights speech (0 replies)
  104. Syria (1 replies)
  105. obama selling 20 F-16's to muslim brotherhood (6 replies)
  106. Petition for Westboro Baptist to lose their tax exempt status (16 replies)
  107. Canyoneering (3 replies)
  108. US Troops sent to Turkey (5 replies)
  109. Illinois Gun Ruling (29 replies)
  110. LDS Church launches website, resource on homosexuality (110 replies)
  111. Wonks dust off radical revenue-raising ideas (0 replies)
  112. Has anyone else been recently notified of yet another massive health insurance hike? (20 replies)
  113. Post election predictions (4 replies)
  114. Did you vote? (7 replies)
  115. Obama Mural in Polling Room (2 replies)
  116. Conservatism is Calling (6 replies)
  117. Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney. Epic Rap Battles Of History Season 2 (0 replies)
  118. Regan did warn us... (19 replies)
  119. More Electronic Voting Machines Changing Romney Vote to Obama (3 replies)
  120. You Eat This, You Vote That (3 replies)
  121. Don't Ask Don't Tell is back (1 replies)
  122. Business uber alles! (0 replies)
  123. Example of Media Bias (25 replies)
  124. Cast your ballot! (70 replies)
  125. Romney (1 replies)
  126. MSNBC crowd boos 9 year old Romney supporter (4 replies)
  127. Election Fixed? (2 replies)
  128. Ron Paul on RadioWest (1 replies)
  129. The 2012 Voter Poll Thread (0 replies)
  130. Obama wins debate! (42 replies)
  131. Study: Free birth control leads to fewer abortions (12 replies)
  132. Handling trollz with tact. (3 replies)
  133. U.S.Troops to Jordan (29 replies)
  134. Debate Prediction? - More Lying (2 replies)
  135. Hey! Look at that 9000 year old rock. And that one.. (19 replies)
  136. MSNBC caught editing Romney clip (32 replies)
  137. Awkward moments in past Presidential Debates (4 replies)
  138. Debate predictions? (100 replies)
  139. Interesting Election Spending Map (5 replies)
  140. Supreme court rejects challenge to roadless rule in national forests (10 replies)
  141. Racist pictures sent to Mia Love (3 replies)
  142. Head in the sand doesn't work? Teens still have sex? (67 replies)
  143. Obama Merchandise (3 replies)
  144. Obamacare Regulations Cost 20-Times Estimate (2 replies)
  145. U Didn't Build That (8 replies)
  146. Is a War with Iran Imminent? (32 replies)
  147. 15 Photos Of Libyans Apologizing To American (29 replies)
  148. the 911 briefs (15 replies)
  149. Problems with the iPhone (2 replies)
  150. Obama Reinstates God (14 replies)
  151. US: A country that tortures (4 replies)
  152. How to Ignore a Majority Vote (5 replies)
  153. When Do We Become Truly Conscious? (18 replies)
  154. Rachel Carson Didn (4 replies)
  155. Obama's Record from a Civil Libertarian's perspective (1 replies)
  156. The Obama Shrine (7 replies)
  157. Clint Eastwood's RNC Speech (15 replies)
  158. News Does Your Brain Bleed Red, White, and Blue? (1 replies)
  159. Condoleezza Rice Has a Lot of Nerve (17 replies)
  160. We're Number ONE!!! (Utah that is) (24 replies)
  161. Paul Ryan and Rape: Another "method of conception" (34 replies)
  162. A List of Complaints I have About Obama (3 replies)
  163. Inside Mitt Romney (47 replies)
  164. The Erosion of a Free Press: The Case of Wikipedia (6 replies)
  165. Syria, Chemical Weapons & Threats of Involvement (0 replies)
  166. Wartime: Faces of the Dead (2 replies)
  167. Congressional Failure=Supreme Court Power (0 replies)
  168. Race and the Mormon Church (0 replies)
  169. Ecuador grants asylum to Julian Assange (0 replies)
  170. Did the Romney Family Dog Flee to Canada? (with bonus track!) (0 replies)
  171. 3/4 of Americans want voter identity at polls (0 replies)
  172. Pass the Farm Bill (2 replies)
  173. And the Winner Is....(September election) (8 replies)
  174. Romney and Ryan interview (4 replies)
  175. Economists to Romney campaign: That (0 replies)
  176. Conventional Wisdom (a newly formed curmudgeon) (1 replies)
