View Full Version : The Political Arena
- Change we can believe in ~ yeah baby!
- LDS Church sends aid to Palestinians in Gaza Strip
- Handgun ban?
- Gasp! Mormon church supports terrorists!!!!
- A Letter To The Obama Girls
- Racism?
- Funding Restored to Groups That Perform Abortions
- Why is Cheney in a wheelchair?
- New York Senate seat: Clinton replacement named
- No Comment on Chinese terrorism in Tibet?
- The Dark Bailout
- Fresh President
- The Chosen One cares deeply for our veterans.
- Israeli Soldier Killed in Gaza Border Bombing
- Stimulus Bill
- What's the Responsibilty of the Federal Government?
- Silicon Valley
- HR 45, a New look at gun control in this era of Change
- More Pressure for Bush Torture Probe
- Report: Teen blackmailed classmates via Facebook
- Are you in love with your polititian?
- Why are you such a Dick?
- In Applauding Single Motherhood, The Times Celebrates Its Ow
- You HAVE to love her
- Mormon's doctrine of self-reliance
- Poor Julio
- You HAVE to love him
- Stimulus highlights
- Obama is tired of your $#!t
- States Declaring Sovereignty
- Just a thought...
- Census overseen by the White House?
- Should DC Have Representation in the House?
- House of Cards
- Kids motorcycles and ATVs are now banned, dealer parts too.
- Not one Rep. has read the Stimulus Bill
- Not the Nigerians!!!
- Bye-Bye
- Rank the Presidents......
- Burris Appointment WAY tainted
- bash this
- Gay Marriage Thread Which has Been Beaten to Death
- Good-Bye Dubai
- Money more important than Human rights in Obama admin
- Sometimes Justice works
- Nigerians get Citibank too
- Obama's latest speech
- The Bailout Prize Patrol
- Byrd: Obama in power grab
- Be glad you don't live in Detroit
- Old Fashioned Values
- Bush Administration Memos Claimed Vast War Powers
- Libertarian ocean colonies?
- new website: [url][/url]
- OctoMom Irony
- Was bailing out GM a waste of money?
- Divided States of America
- London aghast at President Obama over gifts given to Prime
- Put yourself in their shoes.
- does she get it or not?
- Pam Geller talks
- Iraqi reporter who threw shoes gets three years in prison
- Celibrating Afganistan Day (day for the Mujahideen/Taliban)
- Interesting Data on Poverty in America.
- Interesting Data on Poverty in America.
- Check.....
- Bigger, Bigger
- Bi-Partisan Earmarks
- Cuomo to Investigate AIG Over Bonus Payments, Issue Subpoena
- Obama Team Adopts McCain's Optimism on Economy
- Iraqi footballer shot dead by fan before scoring
- Two Faced: Dodd Protected Bonuses, Now He Wants Them Out
- Glenn Beck: Where is AIG $$$ going?
- Ron Paul debates a Baldwin bro about Pot
- Here I Sit...
- Pelosi at it again
- Obama Drops Controversial Health Plan for Wounded Veterans
- Somebody has a clue!
- Dodd Admits Role in AIG Bonus Scandal
- Timothy Geithner: Staying or Going
- Have Honesty and Responsibility left the Building?
- Take this online civics quiz
- We The People Stimulus Package
- Trouble Brewing
- UBS predicts $2500 gold
- Bear Market Rallies
- Socialized Health Care
- Scientists find safer way to make human stem cells
- Signs of Stress, Fraud on Roadside
- Mr. Paynes says
- Freedom Tower Will Be Called One World Trade Center
- BREAKING: UPS Announces It Will Stop Advertising on O'Reilly
- PETA Killed 95 Percent of Adoptable Pets in its Care During
- Congress Debates Elaborate Dance For Obama's Inauguration
- Are you a Democrat, a Republican, or a Redneck?
- Big Brother?
- China's mobile death vans
- Obama to Detroit - "Tough shitsky"
- Coming to a Theater near you
- Karl Marx Quote
- Even the Banks are starting to walk!
- Beyond AIG: A bill to let Big Government set your salary
- Hundreds of French workers take bosses hostage
- Best Administration Officials Yet
- Tax Day Tea Party
- Is Obama skidding or crashing?
- "...only thing between you and the pitchforks.
- Only thing between you and the pitchforks, round 2
- Here's to You Mr. Jefferson
- Grounds for My Statements
- Ted Nugent
- Socialism Explained Through Grading
- Bush still struggling to explain eight-year gap on CV
- Reagan Quotes
- The Careful Exaggerator
- They watch Obamanation grow in unbridled power
- Blazing Saddles: Obama Edition
- 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ridiculous
- Dylan Ratigan Interview
- Hey James Dobson! Don't let the door hit you in the ass!
- The Credit Crisis, explained
- Following the Constitution?
