View Full Version : The Political Arena
- Senate passes bill blocking public access to many government records
- Senate approves bill allowing guns around schools
- a conservative willing to say it
- New Military Trials at Guantanamo
- News in times of buget cuts, cut things that make money
- Let's not get too wigged out about the NPR executive's stupidity.
- Wis. GOP strips public workers' bargaining rights
- In other critical legislative matters...
- The Entire State of Maine Gets A Waiver On ObamaCare
- News Utah's village idiot announces retirement
- What Planned Parenthood does
- Must See Chart: Tax Breaks for the Rich Versus Budget Cuts
- 11 year old rape victim is to blame
- Mormon Politicians From Utah Feel Tea Party Heat
- Comparison: Small business in the US vs. 21 rich democracies
- Top Florida Lawmaker Resurrects Creationism Bill
- Obama's War
- Missing Thread?
- US foreclosures
- Your America isn't the only one, Mr. Huckabee
- Should Liberals Admit That We Won the War in Iraq?
- Does the Universe Need God?
- estate tax impact on farms & small businesses
- Dear IRS
- News Man Fired from LDS Church For Refusing to Give Up Gay Friends
- Sex outside marriage should be illegal (says alaska gov. appointee)
- Biden's staff lock journalist in a closet for hours during a fundraiser to stop
- For JP - Libya vs. Iraq
- Ron Paul returns unused portion of budget to treasury.
- The Birther Primary
- Pat Condell - truth?
- On Serbia, Rand Paul needs to hit the history books.
- Obama enters the race
- The Path to Prosperity: America's two futures, visualized
- U of U President urges LDS to join ACLU
- Of 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%
- Gov Shutdown (Was Neon, Ringtail, Baker)
- Economic Jeopardy
- What Would Reagan Do?
- Obama's Speech
- It Gets Better: Apple Employees
- Arizona gov. vetoes presidential 'birther' bill
- Funniest vid Eva!
- Senate 510 passes. It's now illegal to sell, trade, buy any homegrown food.
- WikiLeaks docs prove Saddam had WMD
- Questions For the Mormons on Temple Sealings
- Don
- Ron Paul Steps Toward Third Presidential Race
- Can I get an A-sexual judge please
- Trump 'So Proud,' 'So Honored' Obama Released Birth Certificate
- Artist yanks prints from
- Obama Slays the Donald
- 8:35PM MST: Fox News Reporting that Osama Bin Laden is dead
- News Bin Laden is dead?
- Ron Paul on NPR
- Obama Delivers (pic)
- Pakistan Craigslist
- Should photos of Osama be released?
- Obama embracing his inner Dubya
- Who ordered OBL killed?
- Alas, living is not effective.
- Drill Here, Drill Now...Wont lower gas prices
- News Huntsman says his Mormon church membership is 'tough to define'
- Budget Mix-Up Provides Nation's Schools With Enough Money To Educate Students
- Stephen Hawking: 'There is no heaven; it's a fairy story'
- US Debt Clock
- Michigan man still on food stamps despite winning $2M
- Should a San Francisco measure to ban circumcision on males under 18 pass?
- Fantasy Island: Are Republicans losing their grip on reality?
- Rapture Failure Lawsuit?
- Rand Paul's Noble Defeat on the Patriot Act
- The Last Nail - Ron Paul's Floor Speech May 25 2011
- Full civic literacy Exam
- News (fail) the truth behind the American Revolution
- Jon Stewart
- Pelosi pushes to probe Weiner
- Protesters disrupt Special Olympics Ceremony
- Happy 10th Birthday, Bush Tax Cuts!
- interview with Daniel ellsberg on the pentagon papers and current affairs
- From the Desk of Donald Trump
- Social Security overpays $6.5 Billion in one year
- Socialism Ruining Your Vacation?
- Weiner's Package
- Is Weinergate Coming To A Climactic End
- Support Republican Values
- Love Those Canadians
- Bachmann: I support intelligent design
- ANONYMOUS declares war on the system
- Buy,Buy American Pie
- Dan Carlin anyone?
- Gay Bells in Bondage
- Political Knife Fight
- Does Health Coverage Make People Healthier?
- The Great Recession, Part II
- She won't shut up about sex and church
- Ron Paul to retire
- News Time to end Trickle Down?
- Examined Effects of Penis Size in Gay Community
- Infographic: Where America Spent All of Its Money
- Kirby: DeChristopher sentence may be unfair, but he earned it
- Is "swallowing hard" enough?
- Does this guy, "get it"?
- The Freedom to Call People "Terrorists"
- I Do Not Want Mercy, I Want You To Join Me
- Peaceful Anarcy Article
- broken in every possible way
- Stimulus thinking: Adventures in tea-party cognitive dissonance
- Republic
- So Quiet In Here Today
- China Launches air craft carrier
- where's waldo
- Debt Ceiling Analogy
- The Tea Party's Circular Logic
- Ron Paul being Ignored?
- Keynesian vs. Austrian
- interesting video!!
- Is it any wonder our government is a mess?
- Another GOP Candidate?
- Paul Ryan, Washington insider?
- George gets it! Wish more people did!
- Attention Governor Perry: Evolution is a fact
- The theological case for evolution
- Name for a Group of Baboons?
