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  1. Old Flame
  2. President John Kerry?
  3. Ten most Polite Ways to Say Your Zipper Is Down
  4. Terrorist Alert in France
  5. Golden Wedding Anniversary
  6. UTAH BY 5 . . . TIMES
  7. BYU Jokes
  11. Dumb Utah Laws
  12. Chicks dig $$$
  13. Suspicious Wife
  14. Stick Out Your Tongue
  15. The Blonde Gambler
  16. Three Hells Angels
  17. Travel Alarm
  18. A Push
  19. OUCH!!!
  20. Cheap Perfume
  21. Christmas Shopping
  22. Christmas Eve At The Pearly Gates
  23. Is that YOUR mind in the gutter?
  24. GROSS!!!
  25. The Lizard Story
  26. Christmas Cop
  27. Cheating With An Ugly One
  28. Water In The Carburetor
  29. French Military Record
  30. Confessing Wife
  31. Star Wars vs. Star Trek
  32. Snowplows
  33. Alcohol Side Effects
  34. Why Fishing Is Better Than Sex...
  35. Pickup lines
  36. $99 Cruise Special
  37. Firefighter
  38. Guys Rules....
  39. Are men happier?
  40. International sign for marriage
  41. Scotsmen
  42. Freudian Slip
  43. Such A Blonde!!
  44. Reorganization Clarified
  45. old woman car jacker
  46. Hillbilly Humor
  47. Definition of Bravery
  48. Cali Blues
  49. Juggler
  50. There's a Mormon by Jeff Foxworthy
  51. Rabbit Breakout
  52. Communication - Husband & Wife
  53. Blonde Alligator Hunter
  54. Bear Alert
  55. The Cure
  56. Bummer
  57. Office Politics - Get that raise
  58. Labor Pain Machine
  60. Important Bulletin
  61. Genie
  62. Cold Hands
  63. Olympics
  64. Enough with all the smiley's...
  65. What's your sign?
  66. WOOF
  67. How good is your trailer hitch?
  68. Women drivers...
  69. Crack in your windshield (u might want to open in private)
  70. Is that Clyde?
  71. Women's Key Words And What They Really Mean
  72. Chalk One Up For The Old Guy
  73. Bull Breeding
  74. Women Insensitive? Never!
  75. Be Thankful
  76. The Mailman
  77. A blondes 710
  78. Football FINALLY makes sense!
  79. How To Get A Refund At Wal-Mart
  80. Smart Blond
  81. Be Nice To The Cat
  82. In Hot Pursuit
  83. Gotta watch your timing.
  84. BYU Football Christmas
  85. Dumber and Dumber
  86. Stressed Out
  87. 9 Things I Hate About Everyone
  89. Sister Mary Katherine
  90. Circumstantial Evidence
  91. Coffee
  92. Smee
  93. Pedro Finds God
  94. How He Got To Go Fishing
  95. Best Breakup Letter
  97. Married Life
  98. Blonde Horseback Rider
  99. Deer Hunter
  100. Obsessions
  101. Jay Leno quote
  102. The 50 Most Embarrassing ways to die
  103. The Job Interview
  104. Dear God
  105. Is this your woman?
  106. Irish gas station
  107. Ever get the feeling you're being watched?
  108. Ouch! Open at own risk! Not work safe, well, kinda...
  109. Things You Can Only Say On Thanksgiving
  110. A collection of odds & ends.
  111. Harley or Women, Pick your ride!
  112. Faries
  113. Blonde's Year in Review
  114. Politics Explained
  115. Best Bumper Stickers
  116. I was an Air Traffic Controller...
  117. BYU graduate?
  118. Camping Trip
  119. Stud Rooster
  120. Helping the Homeless
  121. Shooting Beavers
  122. The man of the year...
  123. Sounds like...
  124. The Sensitive Man...
  125. Bedtime prayers - male and female
  126. How to get attention...
  127. Higher payload???
  130. Equal Opportunity Jokes - everyone gets slammed
  131. The train ride - or the mystery of the tunnel
  132. So Arther Davidson goes to heaven....
  133. Backstory
  134. Harley vs. Honda
  135. Another way to get attention...
  136. Time to wash the scooter...
  137. Now Hiring
  138. Interesting New Words
  139. Blue Necks
  140. Really nasty dirty joke
  141. ..
  142. my one and only joke
  143. Hard as an elbow
  144. Only in Japan
  145. Toy Train and the Kitchen Bitch
  146. The Accident
  147. Gettin' Busy
  148. Tequila.......a medical break-thru?
  149. Stealing the Pastor
  150. first time cussers
  151. Consulting the Restaurant
  152. Funniest blonde joke ever....
  153. Redneck Vasectomy
  154. ..
  155. Smart Rednecks
  156. a man and his truck
  157. Caught in the act?
  158. Sheldon Cohen
  159. Wedding Anniversary
  160. A drunk man
  161. She's so old...
  162. Funny trucking mishap
  163. SuperBowl Seat
  164. Tickle Me Elmo
  165. My wife left me.....
  166. yet another brokeback joke
  167. Chuck Norris
  168. Texas Chili Contest
  169. Mr. Sensitive
  170. Rainy Day Zen
  171. Where do you want to be? Prison or Work
  172. Doing Wife W/O Parole
  173. Twenty Dollars
  174. 6 Kinds of Sex
  175. Position Ptredictor
  176. Gun Safety
  177. Smart professor
  178. Grading Papers
  179. marriage
  180. The Blonde & the Windows
  181. How to sell Toothbrushes
  182. Computer Gender
  183. Medical Humor
  184. World's Shortest FairyTale
  185. Today's Dilbert Comic Strip
  187. Scrabbled
  188. Piss & Moan
  189. How Many D's
  190. Lube
  191. Odds & Ends
  192. why you should learn english
  193. Single Woman
  194. Think Before You Wish
  196. 8 WORDS
  197. Southwest Airlines
  198. Daddy Longlegs
  199. Newspaper Ads
  200. Two Hunters
  201. Something for you pups to look forward to!
  202. Failure to Communicate
  203. Engineers Explained
  204. Why parent's drink
  205. Fat
  206. Why it is good to be a man?
  207. The Good Wife's Guide
  208. Bathtub Test
  209. Best Round of Golf
  210. Do you know me? (PG-13)
  211. The Woman Knows Her Club
  212. 3 Brazillian Soldiers
  213. Grounds for divorce
  214. History Lesson
  215. My Fantasy Football Team
  216. The Perfect Husband
  217. My Fantasy Football Team
  218. Politically Correct, Mildly Funny, and Family Approved.
  219. Halloween Party
  220. Final Exam
  221. Michigan humor :)
  222. Interesting pictures...
  223. His & Her Prayers
  224. Kids say the darnest things.
  225. True Love
  226. Wisconsin Snow
  228. Letter From Santa
  229. $200 Bucks It Is...
  230. Corrupt A Wish
  231. To Much Beer
  232. Being a GUY can be tough!
  233. The Old Man and The Beaver
  234. The good husband
  235. Why men aren't published in Dear Abby...
  236. If you laugh, I won't tell...
  237. Bad News Boys!!!!
  238. I'll pay for this, but...
  239. Doctor
  240. Miranda Rights
  241. florida newspaper
  242. Snow White
  243. Divorce!
  244. If Men Wrote Advice Columns
  245. The "why's" of men (for Tanya)
  246. Picking on engineers...
  247. 51 Yrs Ago
  248. The Cheating Wife
  249. Saw
  250. French Jokes