View Full Version : The Political Arena
- Political Overlap Quiz
- Obama said he'll have 'more flexibility' after the election
- One Of Those Things You Say Just To Get Support Or...
- The Mantle
- Kid removed from home based on a "smell" in house
- What Does "Flexibility" Mean?
- Do anti-Obama extremist know the definition of "racist"
- SCOTUS--Firearms mandatory
- Framing Occupy WallStreet (OWS): Bums or Organized Participatory Democracy
- Why is this legal?
- Hmmmmmmmmm
- Trayvon Martin Case
- Paul Ryan
- Bye Bye Santorum
- Your Captions Please...
- UC Davis Protest: Retirement and pending actions
- The Hunger Games and Female Characters
- How America Came To Torture Its Prisoners
- Obama and the use of "executive orders"
- The axis of evil vs the ass cheeks of evil
- It's Time for a Mormon President
- A Complete Guide to
- It
- The Life of Julia
- Wheres obama's cherry picked outrage now??
- Are Women Too Stupid To Understand Abortion?
- Whats a social liberal to do?
- Let's Pretend
- A Refreshing Thought
- America
- Michelle Goldberg on the Ann Romney Hitler Tempest
- A new kind of Republican
- Penn's rant on Obama's drug use.
- Do Abortions Cause Breast Cancer?
- Hell of a thing to say for Memorial Day
- Bad News For Obama...Worse For Americans
- 20+ Years of Clinton Presidencies*
- Hundreds of Mormons March in Gay Pride Parade
- Unusual partnership offers students birth control
- I Don
- Abstinence-Only's Success Depends on Your Priorities
- So if a liberal loses its about the negative role of money?
- The Self-Made Myth
- ... and now michigan ...
- Florida 'stand your ground' law...
- One of the best graduation speechs ever?
- Woodward and Bernstein: 40 years after Watergate, Nixon was far worse than we thought
- Joseph Stiglitz - The Price of Inequality
- Labor Stastistic(graph)
- I Cannot Believe...
- The Fast and Furious Scandal
- Only 3 Options
- The WHOLE Story in Three Pictures...
- Daniel Tosh Chuckles Through Own Violent Rape
- The Battle of Blair Mountain
- Bluffdale, Utah: country's biggest spy center under construction
- Comedy Shows
- You didn't build that
- Are Unsecure and Unprotected Gun Free Zone properties inviting mass murders?
- Poverty Level
- GM--paying back the USA for a bailout
- A Tale of Two Cities
- Rand Paul
- Who am I
- ABC links Aurora shooter to Tea Party
- Obama at the Bat
- It's a Weekday, So It's Time for Another Misleading Edit of an Obama Quote
- NRA: A lobby for criminals
- Is America Crazy?
- Obama's political future
- Why Have Teen Pregnancy Rates Dropped?
- Sexualization of female athletes
- Romney Schooled by Jared Diamond
- Journalist on trial for "Wiretapping" officers
- Conventional Wisdom (a newly formed curmudgeon)
- Economists to Romney campaign: That
- Romney and Ryan interview
- And the Winner Is....(September election)
- Pass the Farm Bill
- 3/4 of Americans want voter identity at polls
- Did the Romney Family Dog Flee to Canada? (with bonus track!)
- Ecuador grants asylum to Julian Assange
- Race and the Mormon Church
- Congressional Failure=Supreme Court Power
- Wartime: Faces of the Dead
- Syria, Chemical Weapons & Threats of Involvement
- The Erosion of a Free Press: The Case of Wikipedia
- Inside Mitt Romney
- A List of Complaints I have About Obama
- Paul Ryan and Rape: Another "method of conception"
- We're Number ONE!!! (Utah that is)
- Condoleezza Rice Has a Lot of Nerve
- News Does Your Brain Bleed Red, White, and Blue?
- Clint Eastwood's RNC Speech
- The Obama Shrine
- Obama's Record from a Civil Libertarian's perspective
- Rachel Carson Didn
- When Do We Become Truly Conscious?
- How to Ignore a Majority Vote
- US: A country that tortures
- Obama Reinstates God
- Problems with the iPhone
- the 911 briefs
- 15 Photos Of Libyans Apologizing To American
- Is a War with Iran Imminent?
- U Didn't Build That
- Obamacare Regulations Cost 20-Times Estimate
- Obama Merchandise
- Head in the sand doesn't work? Teens still have sex?
- Racist pictures sent to Mia Love
- Supreme court rejects challenge to roadless rule in national forests
- Interesting Election Spending Map
- Debate predictions?
- Awkward moments in past Presidential Debates
- MSNBC caught editing Romney clip
- Hey! Look at that 9000 year old rock. And that one..
- Debate Prediction? - More Lying
- U.S.Troops to Jordan
- Handling trollz with tact.