  177. Journalist on trial for "Wiretapping" officers (2 replies)
  178. Romney Schooled by Jared Diamond (13 replies)
  179. Sexualization of female athletes (238 replies)
  180. Why Have Teen Pregnancy Rates Dropped? (6 replies)
  181. Obama's political future (3 replies)
  182. Is America Crazy? (54 replies)
  183. NRA: A lobby for criminals (1 replies)
  184. It's a Weekday, So It's Time for Another Misleading Edit of an Obama Quote (6 replies)
  185. Obama at the Bat (1 replies)
  186. ABC links Aurora shooter to Tea Party (3 replies)
  187. Who am I (2 replies)
  188. Rand Paul (2 replies)
  189. A Tale of Two Cities (13 replies)
  190. GM--paying back the USA for a bailout (0 replies)
  191. Poverty Level (2 replies)
  192. Are Unsecure and Unprotected Gun Free Zone properties inviting mass murders? (28 replies)
  193. You didn't build that (12 replies)
  194. Comedy Shows (1 replies)
  195. Bluffdale, Utah: country's biggest spy center under construction (2 replies)
  196. The Battle of Blair Mountain (0 replies)
  197. Daniel Tosh Chuckles Through Own Violent Rape (8 replies)
  198. The WHOLE Story in Three Pictures... (1 replies)
  199. Only 3 Options (0 replies)
  200. The Fast and Furious Scandal (13 replies)
  201. I Cannot Believe... (39 replies)
  202. Labor Stastistic(graph) (3 replies)
  203. Joseph Stiglitz - The Price of Inequality (5 replies)
  204. Woodward and Bernstein: 40 years after Watergate, Nixon was far worse than we thought (4 replies)
  205. One of the best graduation speechs ever? (1 replies)
  206. Florida 'stand your ground' law... (2 replies)
  207. ... and now michigan ... (0 replies)
  208. The Self-Made Myth (2 replies)
  209. So if a liberal loses its about the negative role of money? (6 replies)
  210. Abstinence-Only's Success Depends on Your Priorities (0 replies)
  211. I Don (1 replies)
  212. Unusual partnership offers students birth control (0 replies)
  213. Hundreds of Mormons March in Gay Pride Parade (0 replies)
  214. 20+ Years of Clinton Presidencies* (20 replies)
  215. Bad News For Obama...Worse For Americans (1 replies)
  216. Hell of a thing to say for Memorial Day (37 replies)
  217. Do Abortions Cause Breast Cancer? (34 replies)
  218. Penn's rant on Obama's drug use. (23 replies)
  219. A new kind of Republican (1 replies)
  220. Michelle Goldberg on the Ann Romney Hitler Tempest (10 replies)
  221. America (2 replies)
  222. A Refreshing Thought (4 replies)
  223. Let's Pretend (29 replies)
  224. Whats a social liberal to do? (11 replies)
  225. Are Women Too Stupid To Understand Abortion? (80 replies)
  226. Wheres obama's cherry picked outrage now?? (8 replies)
  227. The Life of Julia (5 replies)
  228. It (24 replies)
  229. A Complete Guide to (1 replies)
  230. It's Time for a Mormon President (0 replies)
  231. The axis of evil vs the ass cheeks of evil (2 replies)
  232. Obama and the use of "executive orders" (1 replies)
  233. How America Came To Torture Its Prisoners (3 replies)
  234. The Hunger Games and Female Characters (2 replies)
  235. UC Davis Protest: Retirement and pending actions (3 replies)
  236. Your Captions Please... (6 replies)
  237. Bye Bye Santorum (6 replies)
  238. Paul Ryan (1 replies)
  239. Trayvon Martin Case (54 replies)
  240. Hmmmmmmmmm (13 replies)
  241. Why is this legal? (2 replies)
  242. Framing Occupy WallStreet (OWS): Bums or Organized Participatory Democracy (1 replies)
  243. SCOTUS--Firearms mandatory (19 replies)
  244. Do anti-Obama extremist know the definition of "racist" (44 replies)
  245. What Does "Flexibility" Mean? (3 replies)
  246. Kid removed from home based on a "smell" in house (12 replies)
  247. The Mantle (12 replies)
  248. One Of Those Things You Say Just To Get Support Or... (56 replies)
  249. Obama said he'll have 'more flexibility' after the election (2 replies)
  250. Political Overlap Quiz (20 replies)