View Full Version : The Political Arena
- Why we are in Trouble?
- Obama and The Palin Effect
- Boy if this doesn't piss you off
- Election Day changes
- For all you Obamites
- Jay Leno moderates VP Debate
- Biden vs Palin - TEMPLATE
- Obama Factoids (Questions)
- Almost Free NOBAMA Bumper Stickers
- Explaining the financial crisis.....
- Scientists question terrorist-hunting techniques
- Shots during Tonight's Debate
- Why the government is bad with your money
- factoid check from faux news
- The danger of modern liberty
- Ralph Nader on CNN and O'Reilley Factor (Oct 8 2008)
- Nobama's pals.....
- More Obama Deceptions????
- Lawmaker's son must stay off computer...
- 'America Along'
- Missing all the fun
- The National Debt Clock Runs out of Digits
- Regulation and
- Obama and McCain's Spending Plan Estimates
- Anger over Guantanamo Bay ruling
- Amazing!!!
- Obama secretly tried to sway Iraqi government to ignore Bush
- If this is true, it will piss you off
- Do Facts Matter?
- Farrakhan on Obama: 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'
- Liberal Europe
- Worst of Times~
- Jim Cramer on economy
- Obama on the war
- The Messiah
- an honest question
- I'm so glad the bailout worked
- Obamas Platform
- Greedy Amricans...
- john mccain attempts to excite republican base
- The Governer Race
- Chicago may get "gay friendly" high school
- Uncanny Resemblance ~
- Obama = More of the Same:Obama and Bush are not so far apart
- The Political Ads
- Official Announcement: In Light of the 'Bailout'
- Former UT law grad sues Obama, questions citizenship
- W
- this is your nation on white privilege
- Tangent on Socialism
- Obama's 95% Illusion
- Obama campaign issued 'talking points' to media for debate
- Smaller Banks resisting cash infusion
- Good Morning Mr. President.
- Verizon and AT&T Provided Cell Towers for McCain Ranch
- economic flashbacks (video)
- Chavez says "Comrade Bush" turns left in crisis
- Joe the Plumber
- A Liberal Supermajority
- Palin As President
- Hitchens endorses Obama
- mccain ... great humor at the alfred e smith dinner
- The True Barack Obama
- L.A. Times & Chicago Tribune Publically Endorse Obama
- Obama Rally Draws 100,000 in Missouri
- Powell endorses Obama
- Barack Obama: Rhetoric vs. Record
- Anybody Know Who This Is
- Hawaii ending universal child health care
- Return of the Fairness Doctrine
- Disposable or Reusable Diapers?
- Salt Lake Tribune Endorses Barack Obama
- 20/20 guide on the presidency/bailout
- McCain/Palin compared to Nazi's on Family Guy
- Sony recalls 'LittleBigplanet' over Koran passages
- The Political Spectrum Explained
- Star Wars for President
- Begging for another stimulus package?
- Joe Biden warns America will be tested
- 'Smears' About Obama Largely True
- lesser of 2 evils (again)
- Dem Chairman: 'There should be tax increases'...
- Classic Penn & Teller Type Interview, Stern Doing It
- Caribou Barbie has a $150k campaign wardrobe
- 'B' Carved into women's face
- I think I am done with the polls
- oops
- I'm voting Democrat
- Happy Halloween
- Shocking Obama Posters
- red states / blue states
- A Change of Party
- Why I'm Voting for John McCain
- Obama Refuses to Answer Birth Certificate Lawsuit
- Obama campaign cuts off WFTV after interview
- The Choice 2008
- How much did your 401K/retirement funds lose this month?
- Politicians want free haircuts?
- Palin Strippers
- Obama and McCain - Dance Off!
- Obama assasination thwarted
- Bagging on your Candidate!
- Palin is a Diva
- Obama Tries to Close the Deal in Pittsburgh
- 2001 Interview With Obama On Socialism
- The Worst President in American History
- Woman buys home for complete stranger
- Obama/Khalidi
- McCain / Abortionist- Pedophile-Nazis-KKK-Barbra-Streisand
- McCain wins because of ONE Bogley members lack of vote.
- Hypocritical?
- Biden Blows Fuzzy Math
- conservatives on palin
- Win or Lose, Many See Palin as Future of Party
- Obama Accepting Untraceable Donations
- George Will: The Constitution, it's a pesky thing
- Obama on McCain on Obama
- Anyone Watch Obama's 30 Min Ad?
