- Old Flame
- President John Kerry?
- Ten most Polite Ways to Say Your Zipper Is Down
- Terrorist Alert in France
- Golden Wedding Anniversary
- UTAH BY 5 . . . TIMES
- BYU Jokes
- Dumb Utah Laws
- Chicks dig $$$
- Suspicious Wife
- Stick Out Your Tongue
- The Blonde Gambler
- Three Hells Angels
- Travel Alarm
- A Push
- OUCH!!!
- Cheap Perfume
- Christmas Shopping
- Christmas Eve At The Pearly Gates
- Is that YOUR mind in the gutter?
- GROSS!!!
- The Lizard Story
- Christmas Cop
- Cheating With An Ugly One
- Water In The Carburetor
- French Military Record
- Confessing Wife
- Star Wars vs. Star Trek
- Snowplows
- Alcohol Side Effects
- Why Fishing Is Better Than Sex...
- Pickup lines
- $99 Cruise Special
- Firefighter
- Guys Rules....
- Are men happier?
- International sign for marriage
- Scotsmen
- Freudian Slip
- Such A Blonde!!
- Reorganization Clarified
- old woman car jacker
- Hillbilly Humor
- Definition of Bravery
- Cali Blues
- Juggler
- There's a Mormon by Jeff Foxworthy
- Rabbit Breakout
- Communication - Husband & Wife
- Blonde Alligator Hunter
- Bear Alert
- The Cure
- Bummer
- Office Politics - Get that raise
- Labor Pain Machine
- Important Bulletin
- Genie
- Cold Hands
- Olympics
- Enough with all the smiley's...
- What's your sign?
- How good is your trailer hitch?
- Women drivers...
- Crack in your windshield (u might want to open in private)
- Is that Clyde?
- Women's Key Words And What They Really Mean
- Chalk One Up For The Old Guy
- Bull Breeding
- Women Insensitive? Never!
- Be Thankful
- The Mailman
- A blondes 710
- Football FINALLY makes sense!
- How To Get A Refund At Wal-Mart
- Smart Blond
- Be Nice To The Cat
- In Hot Pursuit
- Gotta watch your timing.
- BYU Football Christmas
- Dumber and Dumber
- Stressed Out
- 9 Things I Hate About Everyone
- Sister Mary Katherine
- Circumstantial Evidence
- Coffee
- Smee
- Pedro Finds God
- How He Got To Go Fishing
- Best Breakup Letter
- Married Life
- Blonde Horseback Rider
- Deer Hunter
- Obsessions
- Jay Leno quote
- The 50 Most Embarrassing ways to die
- The Job Interview
- Dear God
- Is this your woman?
- Irish gas station
- Ever get the feeling you're being watched?
- Ouch! Open at own risk! Not work safe, well, kinda...
- Things You Can Only Say On Thanksgiving
- A collection of odds & ends.
- Harley or Women, Pick your ride!
- Faries
- Blonde's Year in Review
- Politics Explained
- Best Bumper Stickers
- I was an Air Traffic Controller...
- BYU graduate?
- Camping Trip
- Stud Rooster
- Helping the Homeless
- Shooting Beavers
- The man of the year...
- Sounds like...
- The Sensitive Man...
- Bedtime prayers - male and female
- How to get attention...
- Higher payload???
- Equal Opportunity Jokes - everyone gets slammed
- The train ride - or the mystery of the tunnel
- So Arther Davidson goes to heaven....
- Backstory
- Harley vs. Honda
- Another way to get attention...
- Time to wash the scooter...
- Now Hiring
- Interesting New Words
- Blue Necks
- Really nasty dirty joke
- ..
- my one and only joke
- Hard as an elbow
- Only in Japan
- Toy Train and the Kitchen Bitch
- The Accident
- Gettin' Busy
- Tequila.......a medical break-thru?
- Stealing the Pastor
- first time cussers
- Consulting the Restaurant
- Funniest blonde joke ever....
- Redneck Vasectomy
- ..
- Smart Rednecks
- a man and his truck
- Caught in the act?
- Sheldon Cohen
- Wedding Anniversary
- A drunk man
- She's so old...
- Funny trucking mishap
- SuperBowl Seat
- Tickle Me Elmo
- My wife left me.....
- yet another brokeback joke
- Chuck Norris
- Texas Chili Contest
- Mr. Sensitive
- Rainy Day Zen
- Where do you want to be? Prison or Work
- Doing Wife W/O Parole
- Twenty Dollars
- 6 Kinds of Sex
- Position Ptredictor
- Gun Safety
- Smart professor
- Grading Papers
- marriage
- The Blonde & the Windows
- How to sell Toothbrushes
- Computer Gender
- Medical Humor
- World's Shortest FairyTale
- Today's Dilbert Comic Strip
- Scrabbled
- Piss & Moan
- How Many D's
- Lube
- Odds & Ends
- why you should learn english
- Single Woman
- Think Before You Wish
- Southwest Airlines
- Daddy Longlegs
- Newspaper Ads
- Two Hunters
- Something for you pups to look forward to!
- Failure to Communicate
- Engineers Explained
- Why parent's drink
- Fat
- Why it is good to be a man?
- The Good Wife's Guide
- Bathtub Test
- Best Round of Golf
- Do you know me? (PG-13)
- The Woman Knows Her Club
- 3 Brazillian Soldiers
- Grounds for divorce
- History Lesson
- My Fantasy Football Team
- The Perfect Husband
- My Fantasy Football Team
- Politically Correct, Mildly Funny, and Family Approved.
- Halloween Party
- Final Exam
- Michigan humor :)
- Interesting pictures...
- His & Her Prayers
- Kids say the darnest things.
- True Love
- Wisconsin Snow
- Letter From Santa
- $200 Bucks It Is...
- Corrupt A Wish
- To Much Beer
- Being a GUY can be tough!
- The Old Man and The Beaver
- The good husband
- Why men aren't published in Dear Abby...
- If you laugh, I won't tell...
- Bad News Boys!!!!
- I'll pay for this, but...
- Doctor
- Miranda Rights
- florida newspaper
- Snow White
- Divorce!
- If Men Wrote Advice Columns
- The "why's" of men (for Tanya)
- Picking on engineers...
- 51 Yrs Ago
- The Cheating Wife
- Saw
- French Jokes