- He never conflated a flesh and blood sacrifice with a stone and mortar edifice.
- Smart Girls Wear Short Skirts, Too
- A Critique of Pure Gold
- (Phase Change)Ron Paul can win!
- Getting Away With Torture
- Massive Taxpayer-backed Solar Power Manufacturer goes Bankrupt
- The True Cost of 9/11
- Is Obama
- Republican Presidential Debate 9/7/2011
- Obama Jobs Speech
- Hoffa Threatens Tea Party
- Top Secret America
- Some frakked up stuff (that I think Spidey will agree with me on)
- The only jobs they think about are their own.
- How To Everything you need to know about Michelle Bachmann
- You Don't Deserve To Keep All Your Money
- A little inflation can be a dangerous thing
- Obama in Id
- Gays now serve openly in the military, and the world didn't end?
- Peter Schiff FULL Testimony Before Congress on Obama Jobs Bill 9/13/11
- News World of Class Warfare - The Poor's Free Ride Is Over - The Daily Show
- Steve Bridges as Obama
- U.S. makes deported immigrants take the long way home
- News From the Treasury Department- Actual spending from the last five Presidents.
- what defines fact from fiction ? and why don't we care more ?
- Koch Brothers Flout Law Getting Richer With Secret Iran Sales
- Go Shopping and Stay scared
- The Douchebaggery of Bill O'Reilly Knows No Bounds
- The No-Dick Rule
- The Donkey Whisperer
- Obama Presidency by the Numbers
- Dear Kurt
- Marijuana... Safer Than Peanuts
- Happy 10th Birthday, Bush Tax Cuts!
- Occupy Wall Street Protests
- Why Small Businesses Aren't Innovative
- You Don't Deserve To Keep Your Private Land
- How Class Warfare Started
- Poor Getting Poorer, Rich Getting Richer
- Great Truths
- The Five Most Vapid Lines from Eric Cantor
- OWS: Occupy the No-Spin Zone
- Anonymous hacks Boston police in support of Occupy movement.
- Corporate Taxpayers & Corporate Tax Dodgers, 2008-2010
- Gays created by the Devil says US Catholic Church Policy Advisor
- Here comes the sun: Internalize the Externals
- Farewell Rick Perry
- Republical Presidential Debate Nov 9 2011 Rochester Michigan
- News 90 seconds of R. Paul
- US inflation eases in October
- Was Calif. police use of pepper spray justified?
- Judge Rakoff Rejects SEC's "Contrivances" In Citigroup Settlement
- News Inspiring One Percenter of the Day
- News Occupy K Street
- Perry Vows to End Obama's War on Religion
- Obama Wants To Lock People Up For Life, Even After Aquitted
- RIP Christopher Hitchens
- Practical Anarchy
- The Father/Daughter Conservative Talk
- The Post-Truth Campaign By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: December 22, 2011
- The Unending Legacy of Torture
- Republicans Try to Convert America Into Pottersville
- 2012 as 1937 Redux?
- What Is
- Did Reagan Raise Taxes? Let GOP Candidates Answer
- Epic Pwnage from Ron Paul
- A bold Liberal
- Will Romney Lie His Way to the White House?
- Obama Openly Asks Nation
- The Great Gitmo Blackout
- Vote The Food Stamp Fallacy
- America
- A History of Violence
- Is This Land Made for You and Me ?
- Why I'm Suing Barack Obama
- The Obama Economic Record
- Notice the difference?
- Newt Gingrich Says Affairs Make Him
- Paul Krugman: Taxes at the top
- Caption This
- How Science Works
- Jobs, Jobs and Cars
- The Secret of American Health Care
- Pipe, Baby, Pipe
- Ten Ways the War On Drugs is a Wild Success
- Recovery Winter Arrives With HUGE 243,000
- In God We Must Why - won
- Tom's New Badge
- Forced Taxation is immoral
- Earth to Rick Santorum
- Even Critics of Safety Net Depend on It Increasingly
- difficult budget questions
- Harvard and Princeton Clearly Discriminate Against Asian Applicants;
- Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich All Promise To Ban Porn
- Pennies from heaven: How Mormon economics shape the G.O.P
- Sex, gender and Hollywood
- Why Patriarchal Men Are Utterly Petrified of Birth Control...
- What If We Treated Doctors The Way We Treat Teachers?
- Everything is illegal
- Hey There, Voter!
- News Mormon church disputes BYU prof's remarks about blacks
- War Question
- Breitbart Dies at 43
- Why We Fight: The Psychology Of Political Differences
- Gender Values
- Romney's Rhetoric
- Moms go Home!
- Due Process
- Ignorance Is Strength
- Flat Earth Society
- Krugman: Natural-born drillers
- Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness
- interesting read
- Stupid Voters Are People, Too
- What's Worse Than Paying Taxes?
- You Are Not the Speaker
- The Tax Repatriation Issue
- Paul Ryan Breaks New Ground In Tax Reform Vagueness
- Paul Ryan's Plan To Eliminate
- Clockwork: White House, Democrats Demonize and Distort Ryan Budget
- and as an example of loopholes added to the tax code...
- The Political Compass - where do Bogleyites fit on the grid?
- Punch Above Its Weight & Strongest Allies
- Voter ID
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