- "humiliate Bush and his party"
- The Economist Endorses Barack Obama
- Wealth Redistribution Question
- 59% Say Palin is unprepared to be Vice President
- Obsession
- A good idea from the "blue States"
- One for Deathcricket...
- Palin on the First Amendment
- Hustlers Nalin Palin
- What has Obama really done?
- Disturbing trend in MT
- Obama the "Chicken Shit"
- Just call him Sen. Government
- Obama vs. McCain
- The case against Barack Obama - Larry Elder
- In defense of 'the rich'
- How can a 'fellow black American' oppose Obama?
- If Obama get elected, the world will end. Jihaad!
- Scariest Obama idea yet!
- More on Obamas Racism
- Democrats stars align
- The threads of RedMan -- creating a tapestry of horse crap
- Joe Biden says the N word off camera
- God loves the atheist.
- don't y'all have anything better to do?
- Obama landslide!!
- Nolan chart of Obama and McCain
- what's the difference between...
- lunatic fringe
- Presidential Election Results- Obama Wins
- Don't wait for him to screw up
- Only Nader Is Right on the Issues
- McCain shines
- past elections
- Some Happy Democrats
- A Vote For STEFAN is a Vote For CHANGE
- Prop 8 Passes in California
- When you're contemplating suicide: Think Washington
- How did you vote?
- JibJab Campaigning!
- Smack Down (or "lol christians")
- Flag burning on election night
- Watch the news
- Obama Economics
- The Pissed-Off Gay Parade
- Election Maps
- Utah County looking at 10 percent tax hike
- LOL Gays - origin
- Gay marriage poll
- Get Your War On: New World Order
- Obama to use executive orders for immediate impact
- Moved content to main thread
- If not redistribution, then what?
- Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship
- Marines Suspected in Sergeant's Slaying
- SHORT VIDEO: political advertising
- Commentary: GOP should ask why U.S. is on the wrong track
- Scary racism
- Peaceful Gay Protests
- Gulf War illness is real, new federal report says
- Debt is now $516K per household.
- Ted Stevens loses Alaska Senate race
- AOL PM awards.
- LDS Tax Exempt Status
- Let Detroit Go Bankrupt
- Obama Natural Born Citizenship issue to go before the SCOTUS
- Pocket Constitutions
- It's a shame she won't be V.P.
- New Car Coming
- Obama Win Causes Obsessed Backers To See How Empty Lives Are
- Ethics poll
- Listen to this story
- Big Gay Poll
- New Argument.
- Hillary to head State: Is it constitutional?
- Uncle Jay Explains Congressional Recess
- Deathcrickets Mule Poll
- Big Fro Poll
- FW: Nature
- New Movie
- Senate Dems Won't Reach 60
- Obama Worries Liberals
- More bailout bullsh!t
- Swat Team raids local food co-op in Ohio
- Illinois Gov arrested - Selling Obamas Senate Seat
- Using the Bible to Defend Gay Marriage
- NOT a gay marriage thread
- Dear Senator,
- Thomas Jefferson Quotes
- The next 4 years
- Jerry Brown asks California Supreme Court to void gay-marria
- More Californians sign up for public assistance
- Ballot Madness: Tipping the Scales in Minnesota's Senate Rec
- Katrina's Hidden Race War
- World full of Hatred Violence, and Bigotry
- Is this wrong?
- Uncle Jay's Year End Review
- Finally, a shooting I can agree with.
- Good News for the Economy
- Letter from a Christian in 2012
- Food Fight!!!!
- Matheson Give Pay Raise to Charity
- Chrysler spending our money responsibly
- Really sad story
- Army Recruiter Suicides Prompt Investigations
- Milton Friedman on Limited Government
- Kelsey Outs Self as Anti-Semitic Lunatic
- The End Times (ny)
- Atheists send their own message, on 800 buses
- Better Know a District - Utah's 3rd (part 2)
- Joe the plumber headed to Middle East
- New cigarette tax in Utah?
- Porn Industry Seeking Bailout
- No comments on the Israeli terrorism in Gaza?
- This is one corrupt man
- Bush's Greatest Accomplishment
- The Georgia Guidestones (aka American Stonehenge)
- I Guess I'm a Republican
- Who will be watching
- Who will prosecute Bush & Cheney
- It's a great historic day
- Remembering Bush's accomplishments
- What did Bush say to Obama?
- Well, Here We Go...
- the most racist pres. ever
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