- Best President in the past 40 years???
- Obama's taxes
- Gun sales skyrocket
- About 90 per cent of weapons seized by Mexico ...
- DHS issued report on extremism despite concerns
- Gay Storm is a Comming & Scott Card, say what?
- Did Obama bow to Saudi King?
- Hillary Clinton Celebrates 4:20
- Elizabeth Warren on Tarp
- Humor - Don't read this if you have no sense of humor
- Why Right Wing Nut Job Rhetoric is dangerous to America
- Democrats on Escalator
- Gifted Speaker...
- Good Call
- The swine flu sidebar.
- Ralph Nader: No More Excuses [exerpt]
- Obama wants to cut $100M from budget
- Happy May Day
- Jon Stewart calls Truman a War Criminal
- First Supreme Court Change for Obama
- Privacy Rights
- It's just money!
- Obama and Illegal Aliens
- Ayn Rand for president!!
- Cartoon predicts the future 50 years ago
- What's happening to Republicans in Utah? (from slate)
- Obama to Name Huntsman as Envoy to China
- Obama setting fuel standards
- Evolution
- Silvio Berlusconi
- Obama tightening credit card standards.
- Lost Vegas
- Millionaires Go Missing
- What to do about North Korea
- San Diego County officials shut down home Bible study
- Dick Cheney supports Gay Marriage/Obama is against it
- American capitalism gone with a whimper
- July 4th Tea Party (St. George)
- Who is Minding the Store at the Federal Reserve?
- Facebook Humor
- Obama considering breaking a campaign promise
- Microsoft: Obama's tax plan may hurt U.S. jobs
- Millions Face Blank Screens in TV Switch
- Byrd doesn't like the Czar system either
- Swine flu is now a Pandemic!
- Government to limit the volume of commercials!
- Letterman Apology
- Workers to break ground on New Mexico spaceport
- Guvna? Where are you...
- Father Oprah
- looziana legislature reaches new low
- Hope is Here
- US Treasury to use Cash4Gold
- Winning one for whitie
- Fighting overseas discussion.
- Hey Dude, you take peso's?
- California's new money - IOU's
- Palin has left the house
- What does the rest of the world think of US?
- My day has just been ruined!
- Report: Bush program extended beyond wiretapping
- Doctor Visit - 2020 AD
- $200M / Yr to Honduras?
- No shit?
- No help from the GOP on heathcare reform
- Caller Reduces Glenn Beck To High-Pitched Hissy Fit
- Gays on the Plaza
- Gangster Government
- Finest ham on the planet!
- Real Time with Bill Maher: New Rules - July 17 2009
- Bluffdale man shot while on neighborhood watch
- Paulson getting grilled, woot!
- So California Collapsing
- Americans walking away from their debts
- Mars Icecaps
- 5 Freedoms You'd Lose In Health Care Reform
- Obama's '47 Million Uninsured' Claim Is False
- The end of the recession?
- Blue Dogs Protest Healthcare Abortion 'Mandate'
- Obama Wants to Control the Banks...
- Glenn (mega-douche) Beck calles Obama a racist on TV.
- The economy free fall is over
- Obama = Business as usual
- Stupid Ass Birthers
- Obama vs Bush 20:1
- allows government to takeover your comp
- Population control???
- Read the Bill?
- Master Rebators
- Obama Administration Wants Citizens to Name Names of HealthC
- Programs to change gays to straights don't work, report says
- Chinese Teen Beaten to Death at Internet Addiction Camp
- I'm Ticked! No free car for me.
- President Barack Obama on Health Care Reform
- Man, What Is It With The Men Of The Cloth
- the character of glenn beck
- Health Care Reform - In the Interest of Fairness
- America...F** Yeah!
- Diplomacy - Hillary Clinton Style
- the realities of health care in the US
- Poll: Support for Dem Healthcare Plunging
- Obama's Healthcare Horror
- Tales from the Dark Side
- Five Myths About Drugs in America
- You Can
- Health Insurers Owe Policyholders, But Pay Congress Instead
- The U.S. Constitution could use a tune-up
- PETA's inhumane treatment of women!!!
- AP: Firms with Obama ties profit from health push
- town hall meetings
- That Looser Glen Beck
- Obama to offer Bernanke second term
- White House set for backlash on national debt
- A little good news
- ahhh ... utah
- War (parties) is hell
- Rep. Lynn Jenkins Laughs Off Uninsured Single Mother (VIDEO)
- it's pathetic that some are afraid to let their children
- The United States of Plutocracy
- Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism
- Health Care for every citizen in Iraq via US funding...
- Brave Man Walks Through Anti-Healthcare Crowd [PIC & VID
- Citi explores sale of government stake
- ohh fox ...
- Penn and Teller - Bullshit Vatican
- Gay Marriage "Debate" Tuesday at the U
- Politicos Corruptos
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