- Study: Free birth control leads to fewer abortions
- Obama wins debate!
- The 2012 Voter Poll Thread
- Ron Paul on RadioWest
- Election Fixed?
- MSNBC crowd boos 9 year old Romney supporter
- Romney
- Cast your ballot!
- Example of Media Bias
- Business uber alles!
- Don't Ask Don't Tell is back
- You Eat This, You Vote That
- More Electronic Voting Machines Changing Romney Vote to Obama
- Regan did warn us...
- Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney. Epic Rap Battles Of History Season 2
- Conservatism is Calling
- Obama Mural in Polling Room
- Did you vote?
- Post election predictions
- Has anyone else been recently notified of yet another massive health insurance hike?
- Wonks dust off radical revenue-raising ideas
- LDS Church launches website, resource on homosexuality
- Illinois Gun Ruling
- US Troops sent to Turkey
- Canyoneering
- Petition for Westboro Baptist to lose their tax exempt status
- obama selling 20 F-16's to muslim brotherhood
- Syria
- Pastor Dr Phil Snider gives an Anti-gay rights speech
- DiscGo I got you a Christmas present
- Dear Obama
- Rand Paul grills Clinton
- Obama Asks Military Leaders If They Will
- Court rules Obama recess appointments unconstitutional!
- At this point, what difference does it make
- American Embassy Bombed in Turkey
- Wascally Wabbit
- Crooked.
- So God Made A Liberal
- Rand Paul Returns $600K
- Pelosi: Congressional pay cut undermines dignity of the job
- Rand Paul Filibuster
- Famous Patriotic Quotes
- Congressman Harris Confronts CDC Director
- Zombies--Bob Hope
- Kane County Rocks
- Any Thoughts On North Korea...
- Tax season
- Them arabs are some smart buggers
- Secular Beard
- Kind of Strange
- Personal Identity theft
- Obama's Contempt for the Constitution
- An easy way to boycott companies
- Higher taxes, anyone?
- Syria. Why?
- Rape of Iraqi Women by US Forces as Weapon of War: Photos and Data Emerge
- Joe Biden on going to war
- Global cooling
- CIA delivering light weapons to Syria
- Anti Pro-Life student shares his opinions
- List of over 300 Employers who cut hours to avoid Obamacare
- The Truth About the Government Shutdown
- You're Lying!
- The President tries to explain Obamacare
- National Parks will be re-opened soon, maybe Wednesday AM
- Mike Lee's poll results conducted by BYU
- Fire Obama Supporters
- Obama's Eavesdropping on Foreign Leaders
- Remainder of Obama's Term to be spent apologizing
- Mike Rowe responds to criticism after appearing with Glenn Beck
- 60 Minutes Benghazi Report
- The Obamacare Disaster Thread
- The Gas Price Conspiracy
- George Bush appears with Jay Leno
- PolitiFact's Lie of the Year poll
- The rich do not pay the most taxes, they pay ALL the taxes
- Introducing your child to politics? Need parenting advice.
- Political Loser of the Year 2013
- 21,093,273
- AR-15 in Honor of MLK
- obama's new programs
- Trey Gowdy Explodes on Obama
- IRS Scandal
- Gowdy on Obama's Drone Policy killing US Citizens
- The 1980's Called...
- Ted Cruz
- Harry Reid's Koch Addiction
- Electile Disfunction
- Alex Wagner Loves Chris Christie
- What? No Benghazi Thread?
- John Boehner's racist remarks revealed
- Hillary Clinton's Greatest Accomplishment
- He heard it on the news
- VA Scandal
- Answer to--Peaceful muslims
- Chomsky read
- Should the minimum wage be raised?
- obama's war
- The Secret Service White House Intruder Scandal
- MidTerm Elections 2014
- Who is John Gruber?
- Benghazi
- No, this is not a parody
- It's getting embarrassing
- Deporting Terrorists
- Obama
- Peas in a Pod
- State of the Union 2015
- Joe Biden's Butt Buddy
- obama's son??
- liberals hate this 12 year old
- History of democrat party
- Allen West on Iran
- The Donald
- Actress Ellen Page owned by Ted Cruz in ambush LGBT debate
- China
- Clinton Campaign breaking Federal law - again
- Any Dem at all 2016 F*** YEAH!!!
- Is EPA Admin Gina McCarthy a complete idiot?
- Defunding Planned Parenthood
- I just about DIED
- Top democrat calls it quits
- Troops on the ground in Iraq
- Dear Liberal…Here’s Why I’m So Hostile
- Hillary Hump Bump
- Invite Bernie Sanders in SLC Tomorrow!
- Tax Calculator based on candidates tax plan
- Socialism works
- Another democrat sh!!hole
- Congressman Adam Schiff won't support his own bill under Trump
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